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Buyout Option

snarilssnarils Member Posts: 12 Arc User
Yes, Neverwinter has a buyout feature on the auction house!

you do not have to post everything with only a starting bid, you can put a Buy it now price! :O

Amaaaaazing right?!

Post edited by snarils on


  • friedarmenianfriedarmenian Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    snarils wrote: »
    Yes, Neverwinter has a buyout feature on the auction house!

    you do not have to post everything with only a starting bid, you can put a Buy it now price! :O

    Amaaaaazing right?!


    I love sarcasm, and THAT SIR, was a great example. You are correct to show that 99% of the posts don't use the buyout button. My personal take is that they are lazy and don't want to spend a few seconds actually researching the AH for the same item to get an economic take on what the item is normally selling for. It makes it easy for people to choke the AH with a pile of stuff not caring if there are 20,000 of the same thing selling cheaper.

    People!!! If you saw how many items were sitting with a starting bid half of what you want to start YOUR bid at, you would realise it's not worth that much.

    Huh....I thought Ballsdeep was a location in Lord of the Rings.

    Xbox Avatar=FriedArmenian
    Level 60 GWF=Buckaroofury
  • aliwhistlealiwhistle Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Drives me insane too! Just like in real life when I want to purchase a shiny I want it NOW!
  • wade8765wade8765 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I place a buyout and I undercut everyone guaranteeing a sale! I may lose 10 AD doing it this way but the item always sells quick and who cares about a couple of Astrals right!?!?

    What I would like is a search character and station names feature for the auction house. If a seller lists a bargain then maybe there are more bargains from this same seller to be had!!!!
  • snarilssnarils Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I put all my stuff with a buyout, and it sells quickly. I don't understand what people are thinking.

    I've been wanting to buy that Dragonbone Long bow for a week.. but every listing is always without a buyout.. lol. And trying to ask in chat for one.. using the controller to communicate.. omg.. I want to smash my fingers with a brick.

    I'd ignore the spammers.. but there is sooo much **** spam.. i'm afraid I would ignore everyone and no longer be able to group!
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I don't know what's worse, the lack of buyouts, the 400 item limit (still can't find Marks of Potency with buyouts because of the blasted default sort and result limit), or the undercutters driving all the prices down. Stuff is way too cheap on the market... too hard to make a profit on anything right now.
  • snarilssnarils Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm actually enjoying playing the game.. a lot more on the Xbox than I did on the PC :)

    But, I think I spend so much time at the PC during the day at work.. that the thought of sitting at the desk at home.. after being here 12-14 hours.. I just cant do PC gaming any more.. lol.

    But man.. when did Perfectworld become so dang greedy?!
  • kickinchicken80kickinchicken80 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I get annoyed with the lack of buyouts as well.

    I am using the fansite http://neverwintertradeforum.com/

    A growing community of traders

    we are getting bigger daily
    Neverwinters Fan site trading forum http://neverwintertradeforum.com/index.php
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    Morgonmgc wrote:
    A) I generally get more money on auction-style listings, because people don't like to lose. In the case of multiple bidders, you'll almost always get 'snipe' bids towards the very end of an auction.
    B) The list sorting is set to buyout amount. Auction-only listings always show up first. By showing up on the first page, with a decent price, bids are made.
    C) There are a lot of extremely stupid buyout amounts, so many other players aren't bothering with buyouts.

    Until B and C are fixed, I'll always put up auction-only posts when it's prudent.
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    While I do list some of my bids with buyouts. I also list an equal number of bids without buyouts. There's a good reason to list items without buyouts outside of just the auction house filters being broken and us not being able to filter search results by buyout. The number one reason is, if you do it right, often times you can make more money than if you were to have sold the item with a buyout due to other player's inattentiveness and inherent competitive nature. Now starting items with a bid of 1 AD is just begging to lose money on the item as those items will almost always sell for less than they're worth. In fact, these low starting bid items are how I make a fairly large portion of my personal profit. Buy the item through low bid sniping, relist at standard buyout price. I wouldn't recommend using that method as the only means of making money though as being counter sniped by other AH sharks is quite common and can be very frustrating particularly on items with an extremely high RoI.

    The issue to me isn't necessarily people listing items without buyouts though. People do list items with buyouts, the problem is the broken AH filtering of search results. On PC and Gateway players are able to search for an item and then filter those search results by starting bid highest/lowest, buyout price highest/lowest, and time remaining highest/lowest. We NEED this on xbox and we need it implemented yesterday... OR Cryptic could just setup a NW Gateway for Xbox as that would, in my opinion take a lot less time and be incrementally more useful...
    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • beoshabeosha Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    snarils wrote: »
    Yes, Neverwinter has a buyout feature on the auction house!

    you do not have to post everything with only a starting bid, you can put a Buy it now price! :O

    Amaaaaazing right?!

    The best thing about buyout prices? When someone posts a lower buyout than the item's salvage value. :cool:
  • snarilssnarils Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I get supply and demand thing, more money is great. I would just like to find the bow lol... without waiting a week or more.. only to be outbid when the auction ends.. and im here at work :)
  • jripoljripol Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I won't buy anything without a buyout. I almost never want anything 5 days from now, I am usually on the AH because I want/need it now.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ^^^ This. I might -- MIGHT -- participate in an auction with a 1-day timer, but I'm not waiting five days for anything. I'll occasionally look for stuff that's expiring in a few minutes, but that's hit and miss with no option to sort or filter on list columns. The long auctions aren't really worth it when there's a pretty good chance you won't win due to last minute bids anyway.
  • attorn97attorn97 Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    beosha wrote: »
    The best thing about buyout prices? When someone posts a lower buyout than the item's salvage value. :cool:

    I do this quite often, and consider it a service provided by (and to!) players who are more casual. Thanks for buying my stuff!!

    I'll gladly take 5.5k refined AD instead of 6k rough AD. Since about the 2nd week of the game, I've had over 200k backlog of rough AD that I can't refine (spread over 2 chars) thanks to double AD weekends. Hell.. I'd take 3k refined AD for a purple ring of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. The alternative is to be able to actually be able to convert these rough AD to refined AD sometime in .. never?

    Between the Daily Dungeon, Skirmish, PvP, PvP Victory, Lord Protector's PvP, Dungeon and Skirmish, leadership profession, and random purple <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> looted in dungeons, making 24k rough AD a day is too easy.
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