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Guardian Fighter Looking For PVE Guild

getinthetruckgetinthetruck Member Posts: 5 Arc User
What's up dudes and dudetts? Names Dylan I'm looking for a guild that raids epic to endgame dungeons somewhat frequently. While I play this game almost daily I am a very laid back sarcastic person so if your guild is full of uptight asshats don't even bother. I'm not necessarily looking for an only 10k+ gear guild either, I don't mind/like playing with other low leveled people helping them through quests/dungeons. Basically if you have a decent size mid to high level very active guild base post here :) Oh and at least have a somewhat desirable guild name as well not something like "Horny Gophers". Actually scratch that if you are the guildmaster of "Horny Gophers" INVITE ME! haha Anyway here's my info

Character Name: BigDMoney
Class: Guardian Fighter
Level: 60
Gear Score: 10,726
Campaign Progress: 80% or so
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time (US)
Age: 23
Neverwinter Experience: Cleared T1, working on T2 with pug groups. 2/3 done with Emerald Enclave
Other Gaming Experience: I won't bore you with a list but I basically play everything sports related through MMO's.
Gamertag: GetInTheTruck
Post edited by getinthetruck on


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    blackgeezuz46blackgeezuz46 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    REB3Lgaming is a Xbox One Neverwinter guild founded by 2 retired "Hardcore" mmo buddys. We are looking for ACTIVE / ADULT members who prefer kicking *** with the same tight group of friends rather than in a zerg invite type of leveling environment.

    We've grown to about 25 active members and are having a great time together. Most of us are freshly getting through T1's or just reaching 60 and would like to fill out a bit more actives at this level to fill out some teams. We expect members to be signed up to the forums and ACTIVE in party chats to drive communication...lets face it, the chat system BITES.

    Interested? Sign up @ REB3L.gamerlaunch.com
    XBOXliveGamerTAG : middlePHINGERu
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    sakaweedsakaweed Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Rogue's Gallery is looking for more members like yourself. We are mostly PVE, some members do PVP. We are a friendly guild made up of 20-30 year olds.

    If you're are interested give our website a look and sign up!

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    iboxyyiboxyy Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2015
    Hey there LuckyStrike runs daily clears on CN and other dungeons as well as PvP. We are always looking for active members.

    Msg iboxyy on Xbox live and you can check out the organization on twitter @ClanLuckyStrike almost to 40k followers we are also partnered with Twitch among other companies
    You can check out our website at clanluckystrike.com
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