Hmm wonder if they forgot to add in the patch, tyranny quests still give the same exp as they did before patch, legendary companions 15% buff still not work ect ect.
Maybe why they took the server down again
buzzardsbaitMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 49Arc User
edited April 2015
I did see a point2 (.2% ) increase in xp maybe they just need to take out that decimal :P
Hi guyz
if u cant see the Double Exp--- 1-i guess its ur eyes problems-- 2-try to fix ur internet connection 3-lower ur game graphics never server lag its always us bahh
Here is a screenshot of what I am seeing. 17% increase in xp. You can see in my chat log I completed the graveyard dragon dailies. XP is actually less than it was yesterday. I also cut the 2x XP bar that appears in the upper right part of your screen. Any update to what this is supposed to be?
Also, did 2 dungeon runs during DD event and the chest was locked at the end. I'm reading all over the forums about problems. This patch is a mess.
Here is a screenshot of what I am seeing. 17% increase in xp. You can see in my chat log I completed the graveyard dragon dailies. XP is actually less than it was yesterday. I also cut the 2x XP bar that appears in the upper right part of your screen. Any update to what this is supposed to be?
Also, did 2 dungeon runs during DD event and the chest was locked at the end. I'm reading all over the forums about problems. This patch is a mess.
It really seems like this game can't address any mistakes without creating more than they fix.
It appears that even though there is a big event button stating for 2x exp on anything you do, it is not true. I am currently doing some questing and realized that I am indeed only receiving the regular amount of exp, instead of the 2x.
zephyriahMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,980Arc User
It appears that even though there is a big event button stating for 2x exp on anything you do, it is not true. I am currently doing some questing and realized that I am indeed only receiving the regular amount of exp, instead of the 2x.
Well, since the PC servers crashed, if you are really doing quests, you must be on the Xbox. Xbox double XP starts Friday, not today.
Well, since the PC servers crashed, if you are really doing quests, you must be on the Xbox. Xbox double XP starts Friday, not today.
I am a PC user, and currently the servers have been up for roughly last hour. I seem to get the 2x exp for invoking, but not for any other form of receiving of exp do I get the 2x.
~Edit~ After doing correct math I found that invoking does not give the 2x exp either.
zephyriahMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,980Arc User
I am a PC user, and currently the servers have been up for roughly last hour. I seem to get the 2x exp for invoking, but not for any other form of receiving of exp do I get the 2x.
~Edit~ After doing correct math I found that invoking does not give the 2x exp either.
Sorry, I tried to log in before I posted to double check, but the servers were still down for me.
So I've been asking for awhile if other people are getting the 2x exp event or not. Some claim it's only giving them 2x exp on killing mobs within level, others say that they get it on everything from queues to quests. But the majority of people are saying they are getting no 2x exp, including myself..
I've been playing this game for roughly 2 weeks and man, I got to say, between all the bugs/glitches, things not working, known exploits going unsolved, and no responses from any sort of Dev or GM, I'm highly considering not wasting anymore of my time. =\
I just completed common cause that gave me around 12k xp. That is definitely double the normal amount but that is the only xp I have seen increased. Everything else seems the same. I haven't seen an announcement for this double xp thing, do we know if this is a mistake or is it intended.
Ugh, I usually don't play during double xp events. Maybe if I really want to get a character leveled up I will.
I know i'm in the minority but when it comes to RPG's the fun is IN the leveling. I just don't get racing to the level cap.... then what? At lower level you can get great gear easily but at level cap getting the best gear is very difficult.
An example in pvp is if your level 59 with the xvim slayer gear, mulhurand weapons, etc.... your at the top of the gear. Once you hit 60 your fighting legendary artifact toons. Quite the gap.
Heh, when cap was raised to 70 I didn't race to it. I got my toons with their pvp gear pwning in pvp because the artifact guys all raced to 70. Now the new level 60-69 are wearing greens.
I mean, its nice when there is some kind of challenge, like if the others side has at least 1 geared up toon I can fight.
or 3v1 are cool - gotta beat back the swarm!
Totally. I really do sometimes picture the Neverwinter code programmers staring glassy-eyed at the monitors through their Coke-bottle glasses, chewing their bottom lip with buckteeth in utter furrowed-brow confusion for long minutes on end and drooling a bit as they mouth-breathe, before erupting into a Wookie-braying, arm-flailing episode of frustration where they slam at the keyboard with numb hamhands until broken plastic buttons fly. Somewhere along the line they accidentally smack "Enter" and it all gets uploaded to the Mod.
I was getting double xp this morning when turning in quests on my level 30 paladin (gave up on my Cryptic-abused TR for now). Seems to be working fine.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
feanor70118Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,170Arc User
edited April 2015
The truly hilarious thing is that they started a buggy double xp event at the same time as the most recent patch made it impossible to apply points to new feats and powers. It really belongs on
instynctiveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,885Arc User
I don't know if it's a hoax, but it sure is a joke. The friggin audacity to print something like this: "Since its release in June 2013, Neverwinter Online has continued to receive positive feedback from media organizations and players.....The above data further demonstrates Neverwinter Online's ongoing support of its player base with rich content as well as its ability to allow players to discover new features as they share and talk about their prowess at the game......"
These people really are living in a fantasy world, and it's not Neverwinter. be fair, this hasn't been put out by either Cryp nor PWE.
but as of yet its not working yet in game
Maybe why they took the server down again
if u cant see the Double Exp--- 1-i guess its ur eyes problems-- 2-try to fix ur internet connection 3-lower ur game graphics never server lag its always us
Also, did 2 dungeon runs during DD event and the chest was locked at the end. I'm reading all over the forums about problems. This patch is a mess.
It really seems like this game can't address any mistakes without creating more than they fix.
Well, since the PC servers crashed, if you are really doing quests, you must be on the Xbox. Xbox double XP starts Friday, not today.
I am a PC user, and currently the servers have been up for roughly last hour. I seem to get the 2x exp for invoking, but not for any other form of receiving of exp do I get the 2x.
~Edit~ After doing correct math I found that invoking does not give the 2x exp either.
Sorry, I tried to log in before I posted to double check, but the servers were still down for me.
I've been playing this game for roughly 2 weeks and man, I got to say, between all the bugs/glitches, things not working, known exploits going unsolved, and no responses from any sort of Dev or GM, I'm highly considering not wasting anymore of my time. =\
I know i'm in the minority but when it comes to RPG's the fun is IN the leveling. I just don't get racing to the level cap.... then what? At lower level you can get great gear easily but at level cap getting the best gear is very difficult.
An example in pvp is if your level 59 with the xvim slayer gear, mulhurand weapons, etc.... your at the top of the gear. Once you hit 60 your fighting legendary artifact toons. Quite the gap.
Heh, when cap was raised to 70 I didn't race to it. I got my toons with their pvp gear pwning in pvp because the artifact guys all raced to 70. Now the new level 60-69 are wearing greens.
I mean, its nice when there is some kind of challenge, like if the others side has at least 1 geared up toon I can fight.
or 3v1 are cool - gotta beat back the swarm!
bahahaha! spot on
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Does this event only apply to certain people? If so, why advertise it to everybody as an in-game event?
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79 be fair, this hasn't been put out by either Cryp nor PWE.