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M6 Class feedback reporter - Scourge Warlock

akromatikakromatik Member Posts: 1
edited June 2015 in The Nine Hells
Greetings Scourge Warlocks!

We want to hear what you have to say about your class!

If chosen as a class feedback reporter (we used to call them "advocates", but this title more effectively communicates their function), you'll be responsible for compiling the feedback of your fellow players about your class. Each week, you'll submit feedback in the form of a bullet-point list to me via forum PM. I'll then take that list (and the lists from the other classes) and forward them to our devs.

How do you become a class feedback reporter?

You can start by stating your interest in this thread.

After that, send me a PM answering these questions:

-Why do you want to be a class feedback reporter?
-Why do you like this class?
-How long have you been playing Neverwinter?
-Do you play any other MMOs? (Don't worry, we won't get jealous) If so, what class do you play?
-Do you play D&D? If so, what class(es) do you like to play?
-In what direction do you want to see this class go?

Once I've selected a candidate, this candidate will remain "in-office" until the next module's launch. For example, the candidate I choose now will remain until Module 6's launch (whenever that may be).

Please remember: Private Message Akromatik with your Answers to his Questions, as well as any Concerns or Questions one may have.

This thread is not for general discussions, it is not for bashing, and it is not for PvP Smack Talk. This is a Nominations thread, not a Voting Thread or Soap Box.

Furthermore, if one cannot follow our Rules of Conduct, they most certainly won't be a class feedback reporter. Think before you post folks and remember our first Rule: Show Respect At All Times!

About the Role of a class feedback reporter:
Class feedback reporters won't be chosen to represent their opinions. But instead are to act as intermediaries for the Community as a whole on specific topics and areas, whether or not they agree with such or not. They will have checks and balances to make sure that they are being unbiased in their relay of the Community's Ideas, Opinions, and Suggestions.

Furthermore, class feedback reporters won't be able to "make things happen." Instead, such is more akin to what we Moderators already do, which is relay all the hot topics and serious bugs so that the Developers know to look more deeply into such issues being reported in Bug Reports and on the Forum. The Developers don't just take our word for it, they see our word as a sign that they need to look deeper into the matter.

Alas, Moderators do not have the time to properly dedicate to such as we have other duties. This has been made aware by the sheer number of things we report each week (and sometimes daily) and then find out that we have forgotten something or overlooked something else entirely. This is where the class feedback reporters come in, to help and ease such things.

Here is some clarification on what a class feedback reporter does:

-These individuals will be selected based on their past actions and participation in the class feedback threads from previous modules. They will be selected by GentlemanCrush and myself.

-The class feedback reporter will hold office for 1 module. Once their time is up, we will move on to the next eligible candidate.

-These class feedback reporters will not be assisting in the design or decisions regarding the class direction. These players will function to collate and collect feedback into more readable lists to improve dev response time and better allow the feelings of the community to become apparent.

-A big part of this is separating the feedback from the "discussions" that tend to pop up in these threads. These class feedback reporters will include any and all feedback in their reports. They will not be the ones deciding what is "good" feedback and what isn't. If we find that an advocate has been purposely omitting feedback in their reports, they will be relieved of their post immediately.

Can't wait to read all your applications!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited January 2015

    Serious inquiries and nominations only, please. This is also not the place to discuss (or troll about) the effectiveness of the Class Feedback Gatherer position. As per Akromatik's post, the role of feedback gatherers is NOT to guarantee that anything suggested will be implemented, but to assist the Community Team in gathering and organizing feedback to present to the devs.

    Do not respond or reply to this notice, but PM a moderator or submit a support ticket if you have any questions. Thanks!!

