I was just wondering, sins I played this game there was always some kind a event in the weekends..
Maybe it will start a bit later, because of yesterday fix update?
The only thing I like to see in a 90% discount on character slots, like they did with the last double xp event.
By the way, the update was delayed to today.
On character slots 90% discount - Is that so you can buy 20 slots for the price of 2 (and use the 20 slots for bots???) Are you a cheapskate or what?
Wow, you're a HAMSTER.
your a c*nt... just saying
but its funny because i brought character slots the night before the discount last time
This toxicity seems familiar.........aren't you supposed to be on the Destiny boards?
well, someones got some sand in their punani :P
Double XP weekend followed closely by double refinement event!
Its only in perfect worlds own interest to do discount on the overly high priced character slots.
More characters == more chances to get money on character bound items.
Also the game is new on the xbox, so thats why they did a 90% on it ("promotion").
But now that there is a double xp event going on, there is a good chance they will do a sale on the last day of set events.
When server population is high, its a classic free to pay strategy.