I am sure a lot of you already know this, but in running a lot of dungeons and group events lately I have realized a lot of people do not. An easy way to use the in game text chat is simply download the xbox one app for your android or iPhone mobile device. When you push LB+Down, and then Hit X your phone will vibrate and the keyboard in the app will automatically come up. Then you can simply use the microphone on your phone to say what you want and it will be typed out in the in game chat system, or you can use the keyboard in the app of course , but what is this the friggin dark ages lol
J.K. Just make sure the app is connected and up on your phone for this to work of course.
EDIT:I guess I did not explain this well enough, obviously if you are in a group doing end game content you should use a mic, but if you are trying to talk in zone chat, sell somthing, LFG etc....then this is what the app is good for.
:mad:Devilhanzou Level 60 Rogue, executioner. (send me an in game message if you wanna farm some dungeons.
(Gamer Tag:Devil Hanzou)
Why would you push text instead of chat? You even mention the Xbox. It came with MIC? Why live in the dark ages as you suggest n write messages when you could plug in the MIC and talk????????????????????????????????????????????Makes no sense.
Honestly a huge factor I experienced in PC MMOs were how men get a little creepy when they hear a womans voice in chat. The little amount of time I have played this game and been added to party guys casually hit on the girls as soon as they hear her voice.
Additionally some people are very introverted when it comes to speaking, but are quite verbose when they type. People coming from the PC realm of MMOs are very used to reading while they quest and being able to process that easily.
Finally, the game chat is lacking. When in a PuG, xbox party its better but you have not idea who on your team is talking if un snapped or game and global names are different.
Most times people are in a party, sometimes in a party with friends not on the game, chatting with your friends and randoms at the same time can't happen. Plus on Xbox there are a LOT of squakers and nobody wants to hear that through voice chat. Add in all the dumb people who have kinects on with kids screaming and yeaaa there are good reasons to not use voice chat outside of a party...
The mic only lets you talk to people in group, I am talking about using the in game text chat system for things like selling, LFG, General Chat, sending tells, emotes , etc. Obviously when in group using a headset is preferable. I personally would never jump into a end game group without one.