If I remember correctly, pvp was supposed to get a new feature, the infamous elo rating, back in module 3 or 4, to help getting more balanced teams and interesting matches for everyone. Lately though all I've experienced with one of my characters is getting teamed up with 10-12k characters against a full team of 19-22k ones. It means that I'm the only one with some equipment and even then my pvp gear, while good, isn't incredible. The experience was quite unpleasant and it's been happening for several days in a row now.
I know the matchmaking system gives up on making a balanced match when people have been waiting for 5 minutes or so but maybe something could be done to at least properly balance teams and spread players we have to carry, because currently, this isn't fun. PvP is the only remaining part of the game which isn't boring because it's too easy but it doesn't mean pvp players are
HAMSTER and enjoy carrying new characters because the matchmaking system decided to troll us. Of course the conclusion is me sitting at the campfire and that's what i've been doing these days quite a lot because of this, and that's not my idea of a game. I'd rather play it, but the matchmaking system is so useless I can't.
Which basically means, due to the lowest ever population in pvp domination matching, a terrible pool to draw from and its a descending and ugly cycle downwards. Since mod 4, the power creep explosion and game balance issues have gotten much worse.
The effect on the gating of refinement to closed source only, was even worse. No one wants to grind the RP at the rate that cryptic instituted.
They are making some positive changes to some aspects of the game for mod 6, but who knows if its too little too late.
Out of ten matches, 9 are usually terrible, with either the team im on or the team im against having vastly superiour gear.
I know something is boinked when I enter 2 matches in a row against one of the top end pvp guilds.. becuase , frankly as a frequent pugger, I have no business playing against them (during mod 2, I felt I could hold my own, but the power creeping.. on top of power creeping has left me FAR behind and my 20k characters are trounced pretty quickly nowadays against one of these premades)
That being said.. if more players queued, the system wouldn't be that bad. I mean I can tell the population is low, because most days its a ten -fifteen minute wait at the very least to get a match. booooring.
I alread get REALLY long queue times as it is, 10-15 minutes, I think they should be tiered as well. I dont know where that tie-ring should be placed, but something needs to give.
yesterday i got in party with 4 20k+ gs, everyone said they were soloing.
the enemy team medium gs was 13k
well.. did the other team queue together? I simply never queue with anyone anymore.. even though I still get asked from time to time, becuase if you do, you get worse draws then if you just went solo.
This is something easy to fix with basic coding algorithm so that it never happens.
To take a pool of 10 players and distribute GS as evenly as possible between two sides.
Puzzled why it still happens.
Maybe its setup is to assign teams based on class over GS.
But its better to balance GS than the class comps.
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
HAMSTER still happens but at the end of the day i enjoyed it
Lets see the good in bad things...
New mod and kicking fixed should bring new air
Well, maybe you are not a invincible overlord, your position on leaderboard affects who are you going to fight with, my invincible overloard wizard, (12k) ever "EVER" get matched with overlords 15k ~ 20k, meanwhile my tyrannt hunter (15k)is most likely fight against 9k to 14ks.