I have played games where the economy was so out of whack, that it was ruining the game. Neverwinter isn't close to that, but it's starting to head in that general direction. Some of the prices that people are asking for in the AH(Auction House) are way out of line, and make little to no sense.
For example; Looking for items to simply hold someone over until 60, I was looking for several scaling items. If you are unaware, there are items that will increase in power as you do from level 1-60. This makes it easier to level and not worry about having to swap equipment out of several slots. I was looking at the Fang of Bahamut, just because I really haven't found anything decent for that slot. It can be bought from the Dragon Scale merchant for 5 scales. Scales are difficult to get, but not impossible. Now go over to the AH and see what they are selling for, and the same belt is starting at 40,00 or more AD(Astral diamonds). To me that's excessively high. Most people who "Need" that item are people leveling, and can not afford that price. Unless you are a veteran and have hundreds of thousands AD just sitting around(But then you probably already have the 5 scales). By the time you save up 40,000 AD, you can be level 60...and thinking about epic dungeons items. A more in line price, for the group of people this item is intended for, is between 6 and 10k.
You can find examples of that in just about every category.
The reason I write this if for education. I'm all for people getting the most that can out of an item, when it makes sense. If the items isn't that rare and is "Intended" of lower level...how do you expect it to sell? A little common sense goes a long way...
This economy is just starting out and you will see wild fluctuations. Also, do not take a single items selling price in the AH as a reflection of the economy as a whole. I think that people probably have a inflated view of the worth of goods because of the PC version. Our user base has far fewer AD to work with because they have not had a chance to farm them. People will probably still ask for high prices though because they know they will eventually get them. As the AD supply increases, inflation will occur and prices will raise. Someone may not want to take 6-10k AD now, for something they know will be worth 30-40k AD in a couple weeks.
Watching the markets of this game develop is one of the reason I'm playing. Very interesting stuff.
I am new to Neverwinter but have played many MMO's in my time. (Probably alot when most of the readers in this forum were in diapers LOL... I am old haha) And yes things can seem out of wack when a "new" game is launched. But this isnt really a "new" game. I think alot of the prices in the AH are based on the PC version while this is not necessarily a bad thing it can feel overwhelming for a new player on the xbox version (not new player in general).
A few things I do know. AD really comes quicker than I had originally thought. And this is pre 60 even though the journey to 60 is super fast in this game compared to alot of others (1-2 weeks to hit 60... Geesh!) Leveling Leadership in the background does give you great AD. You have 2 character slots. Create a second character just to level Leadership if you can then use the AD/Zen trading to transfer AD to your main Just use the withdraw function. Aside from that you can do the Dungeon, PvP (even if you hate it its a quick 1000 AD from Rix) and Skirmish daily. Add that to your Leadership pull and hitting the "bonus dor delves etc) and thats a quick 10k a day on 1 character.
Now I am not saying that the AH isnt overpriced because often it is. I know I personally throw some low level blue items up there for 100AD no more no less because I understand that people want it to level and will outgrow it but not everyone else thinks like that. I often see the same items for thousands as the nearest bid. I stick with my 100. Heck I sold a Dragon Bone item last night for 10k less than the next closest item. Because that is what I valued it as. My point. Don't impulse buy and wait a bit. often you might see other like minded people offering the item for much less because they "get it" like we do.
Unfortunately there is no way to "fix" this aside from what you just did. A public service announcement asking for people to use common sense. Kudos for that! Give it some time and hopefully we can make our economy better than the PC.
A Fang of bahamut costs a player 5 dragon scales, something you can get from 3 lock boxes, but you will find that you will rarely ever open 3 of them and grab those 6 dragon scales. Some people will open 20-30 boxes and get T. Bars and profession/artifact/rune packs only. Let's say the average is eight boxes for 6 scales, 8 keys at 125 zen per key is roughly 140,000 AD. A majority of the auction house is flooded with the items that come out of these boxes and just to be able to get your post to show you have to post a no buyout on whatever you plan to sell. 40k AD for a belt that takes you anywhere from 140k+ AD to buy from the vendor is completely worth it, especially for a scaling item. I can't even imagine people would be buying these belts and selling them when they could save up for a companion from that same vendor, especially the Ioun stone.
You can refine 24,000 astral diamonds a day and 40k is "out of whack"?
If you are a newbie, in most cases, you're not doing much more than the daily dungeon and the Skirmish (Plus you have to be level 18,I think,to do the dailies). That's a total of 6,000 a day, so it would take you about 6 days to earn the 40,000. Plus, that's just the starting bid on the cheapest item...so it could go for more. The other choice would be to simply use the same amount of time and do the zone missions to level. It's not that hard to knock those of and earn about 5 levels a day. Then at that point you can be in your high 50's, if not 60, and you don't need the item in question any longer.
For the item I listed, the ideal customer would be between level 20 and 30(you could even say up to 40). At that stage you're really not doing much more than leveling. It's not too much extra work to stop and make 6-10k AD. But to stop leveling to make 40k or more, is not the way you want to be spending your time at that stage. It's better spent leveling.
So it's not that you can't make the 40,000 AD, it's just not ideal for the target customer for the items in question.
A majority of the auction house is flooded with the items that come out of these boxes and just to be able to get your post to show you have to post a no buyout on whatever you plan to sell.
