why are the elemental black ice sets so bad in terms of stats even when i upgrade them to tier4!
please make them at the same level as burning sets at least.
What i would do is: turn "black ice set" into "green tier" (full T1), upgrade a bit the stats of both sets and remove both overload slots, armor and weapon set bonusses [doable on Black Ice Shapping ranks 2 and 3] an remove the mechanic to spend black ice to empower them.
Next one, "empowerment" sets (blue sets already) left as they are right now but with a sightly buff on stats [dame from rank4 on "black ice shapping"]
And, last one, purple black ice gear with the best PvP stats of all sets. Give it set bonuses (for corrupted: damage. for purified: Defense) and be able to spend black ice to empower them even more to turn them into T3 (as normal non-empowered) and T4 (full empowered).
Nope nope and NOPE. Do you want a bigger gap between Bis players and new players? Im glad i dont have to enter IWD anymore most hated mod on pvp side. I mean pve dailys for pvp? Farming pve encountersr over weeks and farm ressources for a pvp set? Boons/artifacts you can only get if you complete GG and IWD companion/pokemon battle as well?
You can get your improved black ice set but the stats get only scaled up in IWD. In Dominion/GG it just works like the normal eternal pvp set. Pvp should be about skill and not gear, new players already have to deal with r12,trans, mystic stuff etc dont add another thing that would outgear them! Cryptic should scale up the stats and enchants from new players to bis like it works from lvl 10-69. If you want some p2win/play2win factor you can keep IWD (or maybe stronghold) as a gear based territory too have some "fun"
Edit: Ioun stone i choose you! Ioun stoned uses stats boost, its not very effective against your (HAMSTER)atrice
Black Turtle TryhartzIV
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
Easy and short answer: if you dont want to farm IWD HEs, is ok. You can still wear an almost BiS gear as they are "Empowered elemental sets" farming GG, Domination and IWD PvE zones . Leaving Black ice sets as T1/2 gear set is beyond senseless
Why is this beyond sensless? this gear is from a outdated HAMSTER mod which was created for "pvp" players and idk why cryptic added this empowered elemental HAMSTER. A pvp set should be for free with weaker stats as pve t1 or scaled down in pve. Stuff like this is pure venom if you are interested in competitive pvp and as well pve players which are forced to play this HAMSTER. Let me just quote your sign: Player asking for a REALLY BALANCED PvP game. What you are asking for is that new players go through the already hard IWD zone with their HAMSTER gear and try to do some dailys just to get farmed from BiS players. If i had no gear and would be forced to do this i would quit this game Immidieatly, this would be just another reason too keep potential pvp players away from this game. GG
Black Turtle TryhartzIV
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
Beyond senseless for the very same reason you just wrote on your previos post: the time we had spent on IWD to farm the Black ice and both pieces. However, you want to make all that time and efford go into a waste. Is not only "unfair", but stupid too. BTW: we already were forced to farm "BiS" gear for PvE... or will you tell me that you got your T2 gear back on mod 1, in example about a mod before PvP set's release, for free?
Also, remember that black ice set were not the only set added on that mod, Grim and Profound sets were added there too which only could be obtained via Domination/GG farming + dailies as opposed of getting black ice set, which, basically, was a PvE farm with not any glory or seals involved. Also, before the decision of taking out Grim, profound and "Drow" sets (far better than our actual PvP sets), Black Ice gear were buffed to be as good as drow set, so, here, we are not asking nothing wrong but, in fact, this will help a lot of new players enter into PvP matches with appropiated PvP gear, not on PvE sets (which, if your "nerf" on PvP sets not being that good while not flagged on PvP is applied, then, the contrario effect must be applied too: PvE gear while flagged for PvP should grant not bonusses... and i suspect that you dont want this for new comers) as all us can see right now on both GG and Domination. So, getting "free" PvP gear outside from PvP "farming" and be able to upgrade it into "BiS levels" will be easy and optional (by farming IWD, of course, instead of farming "PvP" or, on PvE's scenario, by farming dungeons...) which, imho, is good for both PvE and PvP players.
