After downloading when i go to play it says press A, When i press A it just say's connecting to account server please wait and after a few mins it will go back to telling me to push A.
I have this same problem.. An i can connect fine with everything else. Also i connected to the closed beta just fine so idk whats up with this...
Buddy has the same issue. Account creation servers are not available please try again later. He plays Battlefield and other games fine so I assume this is a server issue
I have a similar issue, but it is during loading screens. Switching from zone to zone disconnects me EVERY single time, and brings me to the login screen. When I relog, I am placed where I was loading in to.
You guys should really try and fix this my friend has the same problem, he's tried everything from changing regional settings to tons of restarts for both console and modem. Everything else works perfectly literally just Neverwinter won't connect to the account server, it will time out.
Hopefully a mod can move this to the Bugs section soon....Anywho...
Have you all checked your NAT settings on the Xbone? This has been addressed in a wide variety of games on consoles with users trying to enter multiplayer or load games that are always online (MMOs) such as CoD:AW; CoD:Ghosts; Destiny; Halos; GTAV, Defiance....any game released on any console that has online capacity since the original Xbox. People have had this type of problem, in essence, since 2001.
For Xbox One to see your correct NAT type, go to Settings > Network > Test multiplayer connection. Wait for the result of the check. Once the result shows, hold LT, LB, RT and RB at the same time. Let the Detailed NAT information load. Press B once (goes back to the finalized mp test), then A to be taken back to the network screen. Your true NAT type will show. If it is Moderate or Strict, reset modem and router then retest. If it remains Moderate or Strict after multiple attempts to correct via a variety of methods easily found by using a search engine, you have to contact your ISP and ask them to correct it.
People with Moderate and Strict NAT types have tons of problems on consoles getting into always online games (Destiny, Defiance, etc.) as their NAT is incompatible with others with Moderate and Strict NAT types. The game servers just seem to not want to let those players in general.
On a side note, don't fret too much if you get a Moderate or Strict NAT type, I sometimes get this from online game servers lagging me too hard or even about half an hour before Xbone in general issues status alerts. Just keep trying.
If this doesn't work for you and you have a true Open NAT type have you tried deleting, redownloading and reinstalling the game. Xbone will keep your save on Cloud and/or your HD unless you specifically tell it otherwise.
I really hope you all can get the game to work for you all very soon. Good luck!
When video games all come down to logic, why are so many illogical?
Sorry to highjack thread but i cant post my own, my PLAY button is grayed out now??? i was playing fine then i hit the auction house in pause menu by accident then it reset to main menu
Sorry to highjack thread but i cant post my own, my PLAY button is grayed out now??? i was playing fine then i hit the auction house in pause menu by accident then it reset to main menu
Neverwinter Scheduled Maintenance - 4/2 9 AM PDT (Pacific)
Our clerics are preparing our maintenance cleansing for 9AM PDT on 4/2. Estimated casting time is 2 hours.
Please note that tomorrow's PC and Xbox maintenances will be done separately with no overlap of downtimes.
Let's have some fun this week! What was the class was your first character in Neverwinter Xbox? Post your answer below!
~Patch notes~
Server Capacity increased
- We are adding more hardware to our servers so we can support even more people who want to play!
- Resolved an issue where a small amount of users were failing to login with account related errors.
Supported Languages
- Resolved an issue that prevented users who ran the game in an unsupported region from launching the game. These users can now be able to launch the game and play in the default language (English).
Maintenance has begun. Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.
Ive had a problem with my game not downloading completely. It hits 100% then it says stopped downloading. I have tried everything you can think of. I have hard reset my xbox one, unistalled and re-installed about 8 times and still does not work. The other thing it says I have 2 neverwinters ready to download. One that starts to download and one you cant do anything with. I cant even get rid of it. Just wondering if anybody else has had the same problem. I have never had any issue with any other game ive downloaded on my xbox.
Cliff Notes: Basic troubleshooting pinpointed the router as the problem. If anyone has any info on the ports needed to connect, let me know here or add it to the thread above. I'm curious to see if other people have this same problem with other routers.
Quick Symptoms: Can't even get to the character select screen, Client hangs on "connection to accounts server".
Cliff Notes: Basic troubleshooting pinpointed the router as the problem. If anyone has any info on the ports needed to connect, let me know here or add it to the thread above. I'm curious to see if other people have this same problem with other routers.
Quick Symptoms: Can't even get to the character select screen, Client hangs on "connection to accounts server".
I have this same problem.. An i can connect fine with everything else. Also i connected to the closed beta just fine so idk whats up with this...
Buddy has the same issue. Account creation servers are not available please try again later. He plays Battlefield and other games fine so I assume this is a server issue
Have you all checked your NAT settings on the Xbone? This has been addressed in a wide variety of games on consoles with users trying to enter multiplayer or load games that are always online (MMOs) such as CoD:AW; CoD:Ghosts; Destiny; Halos; GTAV, Defiance....any game released on any console that has online capacity since the original Xbox. People have had this type of problem, in essence, since 2001.
For Xbox One to see your correct NAT type, go to Settings > Network > Test multiplayer connection. Wait for the result of the check. Once the result shows, hold LT, LB, RT and RB at the same time. Let the Detailed NAT information load. Press B once (goes back to the finalized mp test), then A to be taken back to the network screen. Your true NAT type will show. If it is Moderate or Strict, reset modem and router then retest. If it remains Moderate or Strict after multiple attempts to correct via a variety of methods easily found by using a search engine, you have to contact your ISP and ask them to correct it.
People with Moderate and Strict NAT types have tons of problems on consoles getting into always online games (Destiny, Defiance, etc.) as their NAT is incompatible with others with Moderate and Strict NAT types. The game servers just seem to not want to let those players in general.
On a side note, don't fret too much if you get a Moderate or Strict NAT type, I sometimes get this from online game servers lagging me too hard or even about half an hour before Xbone in general issues status alerts. Just keep trying.
If this doesn't work for you and you have a true Open NAT type have you tried deleting, redownloading and reinstalling the game. Xbone will keep your save on Cloud and/or your HD unless you specifically tell it otherwise.
I really hope you all can get the game to work for you all very soon. Good luck!
Is there prob with servers??
Servers are currently down for maintenance.
Gamertag: ReallyRecon
Our clerics are preparing our maintenance cleansing for 9AM PDT on 4/2. Estimated casting time is 2 hours.
Please note that tomorrow's PC and Xbox maintenances will be done separately with no overlap of downtimes.
Let's have some fun this week! What was the class was your first character in Neverwinter Xbox? Post your answer below!
~Patch notes~
Server Capacity increased
- We are adding more hardware to our servers so we can support even more people who want to play!
- Resolved an issue where a small amount of users were failing to login with account related errors.
Supported Languages
- Resolved an issue that prevented users who ran the game in an unsupported region from launching the game. These users can now be able to launch the game and play in the default language (English).
Maintenance has begun. Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.
Cliff Notes: Basic troubleshooting pinpointed the router as the problem. If anyone has any info on the ports needed to connect, let me know here or add it to the thread above. I'm curious to see if other people have this same problem with other routers.
Quick Symptoms: Can't even get to the character select screen, Client hangs on "connection to accounts server".
Info on how to do port forwarding etc. for Xbone:
Good luck!