Warlock, as DD (damage dealer), is gone. I've run several VT with guild mates (GF, CW, TR). Before mod6 our damage was pretty equal, now I cannot do more than 35-40% of their damage with Fury capstone. Tyrannical Threat is nerfed to the ground, Creeping Death is nerfed by another 40%.
Do you have any advice what a damage dealing warlock should now do ?
If, by the Gods blessing, you will actually be able to log in and play...pick flowers?
Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based? 2). Yes. I am panzer! 3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen. 4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
Warlock, as DD (damage dealer), is gone. I've run several VT with guild mates (GF, CW, TR). Before mod6 our damage was pretty equal, now I cannot do more than 35-40% of their damage with Fury capstone. Tyrannical Threat is nerfed to the ground, Creeping Death is nerfed by another 40%.
Do you have any advice what a damage dealing warlock should now do ?
Whatever you do - Don't spec to Temptation - that is all I can offer.
...............vote for your favourite expansion.......... "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity". ..............not this one then.............
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited April 2015
Oh well, can at least still have fun with my 4 minion damnationlocke even if the damage is laughable. Have good agro management so I'm not a target for very long.
clericalistMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 595Arc User
edited April 2015
I have a theory that when they release a new class it has to be an uber class, first it was the ranger, then the warlock and now the paladin, when the druid comes along I am willing to bet there will be similar complaints about neglecting them. The new class has to be uber because they probably see more income using that strategy. This problem will also get worse as they keep on adding new classes, the more there, the less time they will have to deal with all the class issues.
I have a theory that when they release a new class it has to be an uber class, first it was the ranger, then the warlock and now the paladin, when the druid comes along I am willing to bet there will be similar complaints about neglecting them. The new class has to be uber because they probably see more income using that strategy. This problem will also get worse as they keep on adding new classes, the more there, the less time they will have to deal with all the class issues.
It's no "strategy" or conspiracy. It's just that a lot of time is invested in creating and designing a new class so it's nice and playable. Later the developers lack that time if new content comes out and a class falls behind.
And yes, Warlock, no matter the build seems unplayable now if not in insane gear. High-hitting enemies and unreliable life stealing kills fast. Damage? I just wish I could get any offensive spell out before I perish...
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited April 2015
HR was no way shape or form op when it was first released.. especially after its split shot nerf (something that happened fairly quickly)
I dont think it got really good until they released the beast of HR combat (now gone, but not forgotten)
Warlock, as DD (damage dealer), is gone. I've run several VT with guild mates (GF, CW, TR). Before mod6 our damage was pretty equal, now I cannot do more than 35-40% of their damage with Fury capstone. Tyrannical Threat is nerfed to the ground, Creeping Death is nerfed by another 40%.
Do you have any advice what a damage dealing warlock should now do ?
I'm sorry that you can't do 30.000.000 damage in Tiamat anymore with a single daily spamming.
50% imho is still quite generous given how easy it is for SW to cast dailys and spam curse all around.
True Neutral
Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
Should anyone need advice or guidance on what we deem to be "constructive feedback", please look here.
Also, as a reminder, "in before the lock", "this will get moderated", and similar comments are considered public commentary on moderation and not allowed per section V.
Please do not respond or reply in any fashion to this notice, as such is not allowed, but use the PM system to address your concerns.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
I've been Soulbinder Damnation for a long time. I've always liked that I have a Soul Puppet with a lot of utility that puts out decent DPS and I put out decent DPS with high survivability.
Then Mod 6. I tried hard, and I still do, to find a reason not to simply retire the SW. Damnation has the utility going for it but that simply doesn't cut it. SW doesn't have the survivability it once had. On top of that, SW is a pure DPS class that has pretty crappy CC. Sure, we have CC skills, but they're all incredibly spotty, single target with bad damage, or a combination of the two.
Between subpar damage output, long cast times, and a host of useless/nerfed class features, encounters, and dailies, I'm not seeing a lot of hope.
As for the Tyrannical Threat comment above, if we had more going for us, we wouldn't rely on it so **** hard.
Broken mechanics, broken class designs, lack of actual content, and over zealous, bronze-age moderation?
Not sure if serious. It takes good 7 seconds to cast TT and apply curses. And SW doesn't have anything to boost their AP generation, they actually have one of the slowest AP gain in the game. Not to mention how squishy they are.
