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Leveling guide !

fortie1fortie1 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
Level 1 – 4 Tutorial

The first 4 levels are super quick. The tutorial and will lead you through these levels and into the Protectors Enclave. Just follow the directions and you will be level 4 in about 5 minutes.
Level 5 – 6 Protectors Enclave

Once you are in Protectors Enclave, go and speak to Sergeant Knox in the Northern part of Protectors Enclave and he will give you the next quest.

Get The Theft of the Crow Quest which will send you to the Hall of Justice and take you to level 5.

Now talk to Corporal Benton and get the quest Vital Supplies. Get the Supplies to the south in the city and then deliver then at the Driftwood Tavern.

Now go to the Ruined Tunnels to the east. After you have finished this short dungeon go back to Sergeant Knox and you will be sent to Blacklake District.

From the Protectors Enclave you will move into Blacklake.

Level 6 – 9 Blacklake District

Once in Blacklake accept the quests in the area where you enter.

The first round of quests only takes a few minutes and gets you well on your way to level 7.

The second round of quests will send you into Blacklake Sewers. Complete the quest there and return to Private Hawthidon and you should be on your way to being level 8.

Do the next set of quests and get to the Nasher Hideout. Once you are finished with The Nasher Hideout you should be level 8.

Finish the quest and move south towards the Nasher Headquarters. Talk to Hazel the Alchemist on your way there, then go do Lakefront Property and Stolen Supplies.

When you finish Stolen Supplies, return to Hazel and get and complete Sampling Sludge.

Now go to the Nasher Headquarters and complete Cornering Karzov. Once this is finished you are done with Blacklake.

Go back to Protectors Enclave and turn in the quest. You should now be level 9.

Get new quests from Sergeant Knox.

Level 10 – 16 Tower District

After talking to Sergeant Knox, head to the Kobold-Infested Sewer in Protectors enclave. Talk to Rus Ottley in the sewers and get Finder’s Fee from him then continue.

When finished in the Koblod Sewers. Turn in Finder’s Fee, False Idols and Nest Egg. Skip the PvP and Profession quests from Sergeant Knox if you want to level as fast as possible.

Next it’s time to go to the Tower District. You might either be underleveled or run out of content a bit here. So it’s a good time to start doing some foundry quests or some group content. Remember to get your companion at level 15

Talk to Sergeant Creed to get your first quests here. Complete the quests nearby then go back and get Lost Dispatch.

Complete Lost Dispatch and head east to Captain Janros and turn it in. You should be level 11 about now.

When you are level 11 it’s time to go and learn to Invocation. Go back to Protector’s Enclave and talk to Aralynn the Pious, a little south from Sergeant Knox. Now you can Invoke the gods every hour. Always carry a portable altar from now and use it every hour as you can get a lot of XP from it.

Go back to the Tower District when you are finished and do the quest Sewer Crawl that you got from Captain Janros.

Finish the quest and go back to Janros and the NPC’s around him for more quests.

While killing Orc Taskmasters, talk to Gerad Kinesward to get the quest Fire Bugs.

Complete Fire Bugs, Supply Recovery and Bringing to Task then go back and turn in the quests.

Get Speedy Delivery and Returning the Pain then go to the Merchant Guild Hall.

Complete the Merchant Guild Hall then Return to Janros for the next part “Spying on the Cloak Tower”

Now go south a bit and talk to Private Quickfoot then to Scout Gaelen where you get the next set of quests “He Who Watches”, “The Eyes Have it” and “Conquest for Gruumsh”

Complete the Quests and turn them in. You should ding level 14 about now. Get “The Rage Mystic” and “Fists of the Warband”.

Content will get a bit harder now so run or port back to Protector’s Enclave. Talk to Sergeant Knox and get “The Broker”, “Going once, Going Twice” and “Troubled Times”

Finish the quests around the market area. You should be level 15 soon. At this point i choose to do a foundry quest or two to get to level 15.

Go back to the Tower District and go to the Orc Barracks and Finish “Fists of the Warband” You can probably do this at level 14 but i like to be level 15 at this point.

