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Scourge Warlock Tests last night

draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
Ok so after some thinking I decided to just go and test the idea that my SW is que'ing as a dang healer due to the Temptation build. This test was a little extreme but it only makes me think there may be truth to this theory.

Back story: Through leveling everytime I have joined a Dungeon there was not a Cleric in the group. I didnt think much of it as I thought maybe this was the norm since my Main is a Cleric I hadnt had any exposure to the Que system without a Cleric in the group. Once I started doing Epic content I started getting kicked saying the group needed a "Healer". So again I understood. Fortunately last night the groups I was matched with didnt seem to mind that there wasnt a "Cleric" in the group for the first 3 runs. Here is the breakdown.

I ran a total of 6 dungeons last night with my SW using the Que system every time.

First 3 runs I was using my normal full Temptation Build. There was not a Cleric in the group. I was healing for around 1.9 million (that is a pretty accurate average of the 3 runs) Now on the damage side I was only ranked 3rd in 2 and then 4th in the 3rd run so there is definitely a DPS question with this build. I was in mostly greens and blues too though.

I had a respec token laying around from some packages I had bought so I used it.

Next three runs I chose Fury feats.

All three runs a Cleric was in the group through the Q system.

So now I really wonder if this is as intended? Anyone have any thoughts on this? I enjoy playing as a Temptation Warlock but do not really want to get the boot from Dungeons on spawn in due to "no Cleric Healer" in the group.

I do plan to respec back to Temptation again after a few more runs with the Fury build to see if it reverts back to no Cleric.
Post edited by draven165 on


  • kaspa6kaspa6 Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2015
    its all luck if u have vip u will jump in before most over ppl
  • ratedchaotic1ratedchaotic1 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Really your trying to compare two different classes. The healing SW and having a Cleric is like the tank and off tank set up. If your trying to out heal a cleric you need to learn more about mmos.
  • brandonv516brandonv516 Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015
    Really your trying to compare two different classes. The healing SW and having a Cleric is like the tank and off tank set up. If your trying to out heal a cleric you need to learn more about mmos.

    Why would you not try? Personally, I don't like playing the cookie cutter class setup (ONLY DPS). I also play a Temptation SW and love it. I can fill the missing DC role in most T2 dungeons and I supplement a DC well in CN.

    That being said, I don't want to replace a DC and neither should the OP.

    Edit: BTW, just FYI I'm usually about 1 million healing damage behind a DC in CN. Considering I don't apply a single heal to anyone, I like this! :)
  • draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Really your trying to compare two different classes. The healing SW and having a Cleric is like the tank and off tank set up. If your trying to out heal a cleric you need to learn more about mmos.

    Apparently someone didn't read the OP. I never said I am "trying to out heal the cleric". This entire post was about the Queue system that I have found when comparing my SW to my DC. My thoughts were and still are is the Queue system mistakenly counting a Temptation Build Warlock as a "healer" in slot and thus not pairing it with a Cleric. As my main (a DC) I never noticed this during leveling as I was never paired with an SW to ask what their build was. Also during my leveling of my SW I have never been paired with a DC. SOOOOO this had me thinking. I never claimed this is in fact how the system works nor did I state that I know for sure this to be the case. I was testing out 2 different builds on my SW to see if anything changed.

    What I found was as a Temptation SW I still havent been grouped with a DC but when I changed my build to a fury I was always grouped with a DC. This cant be a coincidence can it? I was asking others if they noticed this or if anyone else has done any testing. I will continue to test it as time allows.

    Please for the love of all that is holy actually read a post before commenting and then make sure you understand the post before commenting.


    **EDIT** Sorry if this came across as hostile. It just aggravates me for someone to say learn more about MMO's. I am an older gamer and have been playing "MMO's" since they probably originated on computers. To make that statement when you are obviously in the wrong for not even having a clue about the intent of a post is beyond annoying. rant/
  • lordsarveriouslordsarverious Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    draven165 wrote: »
    Sorry if this came across as hostile. It just aggravates me for someone to say learn more about MMO's. I am an older gamer and have been playing "MMO's" since they probably originated on computers. To make that statement when you are obviously in the wrong for not even having a clue about the intent of a post is beyond annoying. rant/

    Obviously, you have people who don't read the whole post. There was where the problem was IMHO. I think that is some interesting findings there, and I hope maybe we get a clear reason as why to that. Keep up the good work Draven.
    Co-Founder of AoF Neverwinter Branch (TR 60, CW 60 SS)
    Find me on XBL to get an interview to join the guild.
  • ratedchaotic1ratedchaotic1 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    First off why create this thread. Your thinking 1.9 healing being healing spec and being bottom 3 in damage is good. Thats my point. Learn your class. Your healing is based off damage. So why take a big hit to damage being speced that way.You will never heal as good as a cleric as well the buffs you lose without one. This thread is pointless.
  • xrollxtidexxrollxtidex Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    First off why create this thread. Your thinking 1.9 healing being healing spec and being bottom 3 in damage is good. Thats my point. Learn your class. Your healing is based off damage. So why take a big hit to damage being speced that way.

    You have really missed the point of the original post.
    Roll Tide : Guardian Fighter
  • grimnebulagrimnebula Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i run temptation SW and there is usually is a cleric except for like 1 out of 10 runs
  • xhelxhel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    As a DC I love running with a temptation Warlock. Less I focus on healing nubs standing in red stuff I can debuff and buff group to destroy things way faster. If a Lock is out healing a cleric its most likely they changed 1/2 the healing spells to debuff/buff ones.
  • zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    First off why create this thread. Your thinking 1.9 healing being healing spec and being bottom 3 in damage is good. Thats my point. Learn your class. Your healing is based off damage. So why take a big hit to damage being speced that way.You will never heal as good as a cleric as well the buffs you lose without one. This thread is pointless.

