Some dood from back in the day named Epitaph/Raolin/Vyrus/AntiVyrus from DDO says "GO BACK TO DDO WITH YOU STINKIN HIGH GEAR SCORE" lol. If that's you from the other D&D hit me up man @smurfyscrote. 'Bout the only person I still keep in contact with a little is mudfud.
MMmmm not really. Mostly I just remember some of the vets like You, Roninmudfud, Sheelagh, Cereal, Aes, maybe a couple of others. At either rate, im only about 10.5k but shoot friend me up and maybe we can run some stuff one of these days.
p.s. Dont know if you remember Groan...came to Sarlona for a bit from Argo...hes on NW too...