I'm currently playing a 17k trapper hunter. Currently I'm seeing two viable ways of enchanting my gear. I don't really need randoms scrubs chiming in on our conversation and ideas so I'd rather keep this talk private. I also don't really feel like telling the whole world the best way to play my class, i.e.: competitive advantage.
I've already figured out where my ranges on soft caps and where they should be, information I don't mind sharing. Just need one other high GS trapper with half a brain to figure this out.
My GT is Adept the God. Feel free to message me anytime and I'll get back to you or just leave your GT on this thread and I'll see it.
Find me on XBOX Live. I like these chats myself I've pointed several people in the right direction already myself. Great thing about running the trapper is i find several interesting new ways all the time to go about each scenario. I can easily have close to 16k with the gear I have but due to certain current caps involving ArP for the most part I'm able to deal more damage with around 14.5k.
I'm usually always online and my gamertag is fairly simple,
I'm usually always online and my gamertag is fairly simple,