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Meh, I feel like I am going to regret this but I also believe it's a good if not the best way to help my class so.. here I am. Sent an application.
  • shinnakumashinnakuma Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Don't own a SW at the moment but will be building one up in the future, i think SW got destroyed in pvp, from what i can see i think SW need more control encounters. Something that will slow down the target...they do good enough damage but they die too quickly because of there lack of control powers, SW are the easiest to kill in pvp if they last longer with the help of some control powers i believe they will be feared come mod6, just my suggestions.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I also think vasdamas is the best choice as he/she (sorry lol) has (out of the best informed sw players) shown most interest in the sw community.
  • lsinful4244lsinful4244 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I want to be a scourge warlock feedback reporter, I have been playing this game since it came out. I played D&D as a kid. Neverwinter is twice as fun as world of warcraft.
  • madness907madness907 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    vasdamas wrote: »
    Meh, I feel like I am going to regret this but I also believe it's a good if not the best way to help my class so.. here I am. Sent an application.

    While i do not think that Vasdamas has the most graceful appearance and has a lack of pretty words. I do spend a fair amount of time on the forums while i am at work. And Vasdamas does know what he talks about. If any should apply, picking someone like him would be a rather good choice.
  • denvalddenvald Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hello fellow warlocks, I am applying as class reporter for mod 6. Let's dust off our grimoires and show everyone what kind of hell it is to mess with warlocks!

    So this sounds like a good and fun opportunity, besides I already spend so much time on the forum, might as well make it useful ;)
    I am the monk, martial skill transcends the battlefield
    It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
    You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.

    More threads by me / Click on it B)
    My Support Warlock/Temptation Thread
  • azasulazasul Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    i ply a trickster and yes i play several mmo games like last chaos and in other games the assacing always uses 2 wepoans dagers and a croxbowwhy no on this game i like this game very much more i got 3 classes TR,DC,SW AND LOVE IT.
  • animalustanimalust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 573 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    so do we have a Class Advocate or has Cryptic sworn us off completely yet?
  • arakk00arakk00 Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I support Denvald for SW Class Advocate.
    A <Friendly Dragon>!
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    arakk00 wrote: »
    I support Denvald for SW Class Advocate.

    What does it even matter? Only thing we got out of this were nerfs, not improvements.
  • jobsalotofworkjobsalotofwork Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    arakk00 wrote: »
    I support Denvald for SW Class Advocate.

    Denvald does seem like the best choice if he's still willing.
  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I am not sure if we are getting any class advocates at all, judging by Akro's leave and our new CM is off to Vegas.
  • denvalddenvald Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Denvald does seem like the best choice if he's still willing.

    I am, but I haven't heard any news from any dev of any kind about it.
    I am the monk, martial skill transcends the battlefield
    It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
    You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.

    More threads by me / Click on it B)
    My Support Warlock/Temptation Thread
  • lsinful4244lsinful4244 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I want the scourge warlocks to be more powerful, maybe some changes like what we saw with the clerics and rouges a few months ago. More damage with powers more life steal ect. I'm finding it hard to take out some of the fighters and rouges, even at range. And being scourge warlock a lot of the levels like the firey pit and spinward rise are very difficult. I have the paragon path that boosts the healing powers of vamparic embrace and my other powers by 30 percent. This hardly heals anything, I fight a whole pvp and get nothing out of this paragon path as far as healing allies. My vamparic embrace only take 3,000 hp, when some of the players have 100,000 hit points its seems like it does absolutely nothing to them. I even have a corrupt black ice weapon and I can't kill anything. I've tried the firey pit and died almost every time. Icewindale is extremely difficult if you are a scourge warlock. If someone looks at the leader board and stats warlocks are far behind the other classes as far as ranks, kills and other powers. I find this is extremely discouraging. I think the vamparic embrace should take at least 8,000-10,000 damage and some of the daily powers should also take more damage. I would also like to see the life steal for the whole class of warlock to be up 10-20 percent. And the healing feats to be up 50-75 percent. I'm tired of losing. I want to do some damage.

