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xoph0ivtxoph0ivt Member Posts: 19 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Player Feedback (Xbox One)
Am I missing something here or can we not adjust the HUD or choose what we want to appear on our screen.

As a cleric, my framerate drips down to a crawl with all the healing/damage numbers and allies/enemies running about, especially in PvP. Is there any way I can remove some of the floaters and character names and such?
Post edited by xoph0ivt on


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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited April 2015
    I'm not having that trouble but as a fellow Xbox user who is stuck using wireless right now until I can get a cable for my router, I'd suggest checking two things. First plug yourself in if you are wireless it helps, second check your NAT Type if it says anything other than Open you've got connection problems and most people ignore those. You simply cannot ignore connection problems on this type of game it's not a good idea since everything must be "approved" server side before you see it. (all mmo's come that way btw to prevent exploiting)

    They need however several updates to their ui so that people have more control, like the loot roles, the constant barrage of who's opening what box even in other languages, and the lovely scorecard that never goes away even if you're three maps over.
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    lholmanclholmanc Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    First plug yourself in if you are wireless it helps, second check your NAT Type if it says anything other than Open you've got connection problems

    Its not his connection trust me. I use a wired connection with an open NAT and the best package available to me. I have never had connection problems or lag like this before. Especially while on my One as opposed to PC. This is very akin to graphical lag on a PC game. I assume they need to make some tweaks to the Xbone's graphics settings. Best bet is to deal with it until a patch is released. You're not the only one experiencing the problems believe me on that!
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    finaldeath1689finaldeath1689 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm not having that trouble but as a fellow Xbox user who is stuck using wireless right now until I can get a cable for my router, I'd suggest checking two things. First plug yourself in if you are wireless it helps, second check your NAT Type if it says anything other than Open you've got connection problems and most people ignore those. You simply cannot ignore connection problems on this type of game it's not a good idea since everything must be "approved" server side before you see it. (all mmo's come that way btw to prevent exploiting)

    They need however several updates to their ui so that people have more control, like the loot roles, the constant barrage of who's opening what box even in other languages, and the lovely scorecard that never goes away even if you're three maps over.

    The lag is not the ops connection, it is the servers and game itself. The devs have already acknowledged it.
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