On a sidenote for you quoting my signature: It means that "all classes must be balance on all mechanics", this is, using the best example on this, if some GWF-class' mechanics like Deep Gash were nerfed to the ground and beyond and devs explained that "these mechanics are not meant to do XXXX", then, all other mechanics like "Deep Gash" (on this case, im pointing out to "Storm Spell") would have the same "rule" applied on them. ALSO, i think that "all gear must be equal to all classes" because some classes get better "benefits" from "burning" sets than others [TBH, i see PvP gear better optimized for PvE than for PvP [not getting into the matter "tenacity"] ].
Ok you got me its stupid from me to think it would help and increase the pvp population if everyone would be equaly geared. I guess you have never played arena pvp in other mmo/MOba's?
Black Turtle TryhartzIV
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
Nah, only on LoL, DOTA, Diablo 2, Aion, L2 and some othes, and doing it soon on T.E.R.A. , not counting fighting games or some shoters Like Quake or Unreal tournament ... so, yep, i have never played PvP.
BTW, thank you for "making a fool" about getting PvP gear from PvE to let PvE players enter into "arena" with some decent gear instead of ****ty one and farmed it on PvE instead of being stomped by BiS players on Arena... seems like your solution about "being stomped by BiS players" are far better and will seduce more PvE players to keep playing PvP than mine.
I dont make it foolish all i see is "its unfair that my BiS gear from 3 mods ago is useless compared to the real pvp set, i did more than other so it should give me a advantage over new players". Lol i think with new black ice sets you would force pve and pvp to do this HAMSTER again. Sry but farming black ice to empower the best pvp set is just stupid in my opinion. All i want to do is arena pvp and give new players a chance to keep up with at least a free pvp set which doesnt give people the chance to skip t1 dungeons in pve that would also be unfair for pve players and would make the already small content useless. Glory and seals should be spend for pvp enchants just like they try it with this preseason event.
There should be some sort of pvp enchants that you could buy with glory and seals like pvp vorpal and pvp r12 which get scaled down for pve as well for example.
Trans PvP Vorpal would be a lesser in pve/open pvp
R12 would be R6 in pve/open pvp
So your investment of ad and time would still matter in pve and open pvp enviroments. But the balance between BiS and new players would be good in Arena and that would increase the pvp population and as well the serious feedback in sort of class balancing. I see so much posts in the pvp section from guys that play over 4 classes on a low lvl equip and think they know how everything works in a PMvsPM on BiS lvl and those crys leads us too those balancing issues we have today... Check the latest threads about classes you would think the game is balanced because there is a thread about every class for beeing op lol.
Black Turtle TryhartzIV
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
crystal892fMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 385Arc User
There should be some sort of pvp enchants that you could buy with glory and seals like pvp vorpal and pvp r12 which get scaled down for pve as well for example.
Trans PvP Vorpal would be a lesser in pve/open pvp
R12 would be R6 in pve/open pvp
That is actually a very good idea. What would I give to get this implemented...
But it would have to be the same the other way around: No matter what level a PvE enchant, in PvP it's only like a lesser / rank 6. OR disable all PvE enchants in the first place.
If there were also PvP artifact equipment, I think most of the gear imbalances would be gone.
But then again, I think it's no secret that the more PvP focused players spend more money than PvErs to destroy pugs / be competitive. So if a PvP player, just like a pug, could get the same level of equipment just by grinding PvP, the PvP player wouldn't spend any more money = bad for Cryptic.
I agree with OP. the black ice (Rank 4) upgrade is pitiful at best, and for the cost it should be comparable to at least grim PVP gear when freshly made (higher base stats, but lower tenacity) and comparable to Burning when empowered (higher stats, lower tenacity).