I don't get such people. Envy someone with high damage capabilities just for the sake of envy.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
I've been saying the same thing for months. And it went live, now people realize what I've been saying all that time in preview forums
1. TT nerf
2. Set bonus loss
3. Fury nerf
4. Temptation capstone nerf
If you don't want to ever worry about nerfs just play a CW they never get nerfed anyways
I am the monk, martial skill transcends the battlefield
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
I'm sorry that you can't do 30.000.000 damage in Tiamat anymore with a single daily spamming.
50% imho is still quite generous given how easy it is for SW to cast dailys and spam curse all around.
Not as easy to spamm opressing force and proc class features around for sure. And if you would wonder a little bit harder, most of those "30m dmg" warlocks were running around with Fabled Ilyanbruen set. Just shows how pitiful the class is without that.
Nerfing basic daily by 50% and basic DoT by 40%, causing the class to do 40-50% damage other DD classes do is "generous" ?
Yes, 50% nerf is a generous one given that it's a Daily power. Other classes do not and I repeat - do not have the AoE nor such superior burst that's on par with SW fury warlocks and we all know that this is true.
When compared to, for instance, oppressive force - the closer the enemies are to Oppressive Force, better the DoT will be with the ending one resulting in a 'splosion. To effectively do the Damage of one cast of SW Daily currently a CW needs to cast Icy Terrain, Steal Time, Oppressive Force and Conduit of Ice simultaneously on the area of 20ft alltogether, whilst all that SW needs to do is activate a daily after picking targets with curse and voila, 100ft radius cleared of any mobs.
So, now those SW would do 15.000.000-20.000.000 in Tiamat based on a single solitary daily spell and you state that such a thing is not generous for one Daily over the course of 20 minutes. I bet that SWs are still top DPS class without the need to invest as much as other classes do, so stop the QQ and actually play.
True Neutral
Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
darkstarcrashMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,382Arc User
Yes, 50% nerf is a generous one given that it's a Daily power. Other classes do not and I repeat - do not have the AoE nor such superior burst that's on par with SW fury warlocks and we all know that this is true.
When compared to, for instance, oppressive force - the closer the enemies are to Oppressive Force, better the DoT will be with the ending one resulting in a 'splosion. To effectively do the Damage of one cast of SW Daily currently a CW needs to cast Icy Terrain, Steal Time, Oppressive Force and Conduit of Ice simultaneously on the area of 20ft alltogether, whilst all that SW needs to do is activate a daily after picking targets with curse and voila, 100ft radius cleared of any mobs.
So, now those SW would do 15.000.000-20.000.000 in Tiamat based on a single solitary daily spell and you state that such a thing is not generous for one Daily over the course of 20 minutes. I bet that SWs are still top DPS class without the need to invest as much as other classes do, so stop the QQ and actually play.
Um, you do realize that Tyrannical Threat just turns your Warlock's Curse into a special sort of mark, it doesn't do any damage itself. So the SW has to do its full rotation of spells, just like the CW in your example.
And the SWs with really high damage on bosses were using TT in conjunction with the Fabled Illyanbruen set bonus. Except for some lucky few SWs who can shadow walk perfectly and never get hit in Mod 6, most are replacing their T2 gear with new gear lacking the OP set bonuses.
So, now those SW would do 15.000.000-20.000.000 in Tiamat based on a single solitary daily spell and you state that such a thing is not generous for one Daily over the course of 20 minutes. I bet that SWs are still top DPS class without the need to invest as much as other classes do, so stop the QQ and actually play.
you know what they say about assuming? It makes an *** out of U and ME
the dps is not what should be looked at, a dead warlock deals 0 damage.
The really high damage procs were because of the MC set and somewhat with accursed diabolist. Those aren't viable anymore
I am the monk, martial skill transcends the battlefield
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
Yes, 50% nerf is a generous one given that it's a Daily power. Other classes do not and I repeat - do not have the AoE nor such superior burst that's on par with SW fury warlocks and we all know that this is true.
When compared to, for instance, oppressive force - the closer the enemies are to Oppressive Force, better the DoT will be with the ending one resulting in a 'splosion. To effectively do the Damage of one cast of SW Daily currently a CW needs to cast Icy Terrain, Steal Time, Oppressive Force and Conduit of Ice simultaneously on the area of 20ft alltogether, whilst all that SW needs to do is activate a daily after picking targets with curse and voila, 100ft radius cleared of any mobs.
