Some info
Leadership is focused on getting its members ranked up to T2 and assisting them in forming groups and developing their gear score. We encourage advancement of the campaign and are usually more than happy to help guide newer or inexperienced payers.
We have members running Castle Never, Shores of Tuern, and Lostmauth.
Our philosophy is twofold.
1: Play your game the way you want to enjoy it, but not at the expense of another's enjoyment (friendly $#!% talking welcome but no kicking people on bosses).
2: The guild invests time in you, invest back what time you can. (This is a team based game after all, and we need more T1s in T2 dungeons so help a guild out with runs once you've got your gear of course)
We are currently looking for T2 capable members, message GT=Minmatar (for Europe) RookeRolled (Austrlia) The Forever Man (US). Please allow 1-3 days to process the request as we are back logged on invite requests and T1 gearing runs for the fresh 60's. We are not turning down applications from T1 but would like to know more about your past MMO experience and current class build and gearing plans. If you don't know these things but are just super excited and enthusiastic to play with people, that is probably something we can work with. Personality, and patience are very important to us. We would rather invest hours into gearing players who are fun to play with and will stick around, than waste time gearing up a good player whose attitude is insufferable.
Remember, Even if you don’t join us you’ll still be Timed Out.
Some guild lingo:
#dungeonduece = Leaving a dungeon to poo
#bushwook = Forget to turn in a daily
#partyhoppin = Having to jump multiple xbox parties to liason between multiple groups
#castleforever = A Castle Never gone wrong.
#splitrun = Selling all the Purple Loots and Dividing the AD with the team.
#humancentipede = reference to Moonstone Mask or activities contained within.
#herpes/Aids = I have a queue glitch, or other bug.
#Speedrun = Speed Running a zone.
#dungeonduece = Leaving a dungeon to poo
#bushwook = Forget to turn in a daily
#partyhoppin = Having to jump multiple xbox parties to liason between multiple groups
#castleforever = A Castle Never gone wrong.
#humancentipede = reference to Moonstone Mask or activities contained within.
#herpes/Aids = I have a queue glitch, or other bug.
#Speedrun = Speed Running a zone.