    -Lee Cimfel
  • curser87curser87 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    soulbinder damnation seems a bit bugged, the soul puppets change their damages in strage way when you are in t2 dgs and it seem to be bugged when you use ilyianbruen set, it seem to multiprocs the set bonus on bosses, don't know why, but I noticed this only on t1 bosses, maybe because during the dungeon adds die too fast and in t2 dgs my puppets die too soon. Not sure if this is a bug or not, but during elol ilyan set bonus was the 2% of my dps (average) but on boss it starts to multiprocs and at the end of the second try it was the 77% of my total dmgs. It was like the hr+lol set bug. I tried even with the others paths and I haven't notice the same effect, but I haven't done so many runs to be sure
  • azazel1707azazel1707 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hi all,

    It seems this tread had died over time, but as I'm reading this I just had to give my 2cts :)

    I've played Neverwinter a few months from releaseday. Had a lot of fun, but personal stuff made it so that I had to stop playing.
    Now, recently I've taken up the time again to start playing again and because I stopped playing before mod1 was released I decided it was best to start a new character and learn the game anew.

    Warlocks have always 'spoken' to me as a class. It was my 1st choice in WoW and now it was my first choice when I restarted playing Neverwinter.

    Reading through the different options en possibilites the class had to offer, I decided I would be working towards the Soulbinder Paragon Path, while focussing my items around Power and Recovery. High (Power) and fast (Revovery) damage :)
    My current build uses Soul Sparks and Warlock's Bargain as the 2 main powers around which my 'Lock fights.

    Now, I completely agree with the fact that we Warlocks are pretty 'squishy'. I found that from level ~62+ the amount of deaths kinda skyrocketed. Before I died twice: once because I failed to discern the edge of a dark pit, resulting in me falling and dying and once when I encountered Venfithar the 1st time and one of his lightning columns (of whatever they're called) hit me straight on. Cripsy 'Lock was the result.
    But! When traveling to Fiery Pit, Spinward Rise, Reclamation Rock, Drowned Shore I found that my enemies were on steroids, seeing they could kill me within 3 to 4 hits (i had around 30k HP around that time).
    So, there are a few choices to make to make sure this will not happen: you can up your defense and deflection (mostly used by tanks), invest in hard ++ to HP, or (and this WAS the main 'thang' of the 'Lock before mod 6 I think) make sure you're healed during the fighting through Life Steal and Restoration.

    Because I had read all the different powers and feats available to the 'Lock it became clear Life Steal was the.main.stat for a 'Lock.
    But looking at the stat in itself I had to conclude it simply s*cks all the way to Sunday (and I didn't even know the stat was nerfed in mod6).

    I think THAT is were it went wrong. When they nerfed the Life Steal stat, the 'Lock class was very effectively nerfed in a whole, making the class nothing more than a simple glass cannon. Yes, damage output is nice, but before I can damage my opponent enough I've already been 2-shotted.
    It can be seen in all the Warlock gear as well: _all_ Warlock gear has the Life Steal stat incorperated. The Paragon Path which focusses on Life Steal sounded REALLY cool and I almost decided to take that path instead of Soulbinder, but concluding that the Life Steal stat is really weak I decided for Soulbinder over the other.

    So, without knowing the previous versions of Life Steal, I say: Revisit the LIfe Steal stat, take a good look at it and at the game mechanics which rely on the stat (Like the whole Warlock class and associated (artifact) items) and give it some more power, cause the nerf from mod5 to 6 (which I learned of later on) cripples the Warlock A LOT.

    (OR! Rework the Warlock, but I feel that's not nessacary, cause the problem lies with the broken stat [Life Steal] and not with the class).

    Just my 2cts
    Thanx for reading!

    Kind regards!

    Character: Ba'alana@dex2904
    Race & Class: Female Drow Warlock level 70
    Paragon Path: Soulbinder
    Current Title: Dragon Slayer

    About me: Avid Dungeons&Dragons player for the last 10 years (DnD3.0/DnD3.5, DnD4/DnD4e, and now learning DnDNext)
  • mefxesmefxes Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2015

    I'm new to Neverwinter, lost track of time but my account was created on may 17 so I'm playing since that day. Today is june 03 and my main char is on lvl68.

    I haven't read anything before starting to play and never had a lot of interest in MMO, I'm a FPS gamer trying a different taste for a while. Ended here seeking for clarification after my char changed from a god to nothing, both in pve or pvp, clearly after lvl 60, but greatly after lvl 62 or 63. What was a pleasure to play turned into a WTF mess where I simple can't face ANYTHING.

