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PSA: hunter rangers are not useless

darkestxshadowdarkestxshadow Member Posts: 0 Arc User
greetings, at this point, im sure at least a few of you have had me in your party ( level 60 hr - artie).

This is less of a psa, as it is something thats becoming somewhat of an issue for both myself and fellow HR's that are getting towards endgame.

There seems to be this assumption that hunter rangers are not needed in party's. We seem to be the first class to get kicked if a random kick takes place, regardless of our gearscore, or our skill level.

Normaly i dont take to forums and post, but its getting to the point now where im stuck, I cant breach t2 gear without doing pug's and pug's tend to kick hr on sight.

before you kick me, or a fellow hr in the future, considder the following:

1) do you want to get swamped with endless mobs? a hr can utilize its trapper skills to controll most mobs, and follow up with split shot to take them out quickly

2) tank needs a break from the mobs to tank a boss? HR can kit a large mob around the field while the rest of the group can take out the boss, then collect more mobs as they appear.

3) no control wizard? let the trapper do its work for you!

4) we get 6 skills in rotation, compared to your 3 ( 4 if your a cw)

5) if we are built correctly, we will out dps a rouge at by the end of a dungeon.

6) not all hr are created equal.

feel free to rant/vent/throw a fit towards this post at will. Im just throwing my 2 cents out there as im tired of being told that my class sucks, when most of the time its because the person controlling the class has not taken the time to read up on the class, or learn the ins and outs of the 6 rotation skills we can use.
Post edited by darkestxshadow on


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    cybergutscyberguts Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Good luck with that.....

    Most of the time I get kicked 'cos they need Healer before they even see that I can outheal a DC.
    Most of the PUGs we play with are tunnel visioned to their own class to understand what each class can do; and this will never change
    Erdan Darksbane - Lvl 60 Soulbinder Fury SW
    BamBam - Lvl 30 GWF
    Trevok - Lvl 30 GF
    Wil - Lvl 25 TR (PvP)
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    darkestxshadowdarkestxshadow Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    cyberguts wrote: »
    Good luck with that.....

    Most of the time I get kicked 'cos they need Healer before they even see that I can outheal a DC.
    Most of the PUGs we play with are tunnel visioned to their own class to understand what each class can do; and this will never change

    alas, the temptation warlock i assume? i feel you there if thats the case.

    I have a friend that out heals every DC we have run accross when we run stuff together, and quite a few dc players get salty over it. Shoot for the field medic title if you dont have it already, that kind of helps a bit, and kind of proves that you can indeed heal.
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    strictlyevilstrictlyevil Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    It's not so much the heals that you look for in a good cleric as it is the damage mitigation. Lifesteal is something most DPS players should already have for healing themselves throughout a fight. The difference in a cleric and a Warlock is that a cleric can focus those heals where they are needed most and most importantly negate most of the damage all together. Having the most healing done isn't always best. A cleric may not beat you in heals done but they've most definitely done more for the team in most cases in the fact that the team never took most of the damage in the first place so heals weren't needed.
    Ancient 18.8k CW | Ancient Heals 18k DC | Ancient Tank 22.2k GF | GT: XGC Army
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    thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I had a DC declare the game was broken and he was quitting and never coming back after I out healed him in a couple runs with my SW. To say the least, I was surprised by his reaction. The classes compliment each other. Getting upset because someone beat you on a leaderboard is silly. I told him that DCs can buff and direct-heal players and support the party in ways that a temptation warlock never could, but he wouldn't hear any of it. He said he's always played dedicated healers in MMOs and that's what he wants to do here, but he can't because the game is broken.

