I have created a chat room on the Line app to help make the looking for group process more effective.
This will help many of us find at least 2 other players to maintain vote control in a dungeon.
When posting in the chat please use this format:
LF (what you are looking for)
Your Gamertag-
Your character name-
Your role- (tank/healer/dps)
Your level-
Your GS-
Dungeon you want to run-
Chat link is:
Or message me on Line and I will add you to the chat.
Chat title:
XB1 Neverwinter LFG
This chat is a LFG system only. Do not post trades, spam, disrespect one another, or troll. Violators will be removed and blocked. If it gets large enough I will assign moderators to help enforce the guidelines. Please contact me using Line with any questions, concerns, and/or comments. My Line ID is BoatManFall3n
13k Virtuos Cleric
13k Destroyed Gwf
12k SS Control Wizard
The more people that are in the chat the easier it will be to find a group and alleviate this vote kicking epidemic.
Hoping the LFG chat can bring these active players together so we can all enjoy the game a little more. Who knows, we might even get the gear we want without being ninja kicked the second the last boss dies.
13k Virtuos Cleric
13k Destroyed Gwf
12k SS Control Wizard
BamBam - Lvl 30 GWF
Trevok - Lvl 30 GF
Wil - Lvl 25 TR (PvP)
It is very gratifying to see groups being made every day and people enjoying the game more without fear of the boot and loot.
I think it also makes the game more enjoyable simply by being able to play with people you are familiar with.
This chat was a great idea but unfortunately this promise was never fulfilled. Chat is anything but a LFG chat. Mostly general Xbox One discussion. Nobody willing to moderate. A missed opportunity. :-(
With that being said, how many times have you posted a comment there and tried to plan a dungeon group? Feel free to hit me up there and I will be more than happy to try and coordinate more runs.
I tried setting one run for just members of the channel by posting a comment and allowing people to like or add to it(had a really great group that night btw). One person added to it to reserve a space on the team that way, which leads me to believe people need to be shown how how to utilize the app to suit the intent of the channel. Perhaps as more people join and attempt this it will catch on and become the norm.
If you ever want to test out different setups with Palringo or LINE I would be happy to help. However, until there are other things in place I think this channel just needs a larger player base and more consistent use.
There were two individuals carrying out a lengthy conversation in the LFG channel. I was at work and could not confront them right away.
Once I warned them and they continued, I removed both of them from the chat. I also sent you a pm informing you that the situation has been resolved but you never replied.
You are more than welcome to join us again.
We also created a secondary room for those interested in general chat. It helps keep the LFG chat strictly LFG and when people want to simply chat they can do so in the general chat group.
Line app address - http://line.me/R/ti/g/FKAn5asE4r