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Best Companions for a DC?

vordaynvordayn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,283 Arc User
edited May 2015 in The Temple
So I've recently levelled my cleric and he's a lot of fun playing with. Keeping everyone alive is intense work however, but am enjoying it so far.

Just out of interest, what are you choices for the top companions for a DC?

I'm thinking of getting an Owl for it's -25% threat.

Vordon CW        Vordayn DC        Axel Wolfric GWF        Logain SW        Gawyn GF        Galad OP        Aspen Darkfire HR        Min TR
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    lilhamletlilhamlet Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    M'eh, if you're soloing, you're gonna have threat, you can't avoid it. If you're grouping, you should have a tank anyway. I wouldn't advise the owl.

    If you're going to spend real money...

    1) Ioun Stone
    2) Ioun Stone
    3) umm.... Ioun Stone.... but you saw that coming.

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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    lilhamlet wrote: »
    M'eh, if you're soloing, you're gonna have threat, you can't avoid it. If you're grouping, you should have a tank anyway. I wouldn't advise the owl.

    If you're going to spend real money...

    1) Ioun Stone
    2) Ioun Stone
    3) umm.... Ioun Stone.... but you saw that coming.


    Ummm, no.

    Augments are fine during solo leveling. But once you hit level 65+ you will want either a healer or a defender. Among the freebies are the Man at Arms and Healer. Among Zen Market: Galeb Duhr will save your bacon again and again - it is the absolute best 'protector/defender' companion in the Zen Market - and it works best for all squishy classes (ignore the crappy Active Bonus, its summoned abilities outweigh that) and Honey Badger (2nd best) is still bugged as far as I know (it dies and never wakes up).

    If you have enough Ardent Coins then claim your Angel of Protection (or buy one in the auction house: they are ridiculously under-priced and always have been).

    Augment companions, contrary to wanna-be elitists aren't 'all that' any more. At least not in end-game.
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    sharonioussharonious Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    A rust monster is generally a good bet for a DC, the passive gives enemies a damage debuff when they hit you. If you're soloing, they make a decent striker and one of their attacks is an additional damage debuff.

    For dungeons, you'll want an augment. Ioun stone's easiest to get, I've heard if you can get it the chicken has a better bonus (stamina? run speed? something).
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    sharonioussharonious Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Augments are fine during solo leveling. But once you hit level 65+ you will want either a healer or a defender. Among the freebies are the Man at Arms and Healer.

    I dunno, if you're running a healer build a tank or healer companion doesn't seem necessary. I did my 60-70 leveling with a striker, for a little bit of extra damage. Leveling a cleric is slow enough already :P

    I second the angel recommendation!
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    tommybostictommybostic Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Cat > Ioun. Simply because it has critic/recovery bonus (+deflect) ,and high crit build is the best for healing.
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    mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Cat > Ioun. Simply because it has critic/recovery bonus (+deflect) ,and high crit build is the best for healing.

    Can someone explain, outside of Repurpose Soul heroic feat, why and how crits help with healing? TIA
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    lilhamletlilhamlet Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Can someone explain, outside of Repurpose Soul heroic feat, why and how crits help with healing? TIA

    Crit severity affects heals too. So on a crit, you heal more.

    The 1% for each 400 points of power doesn't compare to the 75% base crit severity of a successful crit.
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    lilhamletlilhamlet Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Ummm, no.

    Augments are fine during solo leveling. But once you hit level 65+ you will want either a healer or a defender. Among the freebies are the Man at Arms and Healer. Among Zen Market: Galeb Duhr will save your bacon again and again - it is the absolute best 'protector/defender' companion in the Zen Market - and it works best for all squishy classes (ignore the crappy Active Bonus, its summoned abilities outweigh that) and Honey Badger (2nd best) is still bugged as far as I know (it dies and never wakes up).

    If you have enough Ardent Coins then claim your Angel of Protection (or buy one in the auction house: they are ridiculously under-priced and always have been).

    Augment companions, contrary to wanna-be elitists aren't 'all that' any more. At least not in end-game.

    not being elitist. Why does a healer class need a healer pet? There should be enough self-healing to go around. A striker or defender pet could always take a load off, but every boss will still stomp them by looking at them. Ioun Stones don't die and they just augment you in PvE (more healing, more damage, and more useful against any boss.)

    Additionally, augments don't aggro extra groups that you don't want to fight in the first place. If you've played any of the T2 dungeons, aggroing extra groups gets your party stomped.
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    mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Can someone explain, outside of Repurpose Soul heroic feat, why and how crits help with healing? TIA

    Does the heal from crit ONLY happen due to Repurpose Soul being feated?
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    lilhamletlilhamlet Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Does the heal from crit ONLY happen due to Repurpose Soul being feated?

    No. It is affecting the base heal itself. If you look at your healing logs, sometimes you'll see it crit for more than the max healing in your tooltip. Repurpose Soul is just icing on the cake.... although that icing doesn't come with Daunting Light, Chains of Blazing Light, or Flamestrike still after 2 years....
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    herundrionherundrion Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Tank pet might be alright for some solo content - they did get buffed in this new mod and if you have the AD to max them out, they will become useful. However, outside of that, Augments is what you'd want - just because they don't aggro and give you more stats directly.