    Through my way to the lvl 60 I died sometimes, but hardly used any king of healing potions. At a point I decided to purchase a healer companion and everything was even better. I felt so safe that in a given point o noticed my inventory was always full due to lots of different lvl potions I never used so I sold them all.

    After the lvl62 or 63 my reality is: Anything that moves will kill me easily. I barely can't pass the first group of MOBs at any dungeon or foundry missions and end dying to the next if I survive the first. I'm saying that I can't go through the first two or three MOBs at any dungeon or foundry mission (level is made even by game engine) because my damage isn't enough and they damage me A LOT.

    So my first though was: I need life and defense.

    And then I change my gear from mainly power + crit to def + regen and could survive a little more. Still couldn't go through dungeons or foundry. Same exactly thing like nothing changed.

    Ok, so I ended leveling up from 63 to 68 doing PVPs and gearing up. If I compare my stats my char is now ridiculously stronger than before. Like 45% more life, def from 1k to 3k, regen from 1k to 3k, power from 3k to 5k, attacks and everuthing is lvlIII now, and so on... and it still feels like there's no difference. Nor dmg or defense. Any group of MOBs lvl63+ will be a real pain to deal with.

    So doing quests became a impossible mission. Only way is getting a partner to tank everything and keep away throwing a little dmg from there. But there's no fun in it and I can't do anything alone.

    PVP is now the only playable thing for me. I could lvl up doing PVPs and improved my gear a lot using glory. I can kill some people as long as I can keep the range. But mostly can't. Rogues are ridiculously unfair for example and there are other classes that can be afk in front of me and I wont be able to kill them. Maybe not even to hurt. And they can kill me in two attacks.

    So my feedbacks is basic: I read the class description and ended with a char that is weak both in dmg and defense. Doesn't fit the description at all. I could just delete it and start a different one, but I'll go to level 70 just to be able to say: yes, it's stupid and won't go anywhere.

    In time: After my char started suddenly to die all the time and do barely no dmg at all I slowed down my playtime a lot. That's why I leveled very fast to 60 and then slowed down. I lost a lot of time changing completely my gear trying to make it better, but no luck.

    I have 10 companions, 8 lvl20 and 2 close to it, Ice Sprite and Ice Mimic, the newer ones. The only one that I really find useful is the healer.
  • bull53y3bull53y3 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    -Why do you want to be a class feedback reporter?

    I want to be a feedback reporter because no one seems to be giving any feedback.

    -Why do you like this class?

    I like to play run and gun classes, high damage and skill based defense, and it has the potential to offer a unique and fun experience.

    -In what direction do you want to see this class go?

    This class needs a defense. Right now we are an open target, and this is especially true for the Hellbringer Fury spec that I play. I'm not asking for a dodge, I'm not asking for stealth, but I am asking for a pet based or increased lifesteal that is unique towards warlocks.

    There is a unique area for warlocks to fill. Our dps caster counterpart has a bubble shield, amazing cc, high action point regen, and a dodge that 100% negates damage and stuns. Rogues have high 1 shot abilities, stuns, dodges that provide 100% damage/cc negation, and they have stealth, and on top of that their stamina regen is through the roof. In pvp it is often the first player to stun and go through his rotation that wins.

    I want to see warlocks be mobile casters constantly seeking combat advantage, have pets with ranged abilities and more usefulness from the pet overall, and our cast times need to be drastically reduced. I can't even cast my rotation unless I have Hadar's grasp choking someone. They will either stun/cc me because my shadowslip has run out (short time, and super slow stamina regen), or they will dodge (slow casts are almost laughable to dodge).

    I would like to see 3 sets of defenses to specialize in each paragon tree. I would like to see one lifesteal based defense, one pet based defense, and one mobile defense that focuses on shadowslipping to evade damage. I like the idea of what this class can become, and will continue to play it. I don't want to see this class be such an underdog, I just want balance compared to the other classes. If I can't dodge, give me a way to evade, outheal, or pet tank to survive.

