What happened to it? It was a nice mechanic to filter out the horrible FotM players and it went poof with mod 6. I read somewhere that it was forwarded to be fixed but can't find anymore. Obviously that was months ago. Months to bring back something that was already implemented is too much, imho.
So seriously, where the fork is the 2s stealth reveal?
No, this is what happens when I wonder what happened.
Man in charge: Ok, this stealth reveal looks broken or my eyes are getting bad, take it down. Fix it.
Dev 1: We're on it.
Dev 2: Sir, we got <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> over here.
Man in charge: Did I hear <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>?
Dev 1: No, he said cheap. (whispers: **** it you pr*** fix it.)
Man in charge: Make sure all <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> is fixed. I'll go get coffee.
Dev 2: Whew, he's gone at last. What did boss say when he came in?
Dev 1: He said "take this down" and "his eyes were bad." Then we fix <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and go home watch football.
Well then sure, if you wanna keep permastealth then give me permaunstoppable. Sounds fair enough? Stealth reveal was there for a reason.
A 2s reveal at this point is basically a death sentence to any TRs that are not MI, that are not Sabos... while having only limited effect to the said MI/Sabos.
What PvP needs, what the devs should do is find ways to balance the MI/SABOTEUER, which every bit of "OP" that is associated with TRs are crammed up into that one build -- the LoL set bonus, the SO piercing damage, permastealth routine, ITC, SE, etc. etc..
Instead, what the 2s reveal achieves is just slow down the rate of attack, without doing anything to the Sabos ability to deal such broken amounts of damage, or be insanely unkillable... but for the other TRs, it just straight-up breaks their back. With the stealth-duration bonuses gone, in my case I can throw maybe 3~4 CoS shots from stealth and by that time stealth is about to break. For Sabos that stay in stealth ad infinitum, 2 seconds is a temporary reveal in short intervals during the whole time they are in stealth, but for the rest of the TRs already effected by stealth depletion from at-will use and removal of stealth duration bonuses, it simply means stealth doesn't exist for them.
Like said, I can throw maybe 3~4 shots from stealth and basically stealth is ready to peel off in the next second or two. That's like 4 seconds total for stealth duration, and during that entire time I'm also exposed?
At this point, "balancing the TR" (or nerfing it, whichever term you prefer) is basically balancing the Saboteuer, and the 2s reveal doesn't balance the Sabo at all, but instead, destroys other TRs which are already balanced well enough.
In other words, if you want balance to TRs, then what you want to do is directly target the stuff that makes them OP. Don't support a stupid blanket-nerf that doesn't even cover the Sabo, but only smothers others.
■ support the total removal of SO from the Sabo tree
■ support the nerf to LoL set bonus
■ support the nerf to SE
■ support the nerf to ITC
Remember the ~mod4 "permastealth" builds. Everyone was frustrated about them, but they sure couldn't kill anyone with all that low damage. The majority builds were the semi-permas with stealth/ITC/Duelist's Flurry rotations, not the permastealth-CoS builds. This is basically what the current Sabo build should be -- highly survivable, pathetic damage.
the rest i don't really care for since sabs aren't exactly a build that should do dps in the 1st place. if only that path was given traps instead of shadowy opportunity.
Well, to be true they did't fix a thing about TRs yet. But at least pallys were toned down. Now TRs can dominate pvp again uncontested. Till it lasts. Hope they are the next to get fixed.
To stealth around means to be sneaky, unseen, careful not to draw attention, to have the element of surprise and give you the upper hand when entering combat. In line with that logic, stealth should be directly tied to LOS (lines of sight). The following options could make stealth behave more as it would in a realistic scenario;
- Stealth meter does not recharge or deplete. It is either active or inactive all the time.
- The targeting reticule applies a refreshing debuff to the rogue that prevents restealthing for 1 second. The debuff drops only if the TR occludes effective LOS from all enemies in range using terrain and environment, and other elements in play during combat.
- TR should be targetable at all times. The reticule turns red, taking the TR out of stealth.
- Stealth should retain its current 100% critical bonus and encounter power bonuses, to make its use worthwhile.
- At wills and encounter powers all removes stealth at the first hit.
- Remove all restealthing mechanics from Shadow Strike, One with the Shadows and Bait and Switch.
- Retain the current ITC as is, and fix Vengeance Pursuit
- Saboteurs capstone, One with the Shadows and the pasive Tenacious Concealment should now reduces the debuff duration from targeting by 0.3 second (Net 0.6 for both).
- Disallow the rogue from contesting a node while in stealth.
The ideas presented above must be taken as a whole, and not in a "I want this I don't want that" sort of way. To summarize, stealth needs to have all the current DPS benefits, perhaps even piercing, to make it powerful. But it also makes stealth exponentially more difficult to refresh and be in combat at the same time. You have just one chance at a surprise attack that will take you out of stealth. If you are to restealth, you have to work for it. Or, you could stay in stealth forever, never attack, but you will have no effect whatsoever to combat and node contesting.
And from what I gather stealth reveal was not intentionally removed. With mod 6 a few more TR things broke. It's like they rolled TR back a bit. What bothers me is that it's taking devs so long to fix something that was already implemented. Or well, provide any note about it.
Wanna go perma? Sure, just don't attack.
It's a TR thing. You wouldn't understand even if I explained it.
Well if you want to push even more TRs into the broken OP Sab playerbase, be my guest.
This is the thing you don't get. Stealth reveal hurts saboteur the most. They're forced into playing more carefully instead of going into stealth and spamming at-wills to proc lostmauth and SO because "rofl u can't see me~".
scoundrels/executioners actually sling daggers in stealth? never saw a single rogue that did it except for sabs and only for shadowy opportunity.
executioners wasting their 1st hit bonus is not gonna happen and their other reason to use stealth is to run away to reset that bonus. never seen anything that contradicts that.
scoundrels might stall for a bit with stealth but it's useless outside of that. only whisperknife scoundrels might throw daggers in stealth but that's simply their paragon specialty. besides, majority of us (which is in extremely small quantities) fight primarily without a stealth bar.
as a scoundrel, i can get a 25-75% bonus damage on bloodbath so it's my strongest daily