Luckystrikes official Neverwinter Guild is recruiting active players! Currently around 40 active members who participate in PvP and PvE daily!
No min requirements as far as GS and class we only ask that you interact with the other members and participate in any activities you can!
We have dedicated PvP players who are always running games as well as dungeon groups constantly.
You can check out our website or stop by our Twitter
@ClanLucyStrike we are close to 40k followers!
We are currently partnered with Ea, Twitch, Operation Supply Drop among other companies. We hold regular events to help raise money for various charity orgs. CLS isn't just and org we are a family and there are always people around to help with anything gaming or life related!
If you're interested msg iBoXyy on Xbox or contact me on Twitter
I look forward to hearing from all of you!
Control Wizard
Very cool. Good luck and I hope you are able to raise lots of money for our brave vets.
Control Wizard