    As for crit, it's not a stat to really focus on - get some where you can, but it won't make you that much more effective. And, it will only be really effective for Virtuous for critting HoTs.
    Co-Founder of -Valor-
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    highlyunstablehighlyunstable Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    vordayn wrote: »
    So I've recently levelled my cleric and he's a lot of fun playing with. Keeping everyone alive is intense work however, but am enjoying it so far.

    Just out of interest, what are you choices for the top companions for a DC?

    I'm thinking of getting an Owl for it's -25% threat.


    I have played DC for nearly 2 years now..and NOTHING compares to a WAR DOG. It is as strong as a tank and produces twice the threat. I have done eLOL for a long time.. and the Scorpions have never attacked me nor anyone near me...they always only attack my dog. Seriously.. it is a must have for DC's
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    vordaynvordayn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,283 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Good ideas all, thanks!

    I think i'll be getting an augment for group content then. The black dragon ioun stone sounds good, the active bonus can be useful if HP drops below 50%, that's when crits can make a life-saving difference, although my aim is usually *not* to get less than 50% HP. :)

    For solo I'll look into the galeb duhr (sounds like a good tank) or rust monster for that nice active bonus. Angel of prot also looks good imo also for the active bonus. I've already used my war dog with another char sadly.

    Chicken sounds like a lark, might be good for PvP. ;)
    Vordon CW        Vordayn DC        Axel Wolfric GWF        Logain SW        Gawyn GF        Galad OP        Aspen Darkfire HR        Min TR
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'd get a rust monster if I were you. While an augment is good for group content, a tank pet such as this one may help you too. The rust monster also has one of the best active bonus, so it's really a good choice. A healer pet works too, like the angel or the selunite priestess, but the active bonuses are really underwhelming.
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    darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I leveled 60 - 70 as Righteous, and I used an Angel as my pet. She is quite sturdy and "tanked" as well as healed. The Squire from the OP pack is quite nice too. Using a healing pet means it's safer to go full dps while leveling.

    Now that I've got my MH and OH, it's time to switch back to Faithful, and to bring out my trusty War Dog for dailies. Does some damage, not a bad tank, and the prone is very useful.

    I don't have a Rust Monster on her yet, but I've been thinking about getting one purely for SCA. :P Maybe I'll try it out as a summoned pet.
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I leveled 60 - 70 as Righteous, and I used an Angel as my pet. She is quite sturdy and "tanked" as well as healed. The Squire from the OP pack is quite nice too. Using a healing pet means it's safer to go full dps while leveling.

    Now that I've got my MH and OH, it's time to switch back to Faithful, and to bring out my trusty War Dog for dailies. Does some damage, not a bad tank, and the prone is very useful.

    I don't have a Rust Monster on her yet, but I've been thinking about getting one purely for SCA. :P Maybe I'll try it out as a summoned pet.

    Honestly as a faithful with 90k hit points I still prefer a healing pet for solo content. I'm using the silver-scaled cleric disciple at purple level (which is a clone of the old freebie female cleric companion), and I'm enjoying the healing word quite a lot. It heals me for 20% of my hit points, no matter how many hit points you have. That's something newer players will never have access to sadly so if you don't have at least the old freebie pet, all you can use is the angel. It's ok but needs a lot of recovery to do the job properly.
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    equilamequilam Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    As a fellow longtime DC player I can recommend the cheap Frost Mimic as a tank companion. But it should be upgraded at least to purple to use in endgame dungeons.
    Why the frost mimic? Because it can generate a lot of thread and get immune to all damage, that's the power when he closes it's lid. This combination is insanely good. If we run dungeons and our guild tank can't join us we use 1 frost mimic and it feels as if the guild tank would be with us.
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    arandompandaarandompanda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Where does one get a War Dog? I searched in the AH and Zen market and there are no War Dog listings. Do you mean the old white dog companion you get when one first unlocks the ability to get companions?
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    hawkeyelhawkeyel Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My point of view is self serving but at least I am honest. I am a GF so to me the best companion for a DC is a GF . Unlike a store bough companion. We want agro more than we can take.But if you like huge agro from all over the place you might want to consider a CW .:rolleyes:
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    arandompandaarandompanda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Well I did some further research. To answer my own question (for anyone else whom might be curious): The War Dog is the First Time Buyer's pack in the Zen Market. Only available once (any zen purchase). Alas I already used my First Time Buyer's pack war dog companion on a toon I later mothballed. War Dog gives a 2.5% threat reduction when slotted.

    I think I can get something similar if I slot Galeb Duhr plus the Owl. I've slotted Galeb Duhr with loyal defender accessories (each gives +10% additional threat to the summoned companion plus has 2 enchant stone slots - one defense, one offense). So that gives Galeb 30% additional threat + whatever stones I slot in him (mostly silvery so he refreshes his attacks quickly). The Owl helps with reducing my own threat by 25%.
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