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Suggestions for post-60 encounter tweaks/changes

mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
edited April 2015 in The Thieves' Den
1. Shadowy Disappearance

    Ideal: Ninja-style escape teleport when surrounded by enemies. Throw down a flash of smoke and disappear into the shadows, appearing at the location of your choosing and walk away from the scene like a pro...

    Reality: Inconsequential and useless stealth factor, no protection at all when trying to escape, teleport distance severely limted. End result is, you use SD, disappear, the opponent simply turns mouse view a couple of times, retargets, and attacks.

    Remove all damage. Damage useless anyway. Make it into purely utilitarian escape power.
    Maximum range is increased by at least 20ft.
    Upon activation and coming out of teleport at the selected spot, all negative effects on you (debuffs, DoTs) are removed. You enter a "special stealth" (hereafter named, "SD-stealth")
    Properties of SD-stealth: ■ does not deplete, and persists - as long as you stay at the spot and do NOTHING ■ while in SD-stealth meter will start regenerating at 1/2 of the normal rate ■ while in SD-stealth, recharge speed of powers will be reduced to 1/2 of the normal rate ■ any movement will break this SD-stealth ■ any attack attempt, any potion use, any action will break SD-stealth. ■ any direct-attack caused by the opponent, such as AoE attempts, will break SD-stealth ■ in PvE, if more than 10 seconds pass while you are in SD-stealth, the aggro is removed and mobs are reset
    If used while in stealth: ■ does not break stealth ■ does not put power into recharge ■ secondary activation made possible - meaning: two consecutive teleports made possible ■ the 2nd teleport will not have any SD-stealth, and will always reveal the TR ■ the 2nd teleport will briefly daze any target within the vicinity "teleport out" area

    intended for use as an penultimate escape tool and negative debuff removal
    rewards intelligent, clever and deceptive thinking, such as disappearing behind LOS blocking objects and 'keeping quiet' until you are ready to attack, or slip away
    rapidly loses effectiveness if surrounded by very many opponents 'patrolling around' in search of TR
    rapidly loses effectiveness if there are many non-target AoE powers around, such as PotB
    extremely useful as PvE escape tool
    internal balancing in the form of 1/2 recharge speed and stealth regeneration

2. Blade Flurry

    Ideal: Cool AoE attack power, in which the TR spins around in a series of elegant and graceful attack

    Reality: Manually activated rip-off of GWF spinning strike with unimpressive damage and zero utility

    maintain current low damage
    If an attack is made against the TR during the spinning attack, and if the attacker is within the range of the attack, BF will deflect it (hereafter named, BF-deflect)
    Properties of BF-deflect: ■ BF-deflect will have same deflect severity as normal deflect ■ BF-deflect will reflect 50% of the damage back to the source
    In other words, while the TR is spinning around in BF, if someone attacks the TR while within the range of the spinning blades, the TR will reflect back half of that damage(pre-deflect mitigated value) back to the source (as per all reflected attacks, this damage will not be mitigated by any defense and simply happen)
    If used while in stealth: ■ the activation while in stealth, will not spend BF charges (same as now) ■ the activation while in stealth, will root any target hit for 2 seconds

    intended for use as a close-range defense/retaliation tool
    expected to be particularly useful in defending melee attacks
    will add depth and strategy to melee combat and deter people from making mechanical attack sequences ■ example1: opponent TR is around, you anticipate incoming DF attacks. Anticipate the moment and start spinning those blades as the 3rd DF attack comes in.... ■ example2: the GWF is inbound, you are low in stamina and cannot dodge. You anticipate the smug IBS attack coming in. Here it comes, spin those blades, you've mitigated some of that damage and then returned half of it to the GWF ■ example3: you're rooted. Of course, the HR charges in. Anytime now, Fox's Shift is coming in. Wait for it.. wait for it.. bam, right back at you, at least half of it
    not any kind of passive/automatic defense, requires manual activation and anticipation to work. Also requires the opponent to be within BF range when he makes attack, so it will add some 'mind games' and force choices for both sides.

Personally, I like these types of powers the best. No auto/passive defense where it auto applies. Always requires manual activation and timing, brains and "thinking" to make it work, which then allows counter-reactions from the other guy who may be one step ahead of you. Namely, "Active Defenses", rather than Passive Defense stuff like DR or deflect chance, or etc etc..
Post edited by mirrorballs on


  • quspivquspiv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Another issue with blade fury is that it doesnt have charges on separate cd, so if you use only 1 or 2 it will go on cd just as if you used all of them. Ability descrption also lack dmg values... looks like they were slacking a lot while creating this mod.
  • tankinatorfrtankinatorfr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 107 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    This sound great, mirrorballs, if only devs could have a look at it.

    Same opinion than quspiv, need a damage indication, and maybe a charge indicator, as for now it make the power quite unreliable.
    At least in PvE, it oblige to use every charge immediately to avoid being facing an oponent just at the moment were the power go in cooldown, just because last time you've used it 3 time only, not activating the cooldown, and sudenly, the 10sec end right when the new fight start.
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