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Trickster Rogue Shadow of Demise Bug

ac3swildac3swild Member Posts: 13 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Bug Reports (Xbox One)
Shadow of demise is double procking if a weapon enchant that has a dot component is equipped on the tr.

Step 1: Put any weapon enchant with a dot in your weapon
Step 2: Get shadow of demise to proc (easy way to test is to use lashing blade once then watch for the proc)
Step 3: Observe that it does 2 instances of 50% damage or occasionally 1 instance of 100% damage.

As far as I know this is fixed in mod 6, no idea why it went live on xbox.
Post edited by ac3swild on


  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited April 2015
    Well this certainly explains a lot regarding rogues.
  • ac3swildac3swild Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Yeah, i was hesitant to post it, but i think most of the rogues out there know about it and are already abusing it.
  • mellojelomellojelo Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If im not mistaken, there is another bug with that feat.
    Before "shadow of demise" is explained, the feat claims that not only does stealth regen 20% faster, but also damage does not cause the regeneration to be interrupted. However, myself and several of my guildies have noticed that our stealth bar actually degenerates when taking damage. When I was able to put a point in Shadow of Demise, I noticed that my stealth bar would continue to fill even when taking damage, but now it does not...

    Am I going crazy? Or is anyone else seeing that?
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    mellojelo wrote: »
    If im not mistaken, there is another bug with that feat.
    Before "shadow of demise" is explained, the feat claims that not only does stealth regen 20% faster, but also damage does not cause the regeneration to be interrupted. However, myself and several of my guildies have noticed that our stealth bar actually degenerates when taking damage. When I was able to put a point in Shadow of Demise, I noticed that my stealth bar would continue to fill even when taking damage, but now it does not...

    Am I going crazy? Or is anyone else seeing that?
    I noticed that too. In fact, I saw my stealth going down while getting hit all day yesterday. I even went back to triple-check the feat, and it definitely says you "no longer have your regeneration interrupted when taking damage." This ability was a big factor in how I redid my character after making 60. I didn't put any points at all in Tenacious Concealment at 60, but I had three points in there before I got Shadow of Demise. It doesn't go reduce nearly as fast as it did without TC or SoD, but it's not supposed to reduce from damage at all, so it definitely affects DPS. Maximizing stealth means maximizing critical, which of course mean maximizing damage (including the bonus for Shadow of Demise).

    TL;DR, I also think the regen portion of SoD is broken. I haven't noticed a double-proc for SoD though... and I have a DoT enchantment in my weapon. I'll keep an eye out for that one...
  • ac3swildac3swild Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I just tested it on a dummy, its still double procing, sometimes it comes up as one single proc for way to much damage. Lashing blade for 28k, followed by 2 14k shadows, with the occasional 28k. Maybe it doesnt work with every dot enchantment.

    I noticed that my stealth bar does seam to stop refilling when I take damage, but it doesnt decrease like it does without shadow, so im not sure on what the interaction is supposed to be there.
  • respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    depending how u use it and how u apply the procs it can proc 4-5x when mastered ive told them about the bug many times all they say back is we are aware of the bug meaning they don't care lol..... ive found ways to make it proc repeatedly and use it to hit millions on tiamat and kill cn boss in 5seconds so if I hit a 300k using wicked reminder +wicked+lurker with invis perk im able to proc it at 300k and multiply that by millions over time going from 300k to 1.2m instantly next proc then 4.8m the next proc if there were another it be well over 19.2million which is beyond
  • respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    if they really cared it woulda have been fixed already they fixed it in mod 6 knowing they knew how they didn't fix it here the question is why?
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