    Good luck fellow warlocks, keep your heads up.
  • taitinhakkaajataitinhakkaaja Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    I have DC GWF CW HR TR SW OP GF characters level 60+, most of them level 70. So when comparing SW to rest of them, it is a lot weaker character.. and i mean A LOT! I understand that every class should bring different benefits to party, but SW can't compete with other classes benefit's. Like GWF dps, or CC from HR or CW.
    SW totally useless in PVP, as seen on leaderboards.
    No need to nerf other classes just buff SW to make it playable without spending all money to injury kits.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Warlock has exactly one tree that provides some fun, but this tree is broken and the warlock class relies on this broken mechanic
    PVP is just a mess and I do not see any improvements since month, only nerfs and encounter that were fixed to uselessness (Harrow storm)
    I really would recommend some responsable person in cryptics developpement to take a warlock and do some domination queues to get an impression of the situation
    afterwards go WoD and try to zerge down some mobs...hop over to a crappy green geared GWF or OP or GF and go again WoD and run into the mob groups, if done come back and report what you see, probably I can give you some tips how to die not that much as you definitly will do

    btw if you just went WoD take a look at the endcontent from mod 5 and 6 , do Tiamat pls and watch a bunch of player camping at the mercenary, destroying any chance to contest this encounter, and have fun zerging the now HP buffed adds that deal less damage (right)..... but they stay alive for ever !!!
    never met a mmorpg where you could not build your raids on your own and are forced to team up with 50% camper-chars, not even able to kick these leaching nubs

    but I am quite sure you would never consider to play such a broken game in your freetime
    time to get rid of your concept

    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,047 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Is this still going on?
    Do "we" have a feedback reporter now, or not?
    With module 7 incoming, what is going to happen now?
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • tryskelltryskell Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Currently, and due to LifeSteal changes, the path of Temptation / Soulbinder is outerly <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> up. I can't rely on my own damages to sustain heal, causing me death "if I'm not lucky" (which even with 25% stat, happen a lot). I just died 10mins ago because out of my 4 Soul Scorches, none procced.

    A lot of animations are clinky, causing a lot of delay in PvP. While a TR's stealth cloud is instantly casted on ground, we got numerous skills using big timing animations : TT, Acursed souls, Warlock's bargain, soul scorch. Casting Dreadtheft makes you ubbervulnerable in pvp, it's like you put arrows on your head with a "hey kill me i'm useless". Many skills are beyond useless : Vampiric embrace is at least 50% weaker than it should (understand it should at least deals +100% of the current damages to be useful), Curse bite deals 20% of a warlock's bargain and you are stucked for 1 second casting it, Infernal spheres is a joke (same, 20% of warlock bargain skill).

    You can't build sparks in pvp, or have to rely on a meatshield ; only then you can move out from shadows and build like 2-3 sparks. If you meet someone in PvP without any sparks, ggwp, you already lost ; I generally flee in the opposite direction. You can't 1vs1 most of the classes. A Cleric simply crushes me 30k DOT damages (single spell). Sparks should generate at least TWICE FASTER.

    The damages of this class happens ONLY because of a DAILY, TT. If we hadn't that you could simply delete this class, which is crappy. When the whole damages come from a DAILY, you can say you did something wrong building the gameplay.

    On PvP, I only rely on my decent PvP skills (= flee when targeted) to make decent scores. Otherwise I would just be <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> over and over.

    You have to review this class and class damages over all. It's not logical than a GREEN PALADIN WEAPON deals more damage than A PURPLE WARLOCK WEAPON. IT's not normal than a MAGE ARMOR (which is cloth) got a single -1AC compared to Warlock armor (which should be LIGHT ARMOR by the way according to D&D rules from my DM experience).

    Overall, my class is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> but I still do decent damages and result only because I'm a chicken, hitting on targets once they're already engaged. Now, can you say the same about DC and OP (unkillable, until you 5vs1 one and chainstun him), TR (dodge, dodge, stealth, dodge, dodge...), CW (dodge, freeze, freeze, freeze, ice knife) ? The only class I got some fun versus are GWF or really greenies lame players.

