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Guardian Fighter Tank Build?

shadowwalker2610shadowwalker2610 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I want to make a guardian fighter that is really good at tanking, but I'm not sure how to build it. First of all, these are my powers/feats:

Current powers (selected): Lunging Strike (3/3), Griffon's Wrath (3/3), Enforced Threat (3/3)
At-Wills: Cleave (3/3), Threatening Rush (3/3)
Class Features: Shield Talent (3/3), Ferocious Reaction (3/3)

Paragon Path chosen: Iron Vanguard

Heroic Feats: Strength Focus (3/3), Toughness (3/3), Shielded Resurgence (1/3), Armor Specialization (3/3),
Powerful Attack (5/5), Ubiquitous Shield (5/5)

Paragon Feats - Protector:
Armor of Bahamut (5/5), Improved Reaction (2/5)

Currently level 36

Powers are my main concern. What should I use to protect my team, but still be useful in a fight?
Post edited by shadowwalker2610 on


  • reapermech86reapermech86 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    to be a decent tank you need to get the aggro onto you so your group can dps.

    im currently running this setup

    powers : at will
    cleave, tide of iron (good debuf), lunging strike,Villains menace, griffons wrath, terrifying impact ,enforced threat and i flip between into the fray and knights valor depending on the group composition

    your feat points are in good spots, but the thing that matters most is gear high defense,hit points ,regeneration,recovery and of course power

    this is just my opinion may not be the greatest but has worked so far :D
  • shadowwalker2610shadowwalker2610 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    to be a decent tank you need to get the aggro onto you so your group can dps.

    im currently running this setup

    powers : at will
    cleave, tide of iron (good debuf), lunging strike,Villains menace, griffons wrath, terrifying impact ,enforced threat and i flip between into the fray and knights valor depending on the group composition

    your feat points are in good spots, but the thing that matters most is gear high defense,hit points ,regeneration,recovery and of course power

    this is just my opinion may not be the greatest but has worked so far :D

    Thanks for the reply! One thing I have trouble figuring out is Knight's Valor. A few questions about it:

    1) How long does it last 2, 3, 5 seconds
    2) What's the range?
    3) Could it be a suicide move? By this, I'm referring to PvP, especially in situations where all players are cramped on to node 2. If you're taking all the damage, it could kill you, depending on the classes you're up against.
    4) Can you block the damage with the shield?
  • cactusjacktercactusjackter Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm a huge fan of deflection as a tank - deflected damage barely touched your stamina when you're guarding.
  • pentnoirpentnoir Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I primarily use knights valor and supremacy of steal. Feats are just anything to give more def and recovery. Eventually your gear is good enough to stay indefinitely in guard and life steal is high enough so that you can tank everything without running our of health. Such as when doing the dragons, I'll stand in their breath zones because it heals me and I do more damage to it. However, it can cause massive graphics lag and can wipe because of it. I'm hoping they fix that.

    Everyone has their own preferences. Power points dont really matter because they don't seem to be capped, you have a chance to get more after 60 and you can respec feats with ad. YouTube has many ideas on different builds with some gameplay.
  • reapermech86reapermech86 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    if your going for PVP then no clue, sorry i was referring to dungeons where you had a group with everyone doing their part, and yes knights valor is definitely a double edge sword it helps your allies and can kill you if you dont have some kind of healing back up , as mentioned above steel supremacy is a good skill to look into also.

    and also as stated above deflection needs to be way up in stats too ..
    and yes guarding does help mitigate the incoming damage
  • mrkreepzmrkreepz Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Here ya go. http://nwcalc.com/index.html#/x/gf?b=2xhq:yzd0to:dli1:45q,13j3n66:15u551:1u0000:1u0000&h=0&p=ivn

    Hybrid Build. You will do decent damage, which will help you keep threat, in addition to reduced damage. As long as you have a semi-decent healer, you can tank a room of mobs for days.

    At wills: Cleave, Threatening Rush
    Encounters: Enforced Threat, Into the Fray, Knights Valor
    Passive: Ferocious Reaction, Enhanced Mark/Combat Superiority
    Daily: Fighter's Recovery, (Your Choice)
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