I've level 63 now and am beginning to upgrade my equipment.
I've read that the Shadow Weaver set is a good set for MoF CWs to start off with.
1. Is that the case after Mod 6? The stats doesn't look all that great, but then again, my understanding of how the game calculates dmg is pretty nooby.
2. when I get 4 eq of the set, the life steal bonus of 113, is that even useful? Heard Lifed steal is nerfed in mod 6.
3. Also, what is controlling and non-controlling skill? steal time and shard considered controlling as it stuns and prones?
4. Where would I actually hunt this Shadow weaver set apart from buying them from auction house?
5. should I even consider a set? or individual pieces of equipmnet would be better?
If the Shadow Weaver set is not a good set, what are some good ideas? I mainly PVE and I don't have a high budget. Probably 1Mil AD in for the whole set? (Currently only have like 100k AD, but I can slowly work my way to buying some.)
Thanks alot everyone
Post edited by harlokjai on
beatannierMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 692Arc User
edited June 2015
Shadow Weaver, High Vizier etc. was old-T2 sets used before module 5 (and commonly still in module 5).
They dropped from old-T2 dungeons, each part from one of:
Caverns of Karrundax
Spellplague Caverns
The Frozen Heart
Castle Never
All mentioned Dungeons are removed in module 6 and thus, gaining those sets is impossible right now.
Since module 6, we got a need to get a tons of HP not to die in 1 hit from most foes.
This requires us to gain a new, module 6 sets with HP (notice no one new set since Module 6 have any set bonus anymore).
You can get some blue set parts from T1 dungeons like:
Epic Lair of Lostmauth
Malabog's Castle
Valindra's Tower
Epic/purple parts drops from T2 dungeons:
Epic Cragmire Crypts
Epic Gray Wolf Den
Epic Temple of the Spider
Also, you can exchange some Seals to gain blue set parts, including Seals of Elements.
Once you hit cap, consider farming T2 dungeons in order to buy BiS purple set for Seals of Protector.
For PvP, farm Seals of the Triumph gained 1 per daily PvP Victory quest from NPC in Trade of Blades.
Then, exchange it into Burning set. Finally, reach Black Ice Shaping Proffession to lvl 5 and reinforce your BiS sets (both PvP and PvE) from ilvl 135 to ilvl 137, then reinforce them with +200 kits.
1. I've seen these around, what's T1 and T2 dungeon? T1 is tier 1 I assume? if so why T1 dungeon only drop rare/blue equip, but T2 drop epic/purple equip?
2. is there like a page which tells me what these equip/sets are?
3. One thing i'm finding lost in this game is the lack of information about items/ equipment etc. And most guides are for mod 3/4 only. Only managed to find one for mod 5 but since mod 6, even that's outdated. Would you konw of any guide updated for mod 6?
I believe you could find some answers by pressing ctrl+j.
beatannierMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 692Arc User
edited June 2015
1. Higher tier = better gear quality. Self explainable. 2. Like umsche mentioned, it`s a Ctrl+J page. 3. All mod6 MoF build/guides I know are not public (including my one).
You won`t find *any good* build on this forum because of this forum rules.
*Any good* build depends on exploits and they are forbidden on this forum.
And most important, the best build is your build. Beucase it matches your game style, skill, practice and knowledge.
There are many sites that cater to the builds you speak of just google them. I find some of the builds don't revolve around any of the exploits my old MoF didn't I have SS now but am switching back to MoF I hate SS.
Elemental Evil is the best module ever it fixed all the bugs!
aulduronMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,351Arc User
edited June 2015
T1 gear is blue, T2 gear is purple. T2 is better.
Have you done any of the campaigns? You can spend campaign cash on blue gear below level 70.
1. Higher tier = better gear quality. Self explainable. 2. Like umsche mentioned, it`s a Ctrl+J page. 3. All mod6 MoF build/guides I know are not public (including my one).
You won`t find *any good* build on this forum because of this forum rules.
*Any good* build depends on exploits and they are forbidden on this forum.
And most important, the best build is your build. Beucase it matches your game style, skill, practice and knowledge.
Sorry for asking, but I don't get why good guilds won't be on this forum? Why would guides be private, I'd have thought people write guides so others can get their advice? I just curious, that's all.
Sorry for asking, but I don't get why good guilds won't be on this forum? Why would guides be private, I'd have thought people write guides so others can get their advice? I just curious, that's all.
This forum is fine for guides, the player in question is just a butthurt player in general.
beatannierMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 692Arc User
Have you done any of the campaigns? You can spend campaign cash on blue gear below level 70.
Yeah, i've done sharndar and tyranny of dragons to get the boons. But not sure what is campaign cash? You mean the campaign currency to buy equipment from e.g. wells of dragon? I see that NPC sells some nice gears and artifacts.
There are many sites that cater to the builds you speak of just google them. I find some of the builds don't revolve around any of the exploits my old MoF didn't I have SS now but am switching back to MoF I hate SS.
