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Hunter Ranger Trapper Build PvP/PvE

justxthaxtipjustxthaxtip Member Posts: 1 Arc User
edited June 2015 in The Wilds
Im sure my build is similar to the better ones posted here, but I always have people ask about it in game, and seeing as how the forums tell me my log in info is incorrect 99% of the time when it's not, I'll post my build here to hopefully help out, or give some insight into how you might want to shape your trapper build.

The first thing I noticed about this build was, venturing into PVP, it didn't call for a respec, or even move changes (unless you have no healer, or a real terrible group).

My only advice on gear is, make sure you find out what the diminished returns are on Critical Strike, Armor
pen and all that so you can balance your build better. Then use 2, 2 piece set's to get two 450 stat boost's instead of one 4 piece bonus, which in my opinion isn't worth it.


Weapon Mastery 3/3 = 3% Crit Chance
Toughness 3/3 = 9% Max HP Increase
Agile Combatant 3/3 = 3% Damage Increase for 5 Seconds after stance shift
Swift Footwork 3/5 = Regain Stamina 6% faster
Endless Assault 3/3 = Encounter Powers Deal 6% More Damage
Disciple of Dexterity 3/3 = 6% Bonus Damage from Dexterity stat
Scoundrel Training 2/3 = At Wills Deal 6% More Damage to foes not trageting you. (split shot on a group of unsuspecting victims :D )

Paragon - TRAPPER
Readied Stance 5/5 = gain 5% more AP for several seconds when switching stances
Slashers Speed 4/5 = AP cost of Slashers Mark is cut by 20% (also buffs pathfinders action passive, but i dont use)
Deft Strikes 4/5 = every melee encounter buffs the next ranged encounter for 8% bonus damage, and vice versa
Ancient Roots 5/5 = Weak Roots last 2.5 seconds longer, Strong Roots last 5 seconds longer (halved on human players)
Swiftness of the Fox 4/5 = Melee encounters shorten the cooldown of your ranged encounters by 12%, and vice versa
Thorned Roots 5/5 = Upgrades Strong Grasping Roots to Thorned Roots, which deal 200% weapon damage every second, and to control immune targets it deals 250% weapon damage.
Serpents Bite 3/5 = Now features 3% more damage per stack, and 1.5% Critical Chance per stack. If you plan not ot use Serpents Bite, then I suggest putting the points into filling out Def Strikes 5/5 and Switfness of the Fox to 5/5. I just like the extra damage sometimes when the situation calls for it.
Biting Snares 1/1 = This is why I put all my points into the Trapper tree, and nowhere else. When you apply Grasping or Thorned Roots, it causes your next stance change to grant you Master Trapper which generates 20% of your AP, increases your damage by 30% and increases control durations by 60% for 10 seconds, oh and it can trigger once every 10 seconds (roughly the time it takes to run 2 rotations), this outplays the 40% damage bonus Prey gives archers IMO.

Aspect of the Lone Wolf - Huge deflection chance gain, making life for healers much easier. Mines over 50% atm
Aspect of the Pack - when in a group, this is essential imo
Cruel Recovery - when running solo I tend to use this alot, I see much more return with this over many passives.
Aspect of the Serpent - in the Trapper Paragon path, if you spec for this, it's a great buff to use as well.

LT- Split Shot : I use the artifact weapon to re-gain up to 10% of my Stamina based on the length you held down Split Shot. This hit's multiple enemies, and contains groups of enemies beautifully. Paired with the artifact weapon it made one of my only issues with this build, stamina regen, disappear. Also, I've had this Crit for 30-40k in Dragon/Boss fights, and 12-24k regularly on Mobs. Being able to release this and do damage and gain stamina to me beats Aim Shot's ridiculous cast time, and how easy it is to be disrupted during the cast.
RT- Hunters Teamwork : I find this to be an upgraded Rapid shot (not quite as many shots, but comparable), not to mention, you mark an enemy and then they deal less damage, and if killed, gives the party a small amount of AP, Stamina, and HP. tiny damage boost for storm warden which I out do anyways, or an at will that lowers a targets attack and heals your whole party for all 3 stats?? NO BRAINER.

Occasionally a boss call's for single traget DPS and Aim Shot can be useful.