    Get out of that Cookie Cutter mentality. It's about group utility and synergy. A DC doesn't have to solely focus on healing when a Hellbring Templock is in the party (I main one along side one of our DCs). As another has said, they can change gears a bit and work on buffing/debuffing while throwing out heals in between. This thread isn't pointless. You clearly haven't been playing long enough nor have enough knowledge to really understand that it's not about topping damage charts. It's about group synergy, communication and understanding.
  • draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    grimnebula wrote: »
    i run temptation SW and there is usually is a cleric except for like 1 out of 10 runs

    Thank you for this post. Someone with intelligence actually got the point. And appreciate you debunking the theory. Guess it was just the luck of the queue for me.
  • grimnebulagrimnebula Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    draven165 wrote: »
    Thank you for this post. Someone with intelligence actually got the point. And appreciate you debunking the theory. Guess it was just the luck of the queue for me.

    glad i could help
  • jood87jood87 Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2015
    My templock rarely gets clerics as well. However, I sometimes do. Whenever I run my rogue and its with a buddy who uses his templock we rarely get Clerics as well. Idk, but I really enjoy having a templock in parties :)
  • stellarpandastellarpanda Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I never post anything, but wanted to comment on this because it is relevant. I am playing as a Temptation Warlock, and this is my first character, so in fairness I don't know any different. I have thought to myself on many occasions that I rarely see clerics. It does happen from time to time, but the vast majority of the time I am ranked highest in healing. I agree with the other poster that out of ten runs, I may only see one DC. I don't think you're off base at all. I like having a cleric about, so you've piqued my curiosity as to whether or not the Temptation affects the queue. Thanks!
  • draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I never post anything, but wanted to comment on this because it is relevant. I am playing as a Temptation Warlock, and this is my first character, so in fairness I don't know any different. I have thought to myself on many occasions that I rarely see clerics. It does happen from time to time, but the vast majority of the time I am ranked highest in healing. I agree with the other poster that out of ten runs, I may only see one DC. I don't think you're off base at all. I like having a cleric about, so you've piqued my curiosity as to whether or not the Temptation affects the queue. Thanks!

    Thank you for this feedback!

    I have some additional feedback from more tests last night.

    I ran as a fury lock for 5 runs and was grouped with a Cleric every run.

    I then respecc'd again back to my preferred build of a Temptation lock but only ran 3 more Dungeons due to time. On the first 2 runs again I was back to NOT having a cleric in the group but now that my gear score is up I was throwing up 4-5million in healing and ranked 2 on end damage score.

    The third run when I joined there wasnt a cleric but someone left and a cleric joined. I thought to myself wow this is the first time I was grouped with a Cleric as a Templock. But then the Cleric said something I have never heard.... Looks like you guys have DPS covered so I will switch out and heal!?!? This was a DPS Cleric? Was the Queue filling him as a DPS slot and me as healing slot? So now the plot thickens.

    I know the "official" word is that the Queue does not look for specific classes and everything is random BUT this has got to be more than just a coincidence and random grouping playing mind tricks.

    So now this theory is based on others previous feedback of being Templock grouped with Clerics, what was the spec of those Clerics? We may never know the real scheme here but I do find all this research very interesting.

    Thank you to all those that have added constructive input to this test. I appreciate all of your feedback!
  • brandonv516brandonv516 Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015
    Temp Warlock here,

    I got grouped with 2 DCs last night for Shores and we wiped on the Cult of the Dragon mobs - must not have been enough DPS? I think one of the DCs was a DPS build but there should have been no reason for wiping with that much healing. The end boss went down fast though.

    What I do notice a lot is that when I queue up for Epic PK (my farming dungeon), I almost always join a group without a DC (and fast!). So does the game recognize me as a healer? Must be. However, not every party I join recognizes me as capable of doing so - their loss though because I've healed my team between 2.5-3 million on this dungeon many times and still came in no less than 3rd in damage.
  • arakk00arakk00 Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    As a Temptation SW main in mod5: With Accursed Diabolist, CHA belt, lots of Power and Lifesteal, you can indeed outheal a cleric unless Temptation is greatly different from the PC version. The trick is to focus on DoT, AoE powers. I used to run Dreadtheft, Harrowstorm, and Warlock's Bargain along with Eldritch Blast and Hellish Rebuke, slotting Flames of Empowerment and No Pity, No Mercy (Thanks to FoE, I never used dailies much.) Anyway- the trick is to spam HoT effects from using DoT spells, with high Power and Lifesteal. A DC still does better burst healing, but Temptation is the king of full health.

    As a final note, hope you don't get Mod 6 anytime soon.
    A <Friendly Dragon>!
  • e11ze11z Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    I went temptation but kept getting kicked or the group dps were <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> so i went fury.

    I solo'd the worm boss in the plague caverns or w/e it's called on my temp build but we couldn't even get him below 75% with a healer.

    I wanted to create a guild that was a warlock safe haven where we just have temptation warlocks and fury ones doing instances with at least 3 temptation built warlocks with varying debuffs and buffs.
    One can only dream...
    The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
  • ludiatoreludiatore Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10 Arc User
    No as a temptation warlock you are listed in que as dps. This is wrong as we should be able to que as a healer. I out heal most dc's and pallies without a problem. Hopefully they fix it.
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