So, now those SW would do 15.000.000-20.000.000 in Tiamat based on a single solitary daily spell and you state that such a thing is not generous for one Daily over the course of 20 minutes. I bet that SWs are still top DPS class without the need to invest as much as other classes do, so stop the QQ and actually play.
Except that
- TT takes atleast 7-8 seconds to fully cast and apply the marks
- The combo was dreadtheft that takes 6 seconds to fully use
- You cannot gain AP during the entire time TT is up
But you're right.....all a SW needs to do is cast TT instantly and all the mobs are dead. I really hate when people that are completely CLUELESS about a class even attempt to give any sort of "feedback".
Here's a hint, TT does no damage by itself, it was a combo piece with the armour set bonus, and dreadtheft, so no TT cannot magically deal 15-20 million damage by itself.
- TT takes atleast 7-8 seconds to fully cast and apply the marks
- The combo was dreadtheft that takes 6 seconds to fully use
- You cannot gain AP during the entire time TT is up
But you're right.....all a SW needs to do is cast TT instantly and all the mobs are dead. I really hate when people that are completely CLUELESS about a class even attempt to give any sort of "feedback".
Here's a hint, TT does no damage by itself, it was a combo piece with the armour set bonus, and dreadtheft, so no TT cannot magically deal 15-20 million damage by itself.
TT does damage by itself since it's applied as a special sort of a mark. The combat windows acknowledges it. The ACT parsing acknowledges it. TT is a damaging power daily which is the exact reason why it was nerfed by 50%. It was nice while it lasted, but we all know that SW's an extremely bugged class with weird laser and inability to drink potions adequately among other things.
As for the armor set, bye bye armor set.
I've noted that SW are still doing great dps that's on par with other dps builds/classes. It's just that it takes more arpen to fully utilize it. What people need now is slightly boosted GWFs, tankier GFs, more control to the CWs and a slight rework of life-steal.
Also, I'm very pleased with the change since the power was bugged more than once. Now, even if the bug reoccurs (which wouldn't be surprising) it won't be an exploit. Please, don't QQ anymore. You all knew that MC set was bugged and went for it. :rolleyes: Take a chill pill. We all got nerfed anyway.
True Neutral
Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
Ive seen some dungeon runs where the SW is out dpsing CWs...and it wasn't because of TT.
Fiery Bolt I think it was, but may have been some type of interaction with something else.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Ive seen some dungeon runs where the SW is out dpsing CWs...and it wasn't because of TT.
Fiery Bolt I think it was, but may have been some type of interaction with something else.
I'm sure it wasn't fiery bolt. Even hitting 3 cursed enemies with it yields pitiful damage.
Ive seen some dungeon runs where the SW is out dpsing CWs...and it wasn't because of TT.
Fiery Bolt I think it was, but may have been some type of interaction with something else.
If I may reply, I am/was a lvl 70 fury SW and I've done several dungeons with my SW even some T2. In my opinion the dmg is a bit on the low side and I'll try to explain it. This is not about pvp, nor temp/damnation, since I've got no experience with either.
I picked my Fury SW because I wanted to be usefull in dungeons. Being usefull means you fulfill your job to the best you can do. I picked DPS since I like blowing things up and as such the fury SW was/is a good idea. In mod 5 I was top dps'r in almost every dungeon I went in to, I specced dps, I did dps and if I died, it did not matter.
Now in mod 6, the dps has dropped signifantly due to the 'alterations' to TT and our fury capstone. Not having a good set bonus anymore does not help either, so in all these cases the dps output drops. At this point I am next to, or just a tad below the CW's in dmg. It is still good, it still helps but the SW does not seem to be a pure DPS class anymore. There are better classes out there that have more CC, more survivability and thus more usefullness.
I do not want to bash the CW's, but the comparison goes best with them, since their 'likeness'. But if you remove the CC from CW's and give them a bit longer cast time + remove their dash and give them sprint, you'll be a SW.
Again, in my opinion the SW does not need more survivability, we're not tanks, we're not control warlocks, we should be top dps. If you want to tank it with a SW, then you're playing the wrong class, if you want more CC with a SW, again, you're playing the wrong class.
