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Carpe Noctem-Mature guild 21+ Looking for more

drewstegehuisdrewstegehuis Member Posts: 2 Arc User
Carpe Noctem is a mature guild full of experienced MMO players looking to extend our ranks. We are recruiting anyone who meets the age requirement and can get along with everyone else. We currently have 2 full time 5 man teams clearing content and more in the works (just not set in stone yet) our ultimate goal is to get together as many 5 man teams that work cohesively as possible and get them geared and ready for the raid content to come out.

We have experts in every class that can help you with builds strategies and rotations and help you better understand what you're doing wrong and what you're doing right. If accepted into our tight knit fold you will find an open world abundant in information and knowledge. A few examples are-urapnus2 a veteran MMO player starting his time in the original EQ with the #2 guild, XGC Army a veteran neverwinter player (PC) who knows everything about the in game currencies and control wizards, G3TxxS0m3 my raid leader from WoW who has played since vanilla and just recently retired at the end of MoP expansion, iDontOpenDoors ranked #5 on Dragon Age: Inquisitions leader boards and a top 50 guild member in WoW, and finally myself top 50 Guild player in WoW from vanilla to the most recent expansion WoD where I took my leave along with top 1000 rankings on Diablo 3 RoS (PC) with all classes.

As you can see we have no shortage of knowledge, tactics, and endgame experience. This isnt here to intimidate you or simply show off but to show you what we truly have to offer someone who wants to excel at this game. We welcome other experts and veterans along with new players enjoying the MMO's experience for the first time.

If you're interested or would like anymore information please feel free to contact myself (drewstegehuis), G3TxxS0m3, iDontOpenDoors, or urapnus2 on xbox.
Post edited by drewstegehuis on


  • albannach69albannach69 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm definitely interested. I have a 60 HR and will soon start either a TR or SW as my second character. I'm new to Neverwinter so I'm still getting used to the currencies, gear scores etc. but I've played DDO and LOTRO since both games were launched. GT is Keltic Alba.
  • drewstegehuisdrewstegehuis Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Awsome make sure you go on Xbox One and check us out. Feel free to contact any of the specified people
  • albannach69albannach69 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Xbox is suddenly giving me all sorts of problems. Can't seem to add anyone.
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I hit level 60 just the other night and was looking for a quality, adults-only guild to join. It looks like yours may fit the bill, so below is a brief resume. Please let me know if you have any further questions!


    Character name: Luz
    Class: Devoted Cleric
    Level: 60
    Primary focus: PvE Healing
    Player age: 30
    Play-times: Evenings and weekends
    Time zone: Eastern Standard Time, USA (UTC-5)

    MMORPG experience:

    - Ultima Online: through endgame
    - Everquest: brief
    - Dark Age of Camelot: through endgame
    - World of Warcraft:
    - - Vanilla
    - - Burning Crusade endgame (server-first Kael-thas Sunstrider, server-first Gurtogg Bloodboil, killed Illidan)
    - - Wrath of the Lich King endgame (server-first Ignis the Furnace Master 25, killed Yogg-Saron 25, killed Arthas 25, killed Algalon the Observer 10)
    - - Cataclysm endgame, some
    - Rift: brief

    Healer experience:

    I was primarily a healer for World of Warcraft - a restoration spec Druid named Tree for the Legacy of the Sun raiding guild. Looking forward to getting back into PvE healing!

    Leadership experience:

    Did a stint as a guild officer and raid leader. Willing to take on a leadership roll if needed but also quite happy to follow.


    Name: Justin
    Gamertag: Wandering Kyng
  • dreadkinzdreadkinz Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Looking to check the guild out gt mh havoc
  • selicheturtarselicheturtar Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Your guild seems quite interesting, im not new to the MMO world however I am new to Neverwinter, Working on a Trickster rogue just under Level 40. Looking for a good guild to join, GT is ZeroDarkTurtle, CHarater is Selichea Tavarus
  • saintgibisaintgibi Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    PM sent and I will also send you a friend request on Xbox.

  • pwncakes83pwncakes83 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Character Name: Crosis
    Class: GF
    Level: 60
    Gear Score: 15,640
    Time Zone: Central
    Age: 31
    Neverwinter Experience: cleared all T2 3/4CN
    Other Gaming Experience: Guild Leader of Nerfed World first achievements in (Swtor,Rift) 15yrs of competitive gaming experience. Can go on if needed in party chat.
    Gamertag: Robthebrewer
  • idontcombatlootidontcombatloot Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hey Crosis,

    If you are still interested in re-joining us please feel free to send me a message or party invite online. My GT is iDontOpenDoors.
    Kirov - 19.2k Hellbringer Fury Warlock
    Guild Leader of <Critical Severity>
    We are recruiting 15+GS PVE and PVP players
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