    The only good job you made with that class is Hadar's Grasp skill, which is very useful on pvp (and we needed a control skill).

    My opinion about Temptation / Soulbinder : it's really hard to build sparks on PvP, I feel really squishy even if I got TWICE HPs than a CW, he just destroys me. As enemies dodge, you can't damage them, if you can't damage you can't lifesteal/build sparks/heal from Temptation capstone.

    EVEN WORST, IF YOU USE WARLOCK BARGAIN ON A DODGING ENEMY, YOU LOSE 15% OF YOUR LIFE AND THE GUY GOT NOTHING !!!! From all classes skills, I think it's the most dumb thing.

    Finally the way sparks dissapear is TRASH : it's like if a GWF which builds his Determination lost all in one second. Edit the way sparks dissapear, it should be on a timer, 1 every 5sec. In PvE I must RUSH on a next group to avoid to lost the combat effect... It's incredibly idiot, and I don't know if you really tested your gameplay before committing it. In PvP, no sparks = death.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    regenerde wrote: »
    Is this still going on?
    Do "we" have a feedback reporter now, or not?
    With module 7 incoming, what is going to happen now?

    why do we need a feedback reporter?
    as long as I play this game feedback is ignored in 99%
    the problems that came with mod 6 to this class were reported in the preview day by day, everybody told the devs that LS change need any compensation for this class
    what happened?
    1. nerf Creeping death
    2. destroy Harrow storm, a completely needless fix, the prone did multi prones... never saw a thread about this issue and never had that kind of bug in any form that would be gamebreaking, nothing compared to classes like paladin who is nothing else than a "walking bug" even mod 7 coming in a few weeks
    3. destroy capstone from Temptree, break damnation puppet dealing incredible damage, but having 25k HP being onehittet most time
    4. the list is endless, but the most important thing is: There are tons of threads from player with detailed feedback, take denvalds f.e., and there were hundred more about improvements and needed fixes, but nothing happend and noone cared
    5. 50% of player ignores the forum, because they already resigned posting things here, other 50% left game, look at the threads, 3 post a week in this section, lol

    i got 5-6 emails from this company to join their alpha server, in need for cheap testdummies for the new mod
    I get automails from service that wants to hear my opinion about their service and so on....
    I spend exactly zero seconds in answering them nor hopping on their testserver and checking their broken trash for free
    i spend money on this game, i do not get any answers, nor service, nor impression that my opinion is from any interest so do not ask for it , as long as you are not able to learn from your faults !
  • airlv14airlv14 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 11 Arc User
    Soulbinder is the go to build now for survivability and dps. It even out dps Hellbringers, which is supposedly more dmg based. Defense is very weak. Life steal is unreliable and doesn't proc enough to mitigate damge when soloing WoD content. Sparks from SB build disappear too quickly.

    GWFs have it good with their determination slowly fading over the course of a half a minute (may be shorter), while SW sparks are removed as soon as they're out of combat. They build determination is seconds and can use it readily, while sparks are reliant on a high crit value. That is so unfair....

    SWs need another means of damage mitigation, maybe an aura that increases their defense since they have no other reliable means of CC.

    I love the curse concept of the class, but having it being consumed and having it re-applied in order to get maximum output out of an encounter seems rather clunky. Soul Scorch comes to mind when I think clunky. Hows about not having the curse disappear for 2 seconds after you use a skill that normally would consume it? Another plus, hows bout having the main curse radiate lesser curses around that target?

    I think everyone would agree that the SW class requires a major overhaul, the only people that keeps playing this class are the ones that welcomes the challenge to find that silver lining in a class that seems weak across the board. And so far, as I've noticed, u gotta make use of bugs in the game ranging from overpowered puppets in dungeons, to lvl 60 Tier 2 gear that gives an overpowering bonus but is no longer attainable in game anymore.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Edit: Started own thread.
    Post edited by kolatmaster on
This discussion has been closed.