I've retired my SW now and I'm playing a pally atm. Its deffinetly usefull in these dungeons and I'm having fun again, which is the most important thing in a game. I cant and I'll emphasize the CAN NOT part, believe that the SW will stay in this position. It's not able to do its job at the best of its 'should be' abilities.
The nerf to TT might be a good one, but I believe we need our dps back we lost, in some other way, so we also get more balance in dmg out put per skill.
... Now in mod 6, the dps has dropped signifantly due to the 'alterations' to TT and our fury capstone. Not having a good set bonus anymore does not help either, so in all these cases the dps output drops. At this point I am next to, or just a tad below the CW's in dmg. It is still good, it still helps but the SW does not seem to be a pure DPS class anymore. There are better classes out there that have more CC, more survivability and thus more usefullness.
I do not want to bash the CW's, but the comparison goes best with them, since their 'likeness'. But if you remove the CC from CW's and give them a bit longer cast time + remove their dash and give them sprint, you'll be a SW.
Again, in my opinion the SW does not need more survivability, we're not tanks, we're not control warlocks, we should be top dps. If you want to tank it with a SW, then you're playing the wrong class, if you want more CC with a SW, again, you're playing the wrong class....
I 100% agree with that. The warlock class was based on pure damage capability, poor utlility, next to no control, nothing much but dps. (especially the Fury tree). Now after taking away the damage ( not to mention the lifesteal stat, but that affects everyone albeit SW probably the most) its just not doing its role effectively anymore. When i run dungeons i usually output same/less dmg that a control wizard doing accual control. So now there is a class who deals same or even more damage but can control on top of that. it just makes warlock not a viable option anymore.
I do agree that TT nerf was in place, ridiculus stuff happened when used in a certain way, but MC set is gone now so 50% might have been quite harsh, espcially that everything is stronger now.
It would be nice to do something, eg revert the fury capstone back to 100% or think up other way to put the on par with other classes, to make warlocks a usefull class again.
Everything around the warlock revolves around DPS. A warlock that does not DPS is useless.
Even temptation the off-healer tree still relies on doing damage to heal.
I am the monk, martial skill transcends the battlefield
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
Since you're not familiar with the process of MODULE 6, it's pretty much a nerfhammer for everyone.
As for other things both about me and/or the game, I leave you to your conclusions. I just wanted you to know that module 6 is de facto nerf for everyone and it doesn't make any difference whether you agree with it or not since you're not really relevant imho.
Take care.
True Neutral
Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
Since you're not familiar with the process of MODULE 6, it's pretty much a nerfhammer for everyone.
As for other things both about me and/or the game, I leave you to your conclusions. I just wanted you to know that module 6 is de facto nerf for everyone and it doesn't make any difference whether you agree with it or not since you're not really relevant imho.
I have a theory that when they release a new class it has to be an uber class, first it was the ranger, then the warlock and now the paladin, when the druid comes along I am willing to bet there will be similar complaints about neglecting them. The new class has to be uber because they probably see more income using that strategy. This problem will also get worse as they keep on adding new classes, the more there, the less time they will have to deal with all the class issues.
EH? HR came out in Mod2 and GWF were uber at that point. Not sure HR has ever been uber. Been runner-up a couple times. Definately not OP when it came out.
EH? HR came out in Mod2 and GWF were uber at that point. Not sure HR has ever been uber. Been runner-up a couple times. Definately not OP when it came out.
Uber survivability during M3, absolutely broken combat tree during M4. But on release - definitely not.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
Hmm honestly it is not as bad as you think my Fury SW who went from almost all legendary artifacts to not even some epic levels performs as well as before.
Just ran CC yesterday with a guild group. I had no problem substaining damage. I am now a glass cannon as I am still tweaking my gear, stats and build.
Here is the parse for the entire run.
Here is the parse for the Traven Blackdagger. Now I died with traven having about 25% of his health left so I dropped on my dps in that fight.
The CW that out dps'ed me is in all mythical gear.
Truly like any other MMO, as things change you have to learn to adapt to the changes in the environment.
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
Whatever you do - Don't spec to Temptation - that is all I can offer.
"Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
..............not this one then.............
It's no "strategy" or conspiracy. It's just that a lot of time is invested in creating and designing a new class so it's nice and playable. Later the developers lack that time if new content comes out and a class falls behind.