You lost me here? Posting items with no buyout doesn't make them show up any better. I always post a buyout price and sell things almost as fast as I post them. (few hours at the most). I do see a ton of items without a buyout and as I am sure most players that want what they want when they want it will scroll through quick to find the items with buyouts as opposed to waiting 5 days.
not posting a buyout doesn't give any better chances of your item being seen and if anything it will cause your item to "blend in" with the other people with no buyouts.
Just curious as to the thinking on this or is this posted information somewhere that explains the no buyout gets seen more?
You lost me here? Posting items with no buyout doesn't make them show up any better. I always post a buyout price and sell things almost as fast as I post them. (few hours at the most). I do see a ton of items without a buyout and as I am sure most players that want what they want when they want it will scroll through quick to find the items with buyouts as opposed to waiting 5 days.
not posting a buyout doesn't give any better chances of your item being seen and if anything it will cause your item to "blend in" with the other people with no buyouts.
Just curious as to the thinking on this or is this posted information somewhere that explains the no buyout gets seen more?
I'm not completely sure where he is coming from but I do know that if you post a "no buy out" option and only have it up for a bid, then it will show up in the first couple page of the list rather than towards the end.
That's the only advantage I could see without a buy-out but again, like you pointed out, people want what they want when they want it.
I personally pound the next page button to get to the buy-out sections.
I'm not completely sure where he is coming from but I do know that if you post a "no buy out" option and only have it up for a bid, then it will show up in the first couple page of the list rather than towards the end.
That's the only advantage I could see without a buy-out but again, like you pointed out, people want what they want when they want it.
I personally pound the next page button to get to the buy-out sections.
Not sure if an option in the setting or the way you are looking. When I search, it's always alphabetical, regardless if if it's an auction or a buy out they all seem to be in the same order for me....
It's not alphabetical. I can search on a specific term like "celestial grace dye pack" where the only results are celestial grace dye packs and I see ridiculous listings with crazy-high initial bids and no buyouts for the first few pages, then the actual bids start... with buyout items interspersed. I'm not sure how they're sorting, but I know for certain it's not purely alphabetical.
Watching the markets of this game develop is one of the reason I'm playing. Very interesting stuff.
A few things I do know. AD really comes quicker than I had originally thought. And this is pre 60 even though the journey to 60 is super fast in this game compared to alot of others (1-2 weeks to hit 60... Geesh!) Leveling Leadership in the background does give you great AD. You have 2 character slots. Create a second character just to level Leadership if you can then use the AD/Zen trading to transfer AD to your main
Now I am not saying that the AH isnt overpriced because often it is. I know I personally throw some low level blue items up there for 100AD no more no less because I understand that people want it to level and will outgrow it but not everyone else thinks like that. I often see the same items for thousands as the nearest bid. I stick with my 100. Heck I sold a Dragon Bone item last night for 10k less than the next closest item. Because that is what I valued it as. My point. Don't impulse buy and wait a bit. often you might see other like minded people offering the item for much less because they "get it" like we do.
Unfortunately there is no way to "fix" this aside from what you just did. A public service announcement asking for people to use common sense. Kudos for that! Give it some time and hopefully we can make our economy better than the PC.
just my 2 coppers
It is interesting to watch. I agree! Cant wait to see what its like in a few months.
Strangest thing I have noticed is people are selling things for gold rather than AD, something that I think will also adjust itself after time.
If you are a newbie, in most cases, you're not doing much more than the daily dungeon and the Skirmish (Plus you have to be level 18,I think,to do the dailies). That's a total of 6,000 a day, so it would take you about 6 days to earn the 40,000. Plus, that's just the starting bid on the cheapest item...so it could go for more. The other choice would be to simply use the same amount of time and do the zone missions to level. It's not that hard to knock those of and earn about 5 levels a day. Then at that point you can be in your high 50's, if not 60, and you don't need the item in question any longer.
For the item I listed, the ideal customer would be between level 20 and 30(you could even say up to 40). At that stage you're really not doing much more than leveling. It's not too much extra work to stop and make 6-10k AD. But to stop leveling to make 40k or more, is not the way you want to be spending your time at that stage. It's better spent leveling.
So it's not that you can't make the 40,000 AD, it's just not ideal for the target customer for the items in question.
You lost me here? Posting items with no buyout doesn't make them show up any better. I always post a buyout price and sell things almost as fast as I post them. (few hours at the most). I do see a ton of items without a buyout and as I am sure most players that want what they want when they want it will scroll through quick to find the items with buyouts as opposed to waiting 5 days.
not posting a buyout doesn't give any better chances of your item being seen and if anything it will cause your item to "blend in" with the other people with no buyouts.
Just curious as to the thinking on this or is this posted information somewhere that explains the no buyout gets seen more?
I'm not completely sure where he is coming from but I do know that if you post a "no buy out" option and only have it up for a bid, then it will show up in the first couple page of the list rather than towards the end.
That's the only advantage I could see without a buy-out but again, like you pointed out, people want what they want when they want it.
I personally pound the next page button to get to the buy-out sections.
we are still in early days so growing more and more
Not sure if an option in the setting or the way you are looking. When I search, it's always alphabetical, regardless if if it's an auction or a buy out they all seem to be in the same order for me....