    That's the trouble with people coming into NW having only played Trinity-style MMOs. The whole design of NW is different from other MMOs, which is precisely why I play and enjoy it and not others. You actually play NW, not just watch it like that other popular MMO. You don't need specific party composition and cookie-cutter builds to succeed -- and *gasp* actual skill matters! There's no one role for each class, and that's the best part of the game, IMO.
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    waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    I love my Hr. I have sw, cw, tr, cleric and my hr is my fav.
    The dungeons are rough. I try to get a group with no other hrs as we will get kicked.
    I also top the dps chart, hrs just got so much hate cuz of the army of pure archers in the very beginning. I do believe this notion maybe changing
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    thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I think you're right, waffennacht. People grew to dislike playing with HRs because the first batch of HRs played the class as if it was a long-range-only type of thing. HRs would stay far away from the group making them a liability (difficult to heal and revive while not doing much damage). People are learning how to play the class now though, and they've learned the bow is viable for the HR (it's the main weapon after all), but you don't have to stand a kilometer away to use it. I see more HRs switching between bow and blades now -- even non-trapper builds. Hopefully others see it as well and the kick-all-HRs-on-sight mentality will soon die.
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    kestrelhawkerkestrelhawker Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I've ran Spellplague with 3 Rangers and a cleric .. no problems .
    Though These PSAs need to go , as soon as everyone figures out how awesome hunters are we are going to be waist deep in them . I never even think about the kicking issue when I'm on my hunter because I'm rarely ever without friends to run with .

    And on my cleric .. getting out healed ? never going to happen, CWs out-healing me sounds like crazy talk . I know 4 that constantly try.
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    silktrocitysilktrocity Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Read 5 and 6 again. THATS why HR get kicked. It's unfortunate, on one hand I can defend you when you say that HR can actually do more damage then TR but that's for that to occur you'd have to be using a specific build. We can't tell if HR's are trapper's or not and that's why they get the boot, even if they are Trapper, their control isn't on par with a CW. They can't tank better then a GF or GWF, and more often then not they cannot out damage a SW or TR.
    Lady Vayo TR - Silky OP - Lord Reven DC (retired) - Lady Luck HR (retired)
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    thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    And on my cleric .. getting out healed ? never going to happen, CWs out-healing me sounds like crazy talk . I know 4 that constantly try.
    It depends on the team, the content you're running, and whether the SW can do enough damage while staying close to the team, but it does happen. It happens pretty regularly, actually. My SW will out-heal DCs I run with about 80% of the time.
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    silktrocitysilktrocity Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    It depends on the team, the content you're running, and whether the SW can do enough damage while staying close to the team, but it does happen. It happens pretty regularly, actually. My SW will out-heal DCs I run with about 80% of the time.

    Your SW must run a lot of life steal..

    For a DC, it's actually better NOT to be first in heals. If you are, then the run is difficult and you are exhausting your time scrambling to heal. I try to come in 2nd in heals because I run with people using Lifesteal, our PRIME role as DC isn't to heal, it's to mitigate damage, buff and debuff. We make the dungeon run easier and more efficient. seeing a DC put out 2+ million in heals is usually a red flag...

    but even if you wanted to compete, theres no way a SW will out heal a DC in terms of actually healing..especially if I'm running full draconic and proper feats.
    Lady Vayo TR - Silky OP - Lord Reven DC (retired) - Lady Luck HR (retired)
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    ancojoancojo Member Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    How does the HR out out heal the cleric? I'm an HR and love it, finish top most of the time depending If I'm searching about for boxes but how does the healing come into it? Is it a certain companion?

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    waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    Its a move that allows allies to heal i think, healin roots ive heard someone say.
    Im pure dps with my hr. I always come on top dps. Funniest was when i was allowed to stay when i jumped into a group right before boss fight. I got second in damage without even doin the masses prior to the boss
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    ancojoancojo Member Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    lol yep same here, joined a dungeon late and still finish near the top! I'll have to look into the healing thing!
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    monktoastymonktoasty Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Well, the thing is, ive never seen a ranger successfully cobtrol boss adds, nor do anything but die first

    Im sure the ranger class could be helpful, if more knew how to play them

    With my cleric character, I have to babysit the rangers quite a bit

    As for warlocks out healing clerics, lol hardly. Yes warlocks can heal and do the job well enough, but in no way do they heal for more or buff/debuff for more