X - Binding Arrow - Heard people tell me this moves 'useless' a number of times, but if you understand the class mechanics, well thats an absurd statement. It applies Roots which with this build makes it vital, and heals the whole party over time on top of increasing defenses, I've seen it restore half my health in 6-7 seconds from time to time, but mostly I use it for the ranged, and to cool down my ranged attacks more quickly. This is also the move I use to substitute from time to time when the situation calls for it.
Y - Hindering Shot - Has 3 counters, meaning you can use this move 3 times before waiting for a full cooldown time, rotating X, Y, B, Y stance shift, X, B, stance shift, X, Y, B, ect makes it so you're damage buff's and cooldowns are almost limitless. If you use slaher's mark to lunge into melee range, your rotations and can be deadly perfect.
B - Constricting Arrow another Strong Grasping Roots move, which catches all foes near the target. The melee is a whirlwind which regains your stamina based off the # of enemies hit.

Slashers Mark = I use this move for a bunch of reason's. Main reason being You don't need a full bar of AP to use it. Another reason, you can lunge from an insanely far length to your target, escaping certain death, or lunging to a team mate in need. Icing on the cake, the enemy you hit, is marked and all allies who attack it regain stamina while the mark is active.

Seismic Shot
= Can knock things off ledges (but must be very close), lines up groups of enemies for easy AOE attacks, knocks players off dom points in PVP, helps if your surrounded by a mob to knock them back and give you space to get to safety.

Slashers mark if utilized with Master Trapper, and Deft Strikes for Melee, Ive had it Crit for 55-60k plenty of times in the right fight, 20-30 regularly. Seismic shot's more of a crowd control thing and I also switch that out for PVP when I don't have a healer for Forest Meditation which heals you for a nice chunk of HP. If you need Single Target,

If you need more single target, Hawk Shot, and Aim Shot can be used for those instances.

Also another Encounter worth mentioning if you lack a healer, or proper tank, Foxes Cunning is an automatic dodge for your whole party on the next incoming attack, and the melee is very powerful. I usually only run it in boss fights where they have hard hitting AOE, or when we have a bad healer, or no healer. Otherwise it's not really needed.

All in all, this is a hard hitting, control build, with a nice amount of party/personal buffs depending on how you utilize your passives.
Post edited by justxthaxtip on


  • werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Youre wasting heroic points in swift footwork and scoundrel training
    You're wasting paragon points in readied stance.

    I'm just gonna go right ahead and say it this build is not as good as it could be you're hamstringing yourself TBH
  • werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    look farther down on the thread page and look for jokerpsycho and katoozee (drisdhaun) builds they are superior to this.
    not trying to be disrespectful just informative.

    also equipping hawkshot/hawkeye has the potential to break your swiftness of the fox feat i suggest never equipping it (check the bug section for more info)
  • katozeekatozee Member Posts: 42
    edited June 2015
    look farther down on the thread page and look for jokerpsycho and katoozee (drisdhaun) builds they are superior to this.
    not trying to be disrespectful just informative.

    also equipping hawkshot/hawkeye has the potential to break your swiftness of the fox feat i suggest never equipping it (check the bug section for more info)

    That may be debatable which is soley dependant on a preference of playstyle. The OP is trying to go down a variation of the full root setup that i've seen others use. Not everyone likes the full on uber aggressive playstyle offered in mine or jokers guide, this one is a more relaxed paced build where he can stand back with the DC firing off roots and when things approach melee to root and move away.

    Though Mr justxthaxtip the concept still needs a tad more refinement, might I suggest this setup for your feats: http://nwcalc.com/index.html#/x/hr?b=1oa5:k6rwk5:8dep:2et,1fi3i3i:150u00:100000:150z51&h=0&p=pfr

    It kinda keeps in line with the initial setup you wanted, might I suggest use aspect of the lone wolf and pathfinders action to give you a higher degree of defelction with a play style played at range and only utilising melee when enimes approach. This way you can open with split shot, constricting arrow then binding and can move on to another split shot or start marking things with careful attack and setup a hunters teamwork. With the feats from archery it can also boost the dot from roots on targets affected by those abilities.

    But I am all for seeing other peoples take on trapper play styles for example Mr werealchemist in my guide on MMOMinds at the bottom i've added a setup where I can act as the parties main tank/healer and still top damage/kills in a full dps party, many different ways to play the same paragon build and I was curious if I could get a build that would have me #1 in all screens (except the most downs).

    Back to Mr justxthaxtip, take the build try it out I know I have and its viable just didn't suit my tastes and even claim it as your own if you would like. I'll delete this post if you do and then you only need to buy Mr werealchemist silence on the matter, overall interesting read.
  • werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    katozee wrote: »
    This way you can open with split shot, constricting arrow then binding...... With the feats from archery it can also boost the dot from roots on targets affected by those abilities.
    Im not sure you could get far enough into the archery tree while still taking the feats needed from the trapper tree...

