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Fear my Reapers Tank Cleric Build

atroxknightatroxknight Member Posts: 7 Arc User
edited June 2015 in The Temple
Reaper's Tank Cleric Build

First off just wanted to explain my reasons for this build, which i find viable for pvp and pve. First off most

times when a team wipes on a boss or in a dungeon is because the cleric died and there are no longer heals keeping the

team alive, second in pvp clerics get attacked first so why not use that to our advantage. By building up defense hp regen

and deflect we can be as tanky as possible while still dishing out heals moderatly effective to sustain our team. In pvp

we can contest a node without support with as many as 4 people attacking us, and as such keep most of the enemies focus on

us while our team takes the other two nodes. This build is not for everyone, people will judge you for your lower heals

and complain and blame you for their own ability to keep themselves alive, all i have to say to this is when dont people

blame the healer for their deaths. Regardless I have enjoyed playing this build the most, more so then standard healer

builds and dps builds and feel it brings the most to the table for pvp while still being good for pve.This is just a guide

on my build not a full cleric breakdown, I will only be listing my powers feats boons and equipment I currently use but

will be updating this guide as new content is released for the xbox one.

Species :Human








I balanced my points out on my roll so that wisdom charisma and strength were rather close with wisdom being three points

lower getting them from my artifact belt. This way my heals hit fairly well, my recharge rate is still quick and my hp

gets a solid boost.


At Wills
RT Astral Seal
LT Lance of Faith
X Astral Shield
Y Sunburst/Divine Glow
B Bastion of Health
Divine Armor
Hallowed Ground
Greater Fortune 2/3
Tougness 3/3
Domain Synergy 5/5
Holy Resolve 1/3
Initiate of the Faith 3/5
Repurpose Soul 3/3
Cleanse 1/3
Bountiful Fortune 5/5
Resounding Beliefs 5/5
Divine Intervention 5/5
Shared Burdens 5/5
Chaplain's Strength 5/5
Test of Faith 5/5
Agent of the Divine 1/1
Last Wishes 5/5
Dragonheart 800hp
Dragon's Gaze 200crit
Dragonscale Defense 200 def
Dragon's Blood 200reg
Dragon's Revival 10%incoming heals

Helmet:Profound Helm of the Faithful-Dark Rank 7
Chest:Profound Armor of the Faithful-Radiant Rank 7 / Lesser Soulforge
Gloves:Profound Gloves of the Faithful-Dark Rank 7
Main Hand:Draconic Scepter-Black Ice Rank 8 / Vorpal Enchantment
Off Hand:Draconic Icon-Black Ice Rank 8
Feet:Profound Greaves of the Faithful-Dark Rank 7
Neck:Necklace of Shielding-Black Ice Rank 8
Ring:Ring of Shielding-Radiant Rank 7
Ring:Ring of Shielding-Radiant Rank 7
Belt:Belt of Wisdom "Rank 41"-Dragon Hoard Rank 9
Shirt:Gemmed Exquisite Shirt-Black Ice Rank 7
Pants:Gemmed Exquisite Pants-Radiant Rank 8

Reinforcement Kits
All Armor kits:Greater HP 400hp
All Jewel kits:Regen 25reg

Active:Ioun Stone of Alure
Runestones:Lesser Bonding Runestone Rank 7 x 2, Eldritch Runestone Rank 7
Items:Ring of Shielding-Radiant Rank7,Icy Amulet of Hrimnir-Radiant Rank 7, Ancient Royal Priest's Icon-

Draconic Rank 7

Other:Drow Merc, Hawk, Druid, Ioun Stone of Radiance.

Welcome questions and comments
Post edited by atroxknight on


  • trappy1026trappy1026 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    Dude, have you tried to read that post yourself?
  • atroxknightatroxknight Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Wrote it on a touch screen tablet in notepad get that it needs editing. Thank you grammer police.
  • s4v10rxs4v10rx Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    try the full con/tank set up earlier today tho is awesome in pvp but u can't kill tho, end up staying at enemy base n tank 4 opponent. just think is boring in pvp =(
    Guild: Asylum
    7thS1n---Trickster Rouge LV 70(perma-Stun build)
    7ThH3AL3R-- Devoted Cleric LV 70 (Divine Oracle Haste/DPS build)
    7ThM4G3-- Control Wizard
    7ThW4rL0CK-- Scrooge Warlock
    7THW4R--Great Weapon Fighter
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