This is not a constant annoyance but when faced with mutiple foes -the Bridge skirmish for example- I'm constantly battling with my right thumb stick. Before going for Grumthrox the Relentless (fantastic name by the way) I like to target the other two weaker giants, but it forces my projectiles and centers on Grumthrox. I'm a Control Wizard and there's nothing more irritating than an enemy in your face but the auto aim targets a minion half a mile away.
Know I answered the call
For a grand principle of freedom to yield.
My fervent prayer is that death
May not have been in vain
Fighting for peace and right for the world to attain
I have this problem all the time and it can get pretty frustrating.If you have any kind of knockback skill equiped or someone on your team does ask them to use it.It will buy you enough time to spread some of the pack and target whatever enemy you need hopefully. I play A DC and i have to do this on occasion so the other ranged characters can target easier.