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Quick Help Question (Stuck in dung)

groovyloopylougroovyloopylou Member Posts: 7 Arc User
I got into dread vault when team was fighting the final boss.
Game froze up so i restarted it. Team finished the boss and I am now faced with the boss (respawned) and on my own, portal is there but cant use since there are enemies and i cant leave group (I am only one in there) as the scoreboard is up and its the only thing I can select :/

Ideas? I logged out and back in and still there, its logging me into the boss are (not at campfire). I am now logged out again and have been for 5 / 10 mins.

Any ideas how to escape?

Incidentally the boss kill registered for me so I just need out of there lol.
Post edited by groovyloopylou on


  • reallyreconreallyrecon Member Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Have you tried dying? It may respawn you at the campfire, where you can open up the Wondrous Bazaar shop from the Main Menu, buy a teleport scroll for 4k AD, and teleport out.

    It may be a little pricey, but I'm not sure what your other options are. I had a friend have this exact same problem, but I can't recall what he did to correct it.
    Recon - 60 Cleric
    Gamertag: ReallyRecon
  • rangerman25rangerman25 Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2015
    Every dungeon has a door that allows you to leave...have you tried finding it?
  • kaspa6kaspa6 Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2015
    just wate a few hours and it shoud auto kick u
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