Fix the lag!!! Not sure if it is a network issue or a game optimization problem but it is getting old FAST!! (I have 100Mbs down and 10Mbs up no lag in any other games and I am hardwired) I'm not sure what or how this game plays in your testing labs but here is a few videos of what it is like for us so you can get an idea of just how bad it is and what we the players are facing constantly!
Dying because of lag in a single player instance.
Then dungeons that are so laggy we can't really play them.
I've been b*tching about this since release and things just seems to get even worse.
5-6 people fighting a dragon - works pretty okay, most of the times.
20 people fighting a dragon - unplayable.
This game, or/and the hardware in the XBOX, can't handle what's going on. The game gets "tired" and worse after playing for a while.
I really doubt that this will change. People obviously still plays. People obviously gladly pays for the new "cool" mounts and companions.
Edit: Here's some videos (hope the links work.)
DC - "The Unholy"
Guild: Ruthless
The lag and also the kicking are the two biggest issues in this game right now.
I don't think so. I would normally agree, but its too widespread for it to be high latency. It has to be insufficient processing power on their end. Or the console.
I highly doubt it as this problem affects everyone without an exception. So it must be the game somehow. The Xbox One is more than capable of running a game with graphics like this quite well, it's enough to look at other games. No game in the world has such a bad framerate. I hope that the developers know what causes this and also that they plan to improve it.
In any game I've played in the last 3 months (Destiny, CoD, Titanfall, Diablo 3, GTA) never do I experience lag, horribly low framerate, screen/game locks or even disconnects. Further, only with Neverwinter have I ever needed to restart my modem. Additionally, something about the way my connection combined with Xbox Live and Neverwinter's servers communicate with each other, causes me to drop my wired connection while my wifi connection is running just fine.
I see you keep writing this in the forum, but that doesn't make sense in this case.
If every other online game works fine with very little or no lag, why is Neverwinter the only game that suffers from this extremely ridiculous unplayable horrible lag/freezing? And i'm talking about all time worst game lag/freeze from OG Xbox to 360 to XO.
When my friends are experiencing the exact same lag/freezing at the exact same moment, no matter which country they live in, could it really be on the users end then?
It's definitely not on the users end and if it somehow is, it's still the game that's broken, badly coded, badly optimized, badly whatever. If you have to restart you modem, restart you game, restart your xbox to make it somewhat less laggy, it's the game/console that's bad but probably the game in this case.
DC - "The Unholy"
Guild: Ruthless
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"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent."
I agree, its getting worse, which would even further justify it being a server issue as more people are playing.
To be honest I don't find it being worse every week. It's just as bad as it has ever been which is sad enough in itself. Perhaps there are more freezes for several seconds, but the framerate is the same. The same low...
It's not the framerate that pisses me off, I can deal with that, I won't die. The freezes literally kill my character and seem to happen at the most inopportune times.
Here is the video: