Okay, so the other day I finished the Elemental Evil quest line with my Temptation Warlock alt (didn't try it with my GWF main yet because I'm waiting on guildies to be available to play). I got the seeds from all four zones and got the new artifact main-hand and off-hand. Looking back at it, it doesn't feel like it was that bad. Yeah, I died a lot and it got frustrating at points, but it wasn't impossible or unplayable.
My warlock had decent gear, but not the best by any means. Draconic armor (switched to the new set you can buy in Well of Dragons after a while), Golden Dragon main hand that was only ranked up to blue (wasn't able to get the off-hand before Mod 6 came out), Charisma Belt that was also only blue, purple warlock artifact and purple artifact that gave you the shopkeeper. Enchants were all rank 5 or 6. Had a terror enchant, but no armor enchant.
I don't consider myself to be all that skilled. I'm afraid to even try PVP. My strategy usually consists of curse > warlock's bargain > the blade barrier thing > then fire my laser. Throw in some Hand of Blight while everything else in on cooldown and hope that the mobs go after my Neverwinter Guard instead of me, but they usually didn't. I wasn't in a group at all, but there were a few time I'd follow some other people around for a bit if I noticed that they were doing the same vigilance quest I was.
So I guess my question is, if a scrub like me was able to finish it with what people seem to consider the worse class at the moment, why are other people finding it so "impossible" or "unplayable"?
...now go to one of the old campaign zones with your SW and report back. Sharandar and Dread Ring are still the easiest, IwD and WoD are the new litmus test.
The EE campaign maps mostly caught critique for being boring revamps of old zones with even more boring super-repetitive quest"lines", not for being way too hard. The old campaign zones, however... ...well, go there and see for yourself.
The other point is that you had the blue gear from the Well. A fresh level 60, who will not have had the chance to go to Well of Dragons in its pre-mod 6 state will not be able to solo Well of Dragons. To get the blue gear, you need fangs that you can only get from quests in the Well of Dragons. That blue armor is an advantage that other level 60-70s won't have without finding people to group with for the Well quests.
Otherwise, they'll be in the quest reward gear from the new Elemental zones, and it's not as good as the stuff from the Well.
But to reiterate what suicidalgodot said, the Elemental zones are the easiest ones for 60-70. Sharander and Dread are a step up in difficulty, and IWD and WOD are on yet another level.
The EE campaign maps mostly caught critique for being boring revamps of old zones with even more boring super-repetitive quest"lines", not for being way too hard. The old campaign zones, however... ...well, go there and see for yourself.
Otherwise, they'll be in the quest reward gear from the new Elemental zones, and it's not as good as the stuff from the Well.
But to reiterate what suicidalgodot said, the Elemental zones are the easiest ones for 60-70. Sharander and Dread are a step up in difficulty, and IWD and WOD are on yet another level.