Raise the empowerment cost by 10x or whatever you need to do to justify it. farming my full black ice set was not an easy task, and I Far prefered its hybrid nature over the flat PvP gears more defensive geared stats.
They scaled up boons to keep relevance in current modules, whats wrong with scaling up the Black ice gear, as it was the main goal of that module. you can say "make old stuff obsolete" all you like, but the fact is they made an effort to include black ice as a requirement for the True BiS gear of this module, so why not make the gear we farmed our hearts out for at least compare to the basic level 70 pvp gear, or be a less defensive, more offensive contender for the end game pvp set. (50,000 ice + 10 unified elements aint cheap or easy to farm... then you need 2 more unified + ~10k ice for EACH piece upgrade)
That is actually a very good idea. What would I give to get this implemented...
But it would have to be the same the other way around: No matter what level a PvE enchant, in PvP it's only like a lesser / rank 6. OR disable all PvE enchants in the first place.
If there were also PvP artifact equipment, I think most of the gear imbalances would be gone.
But then again, I think it's no secret that the more PvP focused players spend more money than PvErs to destroy pugs / be competitive. So if a PvP player, just like a pug, could get the same level of equipment just by grinding PvP, the PvP player wouldn't spend any more money = bad for Cryptic.
I would love this in dominion/arena pvp,all player should be equal and the only thing that matters is skill. Obviously pvp guilds find ways to exploit ad so they dont have to spend money in a game that has so many bugs and issues and honestly i would do it too if i would know how they do this until game reaches a state where its worth it to spend money. But also pve enchants/artifact gear should be scaled up in dominion/arena pvp but not in open pvp where you have to use the gear you wear in a normal enviroment like PE. The downscaled pvp enchants would be just option to progress in open pvp through pvp and as well pve if you want to play both. You can still upgrade your gear but it will only effect your performance in pve and open pvp until cryptic gets rid of this refinement stuff.
I agree with OP. the black ice (Rank 4) upgrade is pitiful at best, and for the cost it should be comparable to at least grim PVP gear when freshly made (higher base stats, but lower tenacity) and comparable to Burning when empowered (higher stats, lower tenacity).
Raise the empowerment cost by 10x or whatever you need to do to justify it. farming my full black ice set was not an easy task, and I Far prefered its hybrid nature over the flat PvP gears more defensive geared stats.
They scaled up boons to keep relevance in current modules, whats wrong with scaling up the Black ice gear, as it was the main goal of that module. you can say "make old stuff obsolete" all you like, but the fact is they made an effort to include black ice as a requirement for the True BiS gear of this module, so why not make the gear we farmed our hearts out for at least compare to the basic level 70 pvp gear, or be a less defensive, more offensive contender for the end game pvp set. (50,000 ice + 10 unified elements aint cheap or easy to farm... then you need 2 more unified + ~10k ice for EACH piece upgrade)
they did this because guys like you and op wouldnt get over it and quit the game i dont give a **** about it if its a good thing for the overall gameplay/experience i would also care about it when this game would offer some challenging pve content but thats not the case since premod1.
Don't get me wrong I'm not completly against a new black ice set in pve and open pvp aspect but it should not affect dominion/arene pvp where all players should be equal and it should doesnt matter how many time/money you spend on your toon. Look how other games handle it like GW2 or WoW. Im not saying Arenanet/Blizzard do a perfect job but its definetly a goal that cryptic should aim for and would be a huge step to balance pve/pvp.
Black Turtle TryhartzIV
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
.Beyond senseless for the very same reason you just wrote on your previos post: the time we had spent on IWD to farm the Black ice and both pieces. However, you want to make all that time and efford go into a waste
Here you go, why should a pvp player has to do all this HAMSTER? Farming gg/iwd and all that stuff. Just give them the same pvp gear we already have man with no farming/gg. i don't get it what is your problem? Why should a BiS gear even exist beside the normal pvp set? You played Lol right? What would you say when you first have to play some ****ty farming games to get BiS in a ranked match?-.- give them a green black ice set lol this the same HAMSTER that we already have when you buy some blues from ah.