And yes, Warlock, no matter the build seems unplayable now if not in insane gear. High-hitting enemies and unreliable life stealing kills fast. Damage? I just wish I could get any offensive spell out before I perish...
I dont think it got really good until they released the beast of HR combat (now gone, but not forgotten)
I'm sorry that you can't do 30.000.000 damage in Tiamat anymore with a single daily spamming.
50% imho is still quite generous given how easy it is for SW to cast dailys and spam curse all around.
Should anyone need advice or guidance on what we deem to be "constructive feedback", please look here.
Also, as a reminder, "in before the lock", "this will get moderated", and similar comments are considered public commentary on moderation and not allowed per section V.
Please do not respond or reply in any fashion to this notice, as such is not allowed, but use the PM system to address your concerns.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
Then Mod 6. I tried hard, and I still do, to find a reason not to simply retire the SW. Damnation has the utility going for it but that simply doesn't cut it. SW doesn't have the survivability it once had. On top of that, SW is a pure DPS class that has pretty crappy CC. Sure, we have CC skills, but they're all incredibly spotty, single target with bad damage, or a combination of the two.
Between subpar damage output, long cast times, and a host of useless/nerfed class features, encounters, and dailies, I'm not seeing a lot of hope.
As for the Tyrannical Threat comment above, if we had more going for us, we wouldn't rely on it so **** hard.
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
Not sure if serious. It takes good 7 seconds to cast TT and apply curses. And SW doesn't have anything to boost their AP generation, they actually have one of the slowest AP gain in the game. Not to mention how squishy they are.
I don't get such people. Envy someone with high damage capabilities just for the sake of envy.
1. TT nerf
2. Set bonus loss
3. Fury nerf
4. Temptation capstone nerf
If you don't want to ever worry about nerfs just play a CW they never get nerfed anyways
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
More threads by me / Click on it
My Support Warlock/Temptation Thread
Well, arm of Hadar... till it was unjustly nerfed...
Fiery bolt, lol, even the DC has harder hitting AoEs....
WTB Class Reroll please
Yes, 50% nerf is a generous one given that it's a Daily power. Other classes do not and I repeat - do not have the AoE nor such superior burst that's on par with SW fury warlocks and we all know that this is true.
When compared to, for instance, oppressive force - the closer the enemies are to Oppressive Force, better the DoT will be with the ending one resulting in a 'splosion. To effectively do the Damage of one cast of SW Daily currently a CW needs to cast Icy Terrain, Steal Time, Oppressive Force and Conduit of Ice simultaneously on the area of 20ft alltogether, whilst all that SW needs to do is activate a daily after picking targets with curse and voila, 100ft radius cleared of any mobs.
So, now those SW would do 15.000.000-20.000.000 in Tiamat based on a single solitary daily spell and you state that such a thing is not generous for one Daily over the course of 20 minutes. I bet that SWs are still top DPS class without the need to invest as much as other classes do, so stop the QQ and actually play.
Um, you do realize that Tyrannical Threat just turns your Warlock's Curse into a special sort of mark, it doesn't do any damage itself. So the SW has to do its full rotation of spells, just like the CW in your example.
And the SWs with really high damage on bosses were using TT in conjunction with the Fabled Illyanbruen set bonus. Except for some lucky few SWs who can shadow walk perfectly and never get hit in Mod 6, most are replacing their T2 gear with new gear lacking the OP set bonuses.
you know what they say about assuming? It makes an *** out of U and ME
the dps is not what should be looked at, a dead warlock deals 0 damage.
The really high damage procs were because of the MC set and somewhat with accursed diabolist. Those aren't viable anymore
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
More threads by me / Click on it
My Support Warlock/Temptation Thread
Except that
- TT takes atleast 7-8 seconds to fully cast and apply the marks
- The combo was dreadtheft that takes 6 seconds to fully use
- You cannot gain AP during the entire time TT is up
But you're right.....all a SW needs to do is cast TT instantly and all the mobs are dead. I really hate when people that are completely CLUELESS about a class even attempt to give any sort of "feedback".
Here's a hint, TT does no damage by itself, it was a combo piece with the armour set bonus, and dreadtheft, so no TT cannot magically deal 15-20 million damage by itself.