    I would HEAVILY advise against using [Binding Arrow/Oak skin] even though it is a root using the melee buff has a chance to premanently break the [Swiftness Of The Fox] feat (see the bug report section)

    Abilities to avoid like the plague if you plan on using the [Swiftness Of The Fox] feat are
    [Hawkshot/Hawk Eye]
    [Binding Arrow/Oak Skin]
    [Commanding Shot/Stag Heart]

    I tried to make a Ranged/support trapper and the result was a permanently bugged character that I've wasted two months on playing and 1000 zen trying to fix
    Hence my heavy adversity to this playstyle.


    here is the build i had planned on using
    Encounters would have been
    [Constricting arrow/Steel Breeze] (<---makes stamina regen pointless)
    [Commanding Shot/Stag Heart]
    [Binding Arrow/Oak Skin]

    Slashers Mark
    Forest Ghost

    [Aspect of the Lone Wolf]
    [Pathfinders Action]

    Split Shot (switched with aimed shot when necessary)
    [Hunters teamwork/Carefull attack]

    But Tymora frowns upon this build and bugs out your feats...
  • trappy1026trappy1026 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    Wow, if my character has been permanently broken this whole time, well ****. I have been doing fine but wtf lol, gonna check this later
  • werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    trappy1026 wrote: »
    Wow, if my character has been permanently broken this whole time, well ****. I have been doing fine but wtf lol, gonna check this later

    It's easy to find out. each melee ability should reduce ranged CD by about 3 seconds. (The bug only affects ranged CD's melee ones still work properly)
    just go to the Trade of Blades cast a ranged ability, switch stances fire off all 3 melee abilities, switch stances back.
    if the ranged ability isnt 10-12 seconds less (3 seconds per melee ability plus stance change and loadout swap times) then it's broken. if it's working properly then celebrate.

    proof that mine is broken
  • katozeekatozee Member Posts: 42
    edited June 2015
    I provided an nwcalc link, all he needs is to hit something with careful attack or hunters teamwork that will increase damage against the target. The roots also gain the benefit from what I could remember. Careful attack eats away at serpent stacks so thats why I also dropped them from the selection.

    As for your rant regarding bugged CD's (read your bug report, saying you'll quit equates to rant in my book) i've not noticed anything you have described. I did CN twice last night with one time using fox/oak/stag and the other using hawk/oak/stag and I noticed none of the issues you described. I would like to point out that the training dummies are not the best test for rotations since I can 18 encounters in a dungeon/skirmish before hitting the hindering shot bug, yet on the training dummies i'd be lucky to make 1 1/2 rotations.

    The training dummies are there to check damage figures and to build up AP prior to going into PvP, I use them to build my divinity on my DC so that I can throw down an empowered Astral Shield on node 2 straight away. I also have a number of chaps who have utilised my build the tank/medic version of trapper and they have never seen those issues arise, I really do hope that you did not submit a bug report on the basis of training dumies?
  • werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    katozee wrote: »
    I provided an nwcalc link, all he needs is to hit something with careful attack or hunters teamwork that will increase damage against the target. The roots also gain the benefit from what I could remember. Careful attack eats away at serpent stacks so thats why I also dropped them from the selection.

    As for your rant regarding bugged CD's (read your bug report, saying you'll quit equates to rant in my book) i've not noticed anything you have described. I did CN twice last night with one time using fox/oak/stag and the other using hawk/oak/stag and I noticed none of the issues you described. I would like to point out that the training dummies are not the best test for rotations since I can 18 encounters in a dungeon/skirmish before hitting the hindering shot bug, yet on the training dummies i'd be lucky to make 1 1/2 rotations.

    The training dummies are there to check damage figures and to build up AP prior to going into PvP, I use them to build my divinity on my DC so that I can throw down an empowered Astral Shield on node 2 straight away. I also have a number of chaps who have utilised my build the tank/medic version of trapper and they have never seen those issues arise, I really do hope that you did not submit a bug report on the basis of training dumies?

    Dang man why does this post look a lot like an attack at me? keep it chill.

    Sorry either my phone isn't opening your calc link properly or you may need to edit it, it opens a build with only 14 heroic feats spent.

    As for my bug report you must not have read the report an skipped to the "rant" post. it is always affecting my guy in dungeons, adventure zones, pvp ....ALWAYS. Training dummies was just the most convenient place to record at the moment.
    Regardless the video should be proof enough that my character obviously IS afflicted with this bug.

    And yeah I'm pretty upset that I spent 2 months and millions of ad converted to Zen on a character that is bugged so badly with no response from any support source. Even my ticket has gone ignored thus far.
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