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How often do you get good drops from Charth or Vartil?

blushismblushism Member Posts: 43 Arc User
I've kill both about 20 times today so far and I've only gotten the enchantment. I also wanna know if DPS effects drops too because when I stumble upon an instance where the dragon is basically dead but make it to him last second without attacking him I end up only getting the 2 coins and not even the enchantment.

Please let me know thanks. I've probably killed them 40 times total since i started this game and have only gotten one good drop. The good drops have to be often of all these lvl 60s farm him like crazy right?
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    trappy1026trappy1026 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    Stuff is very rare man. It's gonna take a while. I just go in there not thinking I'm going to get anything. As they say... RNG is RNG.
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    blushismblushism Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    trappy1026 wrote: »
    Stuff is very rare man. It's gonna take a while. I just go in there not thinking I'm going to get anything. As they say... RNG is RNG.

    Lol thanks man :D
    One more thing, do you know what the absolute best drop from Vartil is?
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    trappy1026trappy1026 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    Vartil drops:

    [Dragon Hoard Coins]
    [Draconic Enchantment, Rank 3]
    [Cult of the Dragon Headdress]
    [Dragon Bone Orb]
    [Dragon Bone Talisman]
    [Dragon Bone Scepter]
    [Dragon Bone Icon]
    [Dragon Bone Halberd]
    [Dragon Bone Sword Knot]
    [Dragon Bone Trident]
    [Dragon Bone Shield]
    [Dragon Bone Longbow]
    [Dragon Bone Blades]
    [Dragon Bone Pact Blade]
    [Dragon Bone Grimoire]
    [Dragon Bone Whirl]
    [Dragon Bone Swirl]

    You'd want to farm Rothe Valley and Whispering Caverns dragon. They drop artifact belts.

    Rothe Valley dragon is the easier to farm IMO, you spawn like 20 feet away from it and there's alwasy tons of people tryin to kill that sucker.
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    zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    My Level 34 SW has only killed one dragon, Charthraxis, and got the SW off-hand first kill. While my Level 60 TR has killed at least 40 dragons (all, but Whispering Caves drake) with nothing, but coins and enchants. May RNG bless you.
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    negepicmaggotnegepicmaggot Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I have killed a lot of dragons and ive only had Dragon Bone Shield and Dragon Fashion legs
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    blushismblushism Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for the info guys. Appreciate it. Got a Headress and Db tally in the past 30min of Vatril.
    And thank, might have to try rothe valley
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    thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I've killed a lot of dragons. I mean A LOT of dragons. So. Many. Dragons. We're talking hundreds of dragons.

    I can tell you (because I kept a list) that I got:
    • 1 Cult of the Dragon Garb from Charthraxis (Neverdeath Graveyard) in 21 kills
    • 2 Dragon Bone Swirls and 3 Cult of the Dragon Headdresses from Vartilingorax (Ebon Downs) in 38 kills
    • 2 Cult of the Dragon Tunics, 10 Dragon Bone Swirls, and 8 Dragon Bone Whirls from Merothrax (Icespire Peak) in 59 kills
    • 1 Rod of Imperial Restraint from Venfithar (Rothe Valley) in 61 kills
    • Absolutely nothing from Vilithrax (Whispering Caverns) in 27 kills
    So there you go. Drops are not very common, and good drops like the artifacts are extremely rare. I've still not seen any drops of the draconic armor or dragon bone in all those attempts, so maybe those are even rarer than the artifacts (or I'm unlucky).

    Near as I can tell, Merothrax is the most likely to drop something other than coins and draconic enchantments. Literally everyone in the group I run with has seen more drops from Merothrax than any other dragon, but we're only talking six people so it could still be a statistical anomaly. I believe you do have a better chance at getting something if you earn a Great Success on the dragon kill, although I'm not certain. I do know that I've never gotten anything when I get there late and don't get Great Success, nor did I get anything in the early days when I couldn't do enough to the dragons to earn Great Success. Maybe someone else around here knows the specifics of the drop rules.

    Keep killing them and you'll eventually get something. Good luck!
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    blushismblushism Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I really appreciate the help man! It's crazy how much this helps.
    I'll try and kill merothrax as much as possible. If you'd like, you should add me in xbox because farming dragons is what I do most. I'm only lvl 43 but I play a lot now since I started last weekend. My GT: Blushism
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    tzarofkaostzarofkaos Member Posts: 42
    edited April 2015
    There is a "kill 1000 dragons" achievement,i hope to get very rare loots before unlocking this achievement. ;)
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    reallyreconreallyrecon Member Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    For anyone not aware, your individual chance to receive loot is affected by the number of players that partake in the encounter, whether they're grouped up or not. There's a thread somewhere that has a few sample sizes someone took, and basically they instance-hopped and killed about 200 dragons without receiving much at all. Then they got a small group of geared players together and farmed empty instances and he got an artifact belt after about 50 dragons, as well as tons of Dragon Bone gear and Dragon Cult fashion items.

    TL;DR The less people who partake in the kill, the more loot you receive. Your chances of getting anything of value from farming with 20+ other people are abysmal.
    Recon - 60 Cleric
    Gamertag: ReallyRecon
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    thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    TL;DR The less people who partake in the kill, the more loot you receive. Your chances of getting anything of value from farming with 20+ other people are abysmal.
    Good to know. That would explain why I got more drops a week or so ago... before large groups started showing up for every dragon fight.
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    quebraregraquebraregra Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    1 swirl in 30 dragons killed... mostly Vartil :(

    Drop rate is pretty poor :(
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    spuratisspuratis Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    1 swirl in 30 dragons killed... mostly Vartil :(

    Drop rate is pretty poor :(

    Don't feel bad man, I've killed 120 Dragons and the only thing I've got is 4 Cult of the Dragon fashion pieces, lol. It's complete <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. 90 of those Dragons were a mix of the Rothe Valley Whispering Cavern drags, trying to get a drop. No such luck.. some day maybe. -_-
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    grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Rare is blue. Epic is Purple. You want Purple.
    tzarofkaos wrote: »
    There is a "kill 1000 dragons" achievement,i hope to get very rare loots before unlocking this achievement. ;)
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    lordsarveriouslordsarverious Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    1 headdress drop in almost 50 kills
    Co-Founder of AoF Neverwinter Branch (TR 60, CW 60 SS)
    Find me on XBL to get an interview to join the guild.
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    axemthegreataxemthegreat Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Two bone swirls in ~15 kills in my 30's and 40's. Probably 10 kills in Neverdeath and another 5 in Ebon Downs. Very first Charthraxis kill gave me a bone swirl. Coins and runes every other time.
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