TT does damage by itself since it's applied as a special sort of a mark. The combat windows acknowledges it. The ACT parsing acknowledges it. TT is a damaging power daily which is the exact reason why it was nerfed by 50%. It was nice while it lasted, but we all know that SW's an extremely bugged class with weird laser and inability to drink potions adequately among other things.
As for the armor set, bye bye armor set.
I've noted that SW are still doing great dps that's on par with other dps builds/classes. It's just that it takes more arpen to fully utilize it. What people need now is slightly boosted GWFs, tankier GFs, more control to the CWs and a slight rework of life-steal.
Also, I'm very pleased with the change since the power was bugged more than once. Now, even if the bug reoccurs (which wouldn't be surprising) it won't be an exploit. Please, don't QQ anymore. You all knew that MC set was bugged and went for it. :rolleyes: Take a chill pill. We all got nerfed anyway.
Fiery Bolt I think it was, but may have been some type of interaction with something else.
I'm sure it wasn't fiery bolt. Even hitting 3 cursed enemies with it yields pitiful damage.
I'm going to repeat this for you.
"you know what they say about assuming? It makes an *** out of U and ME"
Also no, we didn't "all get nerfed", my Cw is just as strong as ever, which isn't at all a surprise.
But you're right, taking away every DPS tool the SW had available is just "QQing". Try again.
Armour set which is now gone.
I picked my Fury SW because I wanted to be usefull in dungeons. Being usefull means you fulfill your job to the best you can do. I picked DPS since I like blowing things up and as such the fury SW was/is a good idea. In mod 5 I was top dps'r in almost every dungeon I went in to, I specced dps, I did dps and if I died, it did not matter.
Now in mod 6, the dps has dropped signifantly due to the 'alterations' to TT and our fury capstone. Not having a good set bonus anymore does not help either, so in all these cases the dps output drops. At this point I am next to, or just a tad below the CW's in dmg. It is still good, it still helps but the SW does not seem to be a pure DPS class anymore. There are better classes out there that have more CC, more survivability and thus more usefullness.
I do not want to bash the CW's, but the comparison goes best with them, since their 'likeness'. But if you remove the CC from CW's and give them a bit longer cast time + remove their dash and give them sprint, you'll be a SW.
Again, in my opinion the SW does not need more survivability, we're not tanks, we're not control warlocks, we should be top dps. If you want to tank it with a SW, then you're playing the wrong class, if you want more CC with a SW, again, you're playing the wrong class.
I've retired my SW now and I'm playing a pally atm. Its deffinetly usefull in these dungeons and I'm having fun again, which is the most important thing in a game. I cant and I'll emphasize the CAN NOT part, believe that the SW will stay in this position. It's not able to do its job at the best of its 'should be' abilities.
The nerf to TT might be a good one, but I believe we need our dps back we lost, in some other way, so we also get more balance in dmg out put per skill.
I do agree that TT nerf was in place, ridiculus stuff happened when used in a certain way, but MC set is gone now so 50% might have been quite harsh, espcially that everything is stronger now.
It would be nice to do something, eg revert the fury capstone back to 100% or think up other way to put the on par with other classes, to make warlocks a usefull class again.
Even temptation the off-healer tree still relies on doing damage to heal.
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
More threads by me / Click on it
My Support Warlock/Temptation Thread
Since you're not familiar with the process of MODULE 6, it's pretty much a nerfhammer for everyone.
As for other things both about me and/or the game, I leave you to your conclusions. I just wanted you to know that module 6 is de facto nerf for everyone and it doesn't make any difference whether you agree with it or not since you're not really relevant imho.
Take care.
Elitism at it's finest. Wanker.
EH? HR came out in Mod2 and GWF were uber at that point. Not sure HR has ever been uber. Been runner-up a couple times. Definately not OP when it came out.
Uber survivability during M3, absolutely broken combat tree during M4. But on release - definitely not.
Just ran CC yesterday with a guild group. I had no problem substaining damage. I am now a glass cannon as I am still tweaking my gear, stats and build.
Here is the parse for the entire run.
Here is the parse for the Traven Blackdagger.
The CW that out dps'ed me is in all mythical gear.
Truly like any other MMO, as things change you have to learn to adapt to the changes in the environment.
Links to both: http://i.imgur.com/nnep1Oj.jpg