    But ahsin, most warlocks ive seen do not utilize their healing
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    jood87jood87 Member Posts: 37
    edited June 2015
    My trapper kited the adds on hrmirmir(sp) without dying or needing heals other than my roots, as well as Draco.
    On the other hand, I have friends who prefer ai run my Templock than my DC because unlike popular belief, a good templock will provide 6-8k life steal, on top of a flat 5% that ramps up to 12%. They even have nifty skills that reduce the damage the party takes, as long as they are within a certain range. Harder to do it in pugs where everyone seperates 30 feet apart, but yeah...
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    thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    monktoasty wrote: »
    As for warlocks out healing clerics, lol hardly. Yes warlocks can heal and do the job well enough, but in no way do they heal for more or buff/debuff for more
    A warlock will never out buff/debuff anyone. Unless you count life steal boosts, the class doesn't have those kinds of abilities. They can heal more than DCs though. I know because I've done it.
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    monktoastymonktoasty Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    A warlock will never out buff/debuff anyone. Unless you count life steal boosts, the class doesn't have those kinds of abilities. They can heal more than DCs though. I know because I've done it.

    The only way to out heal a cleric is if the cleric runs a dps build or buff/debuff, or they suck or have bad build

    A cleric who decides to only heal, and not use astral seal, will out heal everyone by millions

    Warlocks simply cannot generate the same heal numbers as a focused healing cleric. With spamming boh normal and divine, the grace feat which insta heals people when.they too low on.hp.near death, etc etc youll never keep up
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    cybergutscyberguts Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    monktoasty wrote: »
    The only way to out heal a cleric is if the cleric runs a dps build or buff/debuff, or they suck or have bad build

    A cleric who decides to only heal, and not use astral seal, will out heal everyone by millions

    Warlocks simply cannot generate the same heal numbers as a focused healing cleric. With spamming boh normal and divine, the grace feat which insta heals people when.they too low on.hp.near death, etc etc youll never keep up

    Weird how my Templock with a Greater Vorpal outheals DC even if they're built like you stated? Why, because my Capstone uses my lifesteal value AND my Vampric Embrace to no even allow people to lose enough health for you to heal anyone BUT me due to the aggro I get for DPS/Healing. In my guild, all the DC's have given up on even attempting to run a heal build and just switch debuff, as I heal as I damage (which again is high due to high crit chance, decent power, decent LS and that Vorpal).

    If you don't believe me, next time I do Lostmauth, Shores and even Spellplague; I will always be on top for DPS, Damage taken, Kills (luv dreadtheft) and Heals I'll screenshot
    Erdan Darksbane - Lvl 60 Soulbinder Fury SW
    BamBam - Lvl 30 GWF
    Trevok - Lvl 30 GF
    Wil - Lvl 25 TR (PvP)
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    monktoastymonktoasty Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    cyberguts wrote: »
    Weird how my Templock with a Greater Vorpal outheals DC even if they're built like you stated? Why, because my Capstone uses my lifesteal value AND my Vampric Embrace to no even allow people to lose enough health for you to heal anyone BUT me due to the aggro I get for DPS/Healing. In my guild, all the DC's have given up on even attempting to run a heal build and just switch debuff, as I heal as I damage (which again is high due to high crit chance, decent power, decent LS and that Vorpal).

    If you don't believe me, next time I do Lostmauth, Shores and even Spellplague; I will always be on top for DPS, Damage taken, Kills (luv dreadtheft) and Heals I'll screenshot

    Its not that I.dont believe you, because I do. Its just im talking about pound for pound healing...of course when the team is geared out like crazy and life stealing, healing is not a big factor even without a cleric or warlock.

    Either way, yer gonna hate the next mod which renders lifesteal gimped as hell..well.ill.hate it too because ill.have to heal more on my cleric
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    tomidius80tomidius80 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    A well made trapper is a beast... I am a cw and I love my trapper buddies.. we melt everything so fast. We kill all of the adds in the Dracolich fight, right on top of him.
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