My point is if you want to play domination you dont have to do other stuff first to get gear just be lvl 70 get the pvp gear qeue for it and everyone is equal. Open pvp should be gear based and if you want to improve your performance with enchants/black ice gear you can get this through pve/pvp but you cant use it in domination thats all.
1 - Then, where is the fun in farming PvE dungeons?? to get "elven" sets?? :rolleyes: Why not just give players the same set as you suggest to do with PvP sets? . Those sets are meant to make "chars" differents (stupid, because most players are copying "top" builds). On this sense, as the same DEVs are not granting for free "elven" sets and force players to farm it, it is applied to PvP sets too BUT, instead of using PvP to do so and frustrate newcomes by being stomped by BiS PvP Players, an optimal option is to let these newcomers to have "PvP BiS gear" outside from it.
2 - because all chars have 2 paragons and, usually, 2 trees to pick their preferences... So, a "bis" gear for a, in example, Destroyer GWF, can not be "BiS" for a Sentinelt GWF .
3 -I say: it's correct. I will tell you a thing that, if you play LoL should known: any char, standing on base, still gets gold. A character standing quiet on P.E. gets nothing. So, from this point forward, if a char enters into game at min 10 (in example and talking about LoL) , that char can buy items to make the "item diferences" 'less' (notice quotes) noticeable (i will not take into account mobs level and other stuff, just talking about "farm gear") . A char entering arena in Domination after 1 week (in example, lets say due a 2xRP weekend happened) of doing nothing CANT compete with other players whose played the game for that week due the gear diference. You, as far as i understanding from your explanations, are suggesting the second scenario... or, worse yet, you are implying that "players working their way up [not exploiters] must have the same reward than players whose only stand on P.E. doing nothing"...
EDIT: yes, i know Guild Wars 2 (i played it a bit but could not get into "top PvP scenarios", sorry) and their idea of "unifiying PvE and PvP gear, making them use "pvp oriented skill only" is what this game needs for sure.
The fun is to get challenging matches which are not depending on skill and not on gear? All that matters in pvp?
Here we go again there will never be a perfect balance between every skilltree/path classes so i post you this
The problem with nwo is you cant just move to another class if you dont like the current meta like it is in gw2. In gw2 you can build your character with feats/different kind of weapons/runes and amulets which are all unlocked with lvl 1 when yiu switch to the pvp lobby. You can build a tr like a combat thief with sword/dagger, dps dagger/dagger,condition thief pistol/pistol, perma-stealth dagger/pistol with diffrent stats from runes/amulets. And all of these build are WAI.
Yes i want the same rewards when i can with skill and not just gear? Just standing around in P.E and waiting for pvp pop. Whats wrong with it? I would still have bad gear for pve and open pvp? None of my characters has a ioun stone or such thing because i dont need it and dont waste ad on such things. As i mentioned in my last posts pve is not challenging in this game since premod1 so why should i do this?
Black Turtle TryhartzIV
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
Heck, it would be nice to get another tier of black ice overload enchants. rank 4 and 5 black ice profession is alot of resources for not much payoff
They should do an upgrade that makes them "Blue" level 65 and at the higher tier make them a full purple with level 70 PvP stats equivalent to that of the upgraded Burning sets.
Not that the level 65 set is bad but it is hard sometimes to burn hard earned glory on those sets just to stay competitive and not be one shotted by other folks.
I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.
"Challenging"?? if you mean "skill based matches vs equaly gear players", yes, we agree, otherwise, we dissagree.
The problem with your solution is, basically, that the rewards for "players working all day out" are the same for "players doing nothing in P.E." , which is what NOT happends even on LoL or Guild Wars 2.
But you can make it "as close as it". Obviously, a "balance" game is a game were all chars and class are the same... but it will be really boring...
