So I just started a guild and now when I go to the mail tab under social I see guild compose.
My question is does everyone in the guild get the mail that is sent out?
Also one more question
When I go to guild settings and permissions there is a check box that says Guild Mail if I check that does that allow guild members to send guild mail?
If I don't have it checked does that mean people can't see the mail I sent out to?
kinda a dumb question I know but I would like to use it to it to alert members to weekly guild events seeing as the console version does not have an Event/News tab but I don't want to just send a message to half the guild cause I forgot to check the right permission.
All Hail Britannia!
Founder and Guildmaster of the Elite Dawn guild check us out here
all members will get a guild mail if its sent, providing their mailboxes are not full