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Hunter Ranger - I really want to like them!

zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User
edited May 2015 in The Wilds
I had rolled a Hunter Ranger while I was playing each class to determine what I really enjoyed playing. I was a Hunter in WoW for most of WotLK and played Hunter type classes in other MMOs (although a Mage/Caster or Heavy Weapons Melee class is generally my play-style, I've found Hunters really fun).

I was never able to level him past Level 12. It constantly felt I was playing in slow motion. I quickly learned how to stance dance (used to doing that on other classes in WoW pretty heavily, such as a Warrior or Deathknight). I'd start off with range to knock out a good chunk of health and, once they started closing in, switch to melee stance and finish them off, however. Something just didn't feel right. I've seen some pretty well geared HRs in-game and, though I know there may not be a whole lot, I do see enough of them to know that it may not be the class, but possibly just me.

With the Double EXP Weekend, my friend really wants to level a GWF and I figured I'd roll a new class as well to level with him. I chose HR again. I really want to keep this one and see if they get better.

With that said, what's the preferred play-style? Pure Combat (melee) spec, pure Archery, range - only going melee as needed (Trapper seems a bit PVP oriented to be considered for a full time PVE spec). I'd rather not go with a Hybrid Combat/Archery spec as I'd much prefer being able to spec into one of the paragon cap stones.

I've looked up builds and they all seem to contradict each other. Some say Combat is the way, while others say Archery is the way, however. I don't want to go full gimp my damage in one stance over another, purely because of the path I took. Further, the builds haven't had their links updated, so it's not possible for me to see their recommend power point allocation or anything like that. Feats are I can pretty much figure out on my own (most are pretty self-explanatory and I'm no stranger to napkin math).

So, from my Hunter Ranger brothers and sisters, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what you prefer/suggest. I know it ultimately comes down to what I enjoy and, for the most part, that's what I've been doing with every class, however. I've found there are some classes that are less forgiving if you simply put points into something because it sounds fun and interesting.

Thanks in advance!
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  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zaknafyen wrote: »
    I had rolled a Hunter Ranger while I was playing each class to determine what I really enjoyed playing. I was a Hunter in WoW for most of WotLK and played Hunter type classes in other MMOs (although a Mage/Caster or Heavy Weapons Melee class is generally my play-style, I've found Hunters really fun).

    I was never able to level him past Level 12. It constantly felt I was playing in slow motion. I quickly learned how to stance dance (used to doing that on other classes in WoW pretty heavily, such as a Warrior or Deathknight). I'd start off with range to knock out a good chunk of health and, once they started closing in, switch to melee stance and finish them off, however. Something just didn't feel right. I've seen some pretty well geared HRs in-game and, though I know there may not be a whole lot, I do see enough of them to know that it may not be the class, but possibly just me.

    With the Double EXP Weekend, my friend really wants to level a GWF and I figured I'd roll a new class as well to level with him. I chose HR again. I really want to keep this one and see if they get better.

    With that said, what's the preferred play-style? Pure Combat (melee) spec, pure Archery, range - only going melee as needed (Trapper seems a bit PVP oriented to be considered for a full time PVE spec). I'd rather not go with a Hybrid Combat/Archery spec as I'd much prefer being able to spec into one of the paragon cap stones.

    I've looked up builds and they all seem to contradict each other. Some say Combat is the way, while others say Archery is the way, however. I don't want to go full gimp my damage in one stance over another, purely because of the path I took. Further, the builds haven't had their links updated, so it's not possible for me to see their recommend power point allocation or anything like that. Feats are I can pretty much figure out on my own (most are pretty self-explanatory and I'm no stranger to napkin math).

    So, from my Hunter Ranger brothers and sisters, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what you prefer/suggest. I know it ultimately comes down to what I enjoy and, for the most part, that's what I've been doing with every class, however. I've found there are some classes that are less forgiving if you simply put points into something because it sounds fun and interesting.

    Thanks in advance!
    From my experience, combat is good for node holding in pvp when you get full pvp gear, mad deflect and lifesteal/healing. Archery is like a ranged rogue, w/o the added survivability form being a rogue, so they will get eaten if someone gets close. Trapper is the best tree for both pvp and pve. At level 50 the HR becomes a 0 cd class able to bounce in and out of combat constantly eatign ppl alive.
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    From my experience, combat is good for node holding in pvp when you get full pvp gear, mad deflect and lifesteal/healing. Archery is like a ranged rogue, w/o the added survivability form being a rogue, so they will get eaten if someone gets close. Trapper is the best tree for both pvp and pve. At level 50 the HR becomes a 0 cd class able to bounce in and out of combat constantly eatign ppl alive.

    Thanks for the input. I just read both builds that were posted on the forum and I've definitely changed my mind on which path to take with them (Trapper for sure, though I'm still trying to decide on Stormwarden or Pathfinder). As for now, seeing a power tree point allocation would be nice. I've purchased so many retraining tokens because I put one too many points into ABC power when it should have been XYZ for maximum effectiveness.
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    for a trapper set up, both PF and SW work for both pvp and pve, SW is better for pve and PF for pvp so use that to decide. For powers you want Constricting arrow, hindering shot, fox's cunning, seismic shot, forest ghost, disruptive shot, rapid shot, lone wolf, aspect of the serpent all max then for pathfinder u want hunters teamwork, pathfinders action and slashers mark for stormwarden u want stormstep action and twin blade storm aside from that points dont matter bc u wont use any other abilities.
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • trappy1026trappy1026 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    Trapper all the way. The roots by themselves are a game changer for PVE
  • zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    for a trapper set up, both PF and SW work for both pvp and pve, SW is better for pve and PF for pvp so use that to decide. For powers you want Constricting arrow, hindering shot, fox's cunning, seismic shot, forest ghost, disruptive shot, rapid shot, lone wolf, aspect of the serpent all max then for pathfinder u want hunters teamwork, pathfinders action and slashers mark for stormwarden u want stormstep action and twin blade storm aside from that points dont matter bc u wont use any other abilities.