As you may mentioned i edit my posts i'm at work atm. Yes i mean skilled based with equal gear. And i have to disagree with you in gw2 you can choose between different dungeons progressing "trees" and if you win a match in pvp you gain xp for this tree and at the end you get one piece of the pve set and other rewards for the mystic toilet (random crafting) .
Black Turtle TryhartzIV
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
2 - But you answered yourself here: even on GW2, a player must MOVE to progress on PvP tree. What you are saying, as far as i understand you, is the opposite: the same gear and skills must be accesible for both "movin" players AND "stayin" players. This is unfair. If you want to be the best: work your way up to there, not get it for free.
Are you just a troll or is my english so bad? As i mentioned in every post of mine i said people should be able to progress their toon for open pvp and pve if they play both aspect of the game. But this progress should not affect arena pvp because arena is a different enviroment which is based on skill and not gear.
Black Turtle TryhartzIV
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
Then, why you suggested to "give free PvP gear" to everyone ?? :S . And yes, PvP (not just "arena") should be based on skill, not on "gear" BUT, the ones whose work for it should have better rewards than ones that do not do so, dont you think?
As you may mentioned i edit my posts i'm at work atm. Yes i mean skilled based with equal gear. And i have to disagree with you in gw2 you can choose between different dungeons progressing "trees" and if you win a match in pvp you gain xp for this tree and at the end you get one piece of the pve set and other rewards for the mystic toilet (random crafting) .
again this rewards does not affect Spvp only pve and wvsw. Spvp or Arenapvp in nwo is Domination because its 5vs5. Again the free pvp sets or call it Domination sets would be only useful in Domination because its the only set you can use there. The rewards for completing pvp games and win games like r7 enchants would only affect pve and open pvp because the stats get only scaled up for all players in domination. You can slot a r1 in dominition and it get scaled up to R12 if you already slotted R12 in your pvp gear nothing is gonna change. So there would be no pug stomping in domination or people that just win because they outgear others. But if you enter IWD open pvp zone a r7 would be still a r7 and same as r12 will still be r12. The Domination pvp gear would be scaled down too t1 for IWD if you want some better gear for open pvp you have to do the same as pve players and farm your black ice set/pve/pvp stuff. Hopefully you now get it i'm out...
Skip to 03:00 everything gets explained things have changed a little bit but i havent found a updated tutorial video but its basicly the same only the handling and pvp interface has changed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlSrtCJxdGI
Black Turtle TryhartzIV
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
Nope nope and NOPE. Do you want a bigger gap between Bis players and new players? Im glad i dont have to enter IWD anymore most hated mod on pvp side. I mean pve dailys for pvp? Farming pve encountersr over weeks and farm ressources for a pvp set? Boons/artifacts you can only get if you complete GG and IWD companion/pokemon battle as well?
You can get your improved black ice set but the stats get only scaled up in IWD. In Dominion/GG it just works like the normal eternal pvp set. Pvp should be about skill and not gear, new players already have to deal with r12,trans, mystic stuff etc dont add another thing that would outgear them! Cryptic should scale up the stats and enchants from new players to bis like it works from lvl 10-69. If you want some p2win/play2win factor you can keep IWD (or maybe stronghold) as a gear based territory too have some "fun"
Edit: Ioun stone i choose you! Ioun stoned uses stats boost, its not very effective against your (HAMSTER)atrice
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
Why is this beyond sensless? this gear is from a outdated HAMSTER mod which was created for "pvp" players and idk why cryptic added this empowered elemental HAMSTER. A pvp set should be for free with weaker stats as pve t1 or scaled down in pve. Stuff like this is pure venom if you are interested in competitive pvp and as well pve players which are forced to play this HAMSTER. Let me just quote your sign: Player asking for a REALLY BALANCED PvP game. What you are asking for is that new players go through the already hard IWD zone with their HAMSTER gear and try to do some dailys just to get farmed from BiS players. If i had no gear and would be forced to do this i would quit this game Immidieatly, this would be just another reason too keep potential pvp players away from this game. GG
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
Ok you got me its stupid from me to think it would help and increase the pvp population if everyone would be equaly geared. I guess you have never played arena pvp in other mmo/MOba's?