Problem with googling is most of them aren't updated for mod 6. And judging from what I've read so far, there's quite a few changes in Mod 6. E.g. I see alot of the HV and shadow Weaver set for Mod 5 and before, but im afraid there are new/better equipment are out now which would mean i'd be wasting AD on these sets.
Shadow Weaver, High Vizier etc. was old-T2 sets used before module 5 (and commonly still in module 5).
They dropped from old-T2 dungeons, each part from one of:
Caverns of Karrundax
Spellplague Caverns
The Frozen Heart
Castle Never
All mentioned Dungeons are removed in module 6 and thus, gaining those sets is impossible right now.
Since module 6, we got a need to get a tons of HP not to die in 1 hit from most foes.
This requires us to gain a new, module 6 sets with HP (notice no one new set since Module 6 have any set bonus anymore).
You can get some blue set parts from T1 dungeons like:
Epic Lair of Lostmauth
Malabog's Castle
Valindra's Tower
Epic/purple parts drops from T2 dungeons:
Epic Cragmire Crypts
Epic Gray Wolf Den
Epic Temple of the Spider
Also, you can exchange some Seals to gain blue set parts, including Seals of Elements.
Once you hit cap, consider farming T2 dungeons in order to buy BiS purple set for Seals of Protector.
For PvP, farm Seals of the Triumph gained 1 per daily PvP Victory quest from NPC in Trade of Blades.
Then, exchange it into Burning set. Finally, reach Black Ice Shaping Proffession to lvl 5 and reinforce your BiS sets (both PvP and PvE) from ilvl 135 to ilvl 137, then reinforce them with +200 kits.
I'm lvl 67 now and can queue for the T2 dugneons. BUt i'm assuming these aren't the "Epic" ones? Will I only be able to queue for the Epic ones at lvl 70?
They dropped from old-T2 dungeons, each part from one of:
- Caverns of Karrundax
- Spellplague Caverns
- The Frozen Heart
- Castle Never
All mentioned Dungeons are removed in module 6 and thus, gaining those sets is impossible right now.Since module 6, we got a need to get a tons of HP not to die in 1 hit from most foes.
This requires us to gain a new, module 6 sets with HP (notice no one new set since Module 6 have any set bonus anymore).
You can get some blue set parts from T1 dungeons like:
Epic/purple parts drops from T2 dungeons:
Also, you can exchange some Seals to gain blue set parts, including Seals of Elements.
Once you hit cap, consider farming T2 dungeons in order to buy BiS purple set for Seals of Protector.
For PvP, farm Seals of the Triumph gained 1 per daily PvP Victory quest from NPC in Trade of Blades.
Then, exchange it into Burning set. Finally, reach Black Ice Shaping Proffession to lvl 5 and reinforce your BiS sets (both PvP and PvE) from ilvl 135 to ilvl 137, then reinforce them with +200 kits.
1. I've seen these around, what's T1 and T2 dungeon? T1 is tier 1 I assume? if so why T1 dungeon only drop rare/blue equip, but T2 drop epic/purple equip?
2. is there like a page which tells me what these equip/sets are?
3. One thing i'm finding lost in this game is the lack of information about items/ equipment etc. And most guides are for mod 3/4 only. Only managed to find one for mod 5 but since mod 6, even that's outdated. Would you konw of any guide updated for mod 6?
2. Like umsche mentioned, it`s a Ctrl+J page.
3. All mod6 MoF build/guides I know are not public (including my one).
You won`t find *any good* build on this forum because of this forum rules.
*Any good* build depends on exploits and they are forbidden on this forum.
And most important, the best build is your build. Beucase it matches your game style, skill, practice and knowledge.
What? Really? I thought a *good* build (and a being a *good* player) meant you didn't need to use exploits.
So T2 is higher than T1 in Neverwinter?
Yeah but if you get to the end of an easy dungeon and you dont do 2x the DPS from exploiting, even though you didnt need to, what fun is the game!?!
Have you done any of the campaigns? You can spend campaign cash on blue gear below level 70.
Sorry for asking, but I don't get why good guilds won't be on this forum? Why would guides be private, I'd have thought people write guides so others can get their advice? I just curious, that's all.
This forum is fine for guides, the player in question is just a butthurt player in general.
But it looks like some players feels jelly, like the player from a post above me
Yeah, i've done sharndar and tyranny of dragons to get the boons. But not sure what is campaign cash? You mean the campaign currency to buy equipment from e.g. wells of dragon? I see that NPC sells some nice gears and artifacts.
Problem with googling is most of them aren't updated for mod 6. And judging from what I've read so far, there's quite a few changes in Mod 6. E.g. I see alot of the HV and shadow Weaver set for Mod 5 and before, but im afraid there are new/better equipment are out now which would mean i'd be wasting AD on these sets.
I'm lvl 67 now and can queue for the T2 dugneons. BUt i'm assuming these aren't the "Epic" ones? Will I only be able to queue for the Epic ones at lvl 70?
Yes. And you'll need to have more than 2000 item Level too.