    Actually, that helps a whole lot. As of right now, I don't PVP much outside of the Daily for the AD, so I'm guessing Stormwarden will be more to my liking, though I don't mind spending the money on a retraining token here and there, so I'll probably try out both and see where I end up.

    Again, thanks a ton!
  • iboxyyiboxyy Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2015
    This is a great set up for both pve and PvP. I run this as well and usually net around 50-60 million damage in CN runs and 20+ kills a match in PvP. Fox cunning is the icing on the cake. If you're focusing on PvP go for a grim set, focus on deflect and run a life drinker enchant on your bow, I use a greater life drinker and love it. That with roots cause you to constantly regen health.

    For pve I use greater plague fire, I don't focus on crit for my HR instead I max power and armor pen with other high stats. I stick with a greater plague fire on my bow for Pve and tenebrous. When you factor in the plague fire and tenebrous added to the snares it ends up doing insane amounts of DoT easily taking out mobs in dungeons.
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zaknafyen wrote: »
    Actually, that helps a whole lot. As of right now, I don't PVP much outside of the Daily for the AD, so I'm guessing Stormwarden will be more to my liking, though I don't mind spending the money on a retraining token here and there, so I'll probably try out both and see where I end up.

    Again, thanks a ton!

    If ur a visual person I just put 2 updated power tables on the very last post in my thread on here so u can take alook at that.
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • quebraregraquebraregra Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    From my experience, combat is good for node holding in pvp when you get full pvp gear, mad deflect and lifesteal/healing. Archery is like a ranged rogue, w/o the added survivability form being a rogue, so they will get eaten if someone gets close. Trapper is the best tree for both pvp and pve. At level 50 the HR becomes a 0 cd class able to bounce in and out of combat constantly eatign ppl alive.

    Wha? How? I'm fully PVE, but had to abandon my HR and return to my TR around lvl 14 when most of my encounter powers were doing a laughable 500dmg, and there was NO way whatsoever to breakaway/escape combat. Mobs get in my face, I do laughable dmg, my shift barely moves me, and I get pummeled. At least with my TR, I can dodge away or stealth out. HR, needs an escape from the speedy mobs. :(

    Also, do all the hoods look the same? The ones I got were more like bandages than a proper hood.
  • iboxyyiboxyy Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2015
    You need to respec your HR I can show you a great build. I usually end up with 50-60 million damage in CN clears.
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Wha? How? I'm fully PVE, but had to abandon my HR and return to my TR around lvl 14 when most of my encounter powers were doing a laughable 500dmg, and there was NO way whatsoever to breakaway/escape combat. Mobs get in my face, I do laughable dmg, my shift barely moves me, and I get pummeled. At least with my TR, I can dodge away or stealth out. HR, needs an escape from the speedy mobs. :(

    Also, do all the hoods look the same? The ones I got were more like bandages than a proper hood.

    Check the guide I have up on the hr forums. Top damage was cn at 148mil, beat while parties damage together if I recall, and am top in almost every single pvp match. HR is kinda boring till later and at 50 u become a monster

    N I don't think so.
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • zxghostravenxzzxghostravenxz Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I really enjoy the HR class myself. The only problem I'm having is my HR suffers a permanent -20% to critical chance, and no one in my topic that I posted can explain why.
  • arlequin13arlequin13 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I really enjoy the HR class myself. The only problem I'm having is my HR suffers a permanent -20% to critical chance, and no one in my topic that I posted can explain why.

    How are you getting this reduction and where are you seeing it? Do you have an injury? SS maybe to help us help you
  • zxghostravenxzzxghostravenxz Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/496f478c-2391-4580-8f78-ff8981c10d87?gamertag=zxGhostRavenxz&scid=8dd60100-6cc0-42f2-bb3e-c47b184a79f5 Sorry for the long link. I took a screen shot of it from my X1. I currently don't have an injury, but as you can see in my overall stats, my ranger is suffering a -20% to critical attack, bringing me down from from 44.2% to 24.2%.
  • zxghostravenxzzxghostravenxz Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm at my wits end trying to figure out why I have that negative penalty. I've even removed all my gear to see if it was something related to that, and I still have the penalty. I'm starting to wonder if my HR is bugged.
  • arlequin13arlequin13 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Honestly have no clue... Send a msg to cryptic and ask or check the neverwinter wiki...
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    For some reason the Ranger doesn't start picking up til about level 50 - until that point your attacks will feel a little limp.
    But at 50+ it'll be like the shackles fall off and you'll be tearing the place up. Trapper path all the way.
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  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    For some reason the Ranger doesn't start picking up til about level 50 - until that point your attacks will feel a little limp.
    But at 50+ it'll be like the shackles fall off and you'll be tearing the place up. Trapper path all the way.

    until you hit 70 and realize your damage is **** compared to everyone elses.
  • darqueronindarqueronin Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    until you hit 70 and realize your damage is **** compared to everyone elses.

    I've come to grips that I may not do as much burst damage as the other classes, and that I have to move, dodge, and switch stances to make everything work right....but it's so much fun; plus I WRECK FACE!
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