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
I dont make it foolish all i see is "its unfair that my BiS gear from 3 mods ago is useless compared to the real pvp set, i did more than other so it should give me a advantage over new players". Lol i think with new black ice sets you would force pve and pvp to do this HAMSTER again. Sry but farming black ice to empower the best pvp set is just stupid in my opinion. All i want to do is arena pvp and give new players a chance to keep up with at least a free pvp set which doesnt give people the chance to skip t1 dungeons in pve that would also be unfair for pve players and would make the already small content useless. Glory and seals should be spend for pvp enchants just like they try it with this preseason event.
There should be some sort of pvp enchants that you could buy with glory and seals like pvp vorpal and pvp r12 which get scaled down for pve as well for example.
Trans PvP Vorpal would be a lesser in pve/open pvp
R12 would be R6 in pve/open pvp
So your investment of ad and time would still matter in pve and open pvp enviroments. But the balance between BiS and new players would be good in Arena and that would increase the pvp population and as well the serious feedback in sort of class balancing. I see so much posts in the pvp section from guys that play over 4 classes on a low lvl equip and think they know how everything works in a PMvsPM on BiS lvl and those crys leads us too those balancing issues we have today... Check the latest threads about classes you would think the game is balanced because there is a thread about every class for beeing op lol.
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
But it would have to be the same the other way around: No matter what level a PvE enchant, in PvP it's only like a lesser / rank 6. OR disable all PvE enchants in the first place.
If there were also PvP artifact equipment, I think most of the gear imbalances would be gone.
But then again, I think it's no secret that the more PvP focused players spend more money than PvErs to destroy pugs / be competitive. So if a PvP player, just like a pug, could get the same level of equipment just by grinding PvP, the PvP player wouldn't spend any more money = bad for Cryptic.
I agree with OP. the black ice (Rank 4) upgrade is pitiful at best, and for the cost it should be comparable to at least grim PVP gear when freshly made (higher base stats, but lower tenacity) and comparable to Burning when empowered (higher stats, lower tenacity).
Raise the empowerment cost by 10x or whatever you need to do to justify it. farming my full black ice set was not an easy task, and I Far prefered its hybrid nature over the flat PvP gears more defensive geared stats.
They scaled up boons to keep relevance in current modules, whats wrong with scaling up the Black ice gear, as it was the main goal of that module. you can say "make old stuff obsolete" all you like, but the fact is they made an effort to include black ice as a requirement for the True BiS gear of this module, so why not make the gear we farmed our hearts out for at least compare to the basic level 70 pvp gear, or be a less defensive, more offensive contender for the end game pvp set. (50,000 ice + 10 unified elements aint cheap or easy to farm... then you need 2 more unified + ~10k ice for EACH piece upgrade)
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
I would love this in dominion/arena pvp,all player should be equal and the only thing that matters is skill. Obviously pvp guilds find ways to exploit ad so they dont have to spend money in a game that has so many bugs and issues and honestly i would do it too if i would know how they do this until game reaches a state where its worth it to spend money. But also pve enchants/artifact gear should be scaled up in dominion/arena pvp but not in open pvp where you have to use the gear you wear in a normal enviroment like PE. The downscaled pvp enchants would be just option to progress in open pvp through pvp and as well pve if you want to play both. You can still upgrade your gear but it will only effect your performance in pve and open pvp until cryptic gets rid of this refinement stuff.
they did this because guys like you and op wouldnt get over it and quit the game
Don't get me wrong I'm not completly against a new black ice set in pve and open pvp aspect but it should not affect dominion/arene pvp where all players should be equal and it should doesnt matter how many time/money you spend on your toon. Look how other games handle it like GW2 or WoW. Im not saying Arenanet/Blizzard do a perfect job but its definetly a goal that cryptic should aim for and would be a huge step to balance pve/pvp.
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
Here you go, why should a pvp player has to do all this HAMSTER? Farming gg/iwd and all that stuff. Just give them the same pvp gear we already have man with no farming/gg. i don't get it what is your problem? Why should a BiS gear even exist beside the normal pvp set? You played Lol right? What would you say when you first have to play some ****ty farming games to get BiS in a ranked match?-.- give them a green black ice set lol this the same HAMSTER that we already have when you buy some blues from ah.
My point is if you want to play domination you dont have to do other stuff first to get gear just be lvl 70 get the pvp gear qeue for it and everyone is equal. Open pvp should be gear based and if you want to improve your performance with enchants/black ice gear you can get this through pve/pvp but you cant use it in domination thats all.
read this
Spvp (Arena)
WorldvsWorld "open PvP"
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
The fun is to get challenging matches which are not depending on skill and not on gear? All that matters in pvp?
Here we go again there will never be a perfect balance between every skilltree/path classes so i post you this
The problem with nwo is you cant just move to another class if you dont like the current meta like it is in gw2. In gw2 you can build your character with feats/different kind of weapons/runes and amulets which are all unlocked with lvl 1 when yiu switch to the pvp lobby. You can build a tr like a combat thief with sword/dagger, dps dagger/dagger,condition thief pistol/pistol, perma-stealth dagger/pistol with diffrent stats from runes/amulets. And all of these build are WAI.
Yes i want the same rewards when i can with skill and not just gear? Just standing around in P.E and waiting for pvp pop. Whats wrong with it? I would still have bad gear for pve and open pvp? None of my characters has a ioun stone or such thing because i dont need it and dont waste ad on such things. As i mentioned in my last posts pve is not challenging in this game since premod1 so why should i do this?
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
They should do an upgrade that makes them "Blue" level 65 and at the higher tier make them a full purple with level 70 PvP stats equivalent to that of the upgraded Burning sets.
Not that the level 65 set is bad but it is hard sometimes to burn hard earned glory on those sets just to stay competitive and not be one shotted by other folks.
As you may mentioned i edit my posts i'm at work atm. Yes i mean skilled based with equal gear. And i have to disagree with you in gw2 you can choose between different dungeons progressing "trees" and if you win a match in pvp you gain xp for this tree and at the end you get one piece of the pve set and other rewards for the mystic toilet (random crafting) .
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
Are you just a troll or is my english so bad? As i mentioned in every post of mine i said people should be able to progress their toon for open pvp and pve if they play both aspect of the game. But this progress should not affect arena pvp because arena is a different enviroment which is based on skill and not gear.
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr
again this rewards does not affect Spvp only pve and wvsw. Spvp or Arenapvp in nwo is Domination because its 5vs5. Again the free pvp sets or call it Domination sets would be only useful in Domination because its the only set you can use there. The rewards for completing pvp games and win games like r7 enchants would only affect pve and open pvp because the stats get only scaled up for all players in domination. You can slot a r1 in dominition and it get scaled up to R12 if you already slotted R12 in your pvp gear nothing is gonna change. So there would be no pug stomping in domination or people that just win because they outgear others. But if you enter IWD open pvp zone a r7 would be still a r7 and same as r12 will still be r12. The Domination pvp gear would be scaled down too t1 for IWD if you want some better gear for open pvp you have to do the same as pve players and farm your black ice set/pve/pvp stuff. Hopefully you now get it i'm out...
Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=UgWbfiEU8mk&app=desktop
Skip to 03:00 everything gets explained things have changed a little bit but i havent found a updated tutorial video but its basicly the same only the handling and pvp interface has changed
Deadpool // HR
Shakur // Tr