Go back to Scout Gaelen and turn in “Fists of the Warband”. Accept the new quests. Skip the Cloak Tower unless you want to find a group and do it. Talk to the Well Informed Harper right next to you to complete the quest.

Now go back to Protector’s Enclave. Go back to Sergeant Knox and turn in the quest. Get Troubled Times if you didn’t before.

At this point i choose to do Foundry quests until level 16 so that i can get a companion before continuing. “The Dweomerkeepers” are a good line of Foundry quests and will get you to level 16 pretty quick.

When you are level 16 accept the quest you get when you level up to get a companion. Head over to the Grand Emporium in Protector’s Enclave to get your companion.

Level 17 – 19 Protector’s Enclave and Various Areas.

It’s now time to work on “Troubled Times”. Finish the quest and return to Sergeant Knox and get “The Wizard’s Folly”.

Now travel to Wizard’s Folly and do the quest. Return to Knox after you’ve finished and get “Spellburst”.

Travel to The Beggar’s Nest. Complete “Spellburst” then turn it in. You should be level 18 now.

Tip Remember to send your companion to training or you might have a hard time defeating mobs.

Accept “The Plague Tower” and “Trouble at the Broken Crown” from Knox.

Now go to the Plague Tower.

Finish the Plague Tower and return to Sergeant Knox.

You should now be level 19. (you can do pvp till 20)
Post edited by fortie1 on


  • fortie1fortie1 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Level 20 – 24 Blackdagger Ruins

    Now it’s time to move on to Blackdagger Ruins

    Talk to Seven Toes to start your questing here.

    Look for the Harper. When you get to Old Lenn get “A Leaky Proposition” and “Lights on the Rocks”. Go west and complete the quests.

    Turn in “Lights on the Rocks” to Xalliana and get “Salvaging Order and “Savaging Salvagers” From her.

    Complete these 2 quests and turn in “A Leaky Proposition” and get “The Hidden Cove” From Old Lenn.

    Turn in the quests to Xalliana and get “The Sea Caves”

    Complete “The Sea Caves” and turn it in. Get “Seeking Goldseeker”

    Now go do “The Hidden Cove” and turn it in to Old Lenn.

    Now go back east to around where you entered Blackdagger ruins and into the Inn and talk to Goldseeker.

    Get “The Lost Caravan” quest from him.

    Find your way around to the 4 caravans. When you get to Sergeant “Dusty” Yates turn in “The Lost Caravan”, accept the quests “Hunting the Hunters” , “The Hidden Mine” and “Tracking Through Blood”.

    Do the quests except “The Hidden Mine”, the last boss is pretty tough so you will want to level to level 23 before attempting it. Krag Foultooth can still be hard at level 23 but with potions and using some daily powers you should be fine.

    At level 23 do “The Hidden Mine” and turn it in. Accept “The Harper’s Watch”

    Tip : At around level 20 if you can afford one, go and get a mount in Protector’s Enclave.

    Turn in “The Harper’s Watch” to Garl Gnarlclaw and get “Bloodying the Bandits” and “Grimstorm Keep”.

    Complete both quests and return to Gnarl. The last boss on “Grimstone Keep” can be quite hard but it’s doable at level 23.

    Now get “Blackdagger Bested” and return to Sergeant Knox again. Get “Grave News” from Knox.
    (you can do pvp till 25)

    Level 25 – 29/30 Neverdeath Graveyard

    Now go to Neverdeath Graveyard and turn in the quest. Get quests from all 3 questgivers here. Get “The Missing Doomguides”, “Lost Notes” and “Correcting History”.

    While questing if a mob drops a Lich’s Phylactery. Loot it, click it and accept the quest “A Lich’s Lament”

    Do all these quests, come back and turn them in and get “The Undead and the Dying”, “Smash the Hulks”, “Thinning the Horde” and “Rest in Peace” from the quest givers around the quest hub.

    Complete these quests and turn them in. Get “Clear the Crypt” , “Red Rituals”, “Mercenary Nature” and “A Doomguard’s Duty”.

    Do these quests but wait with “Mercenary Nature” for a bit.

    Do the quests and turn them in. Get “The Emissary of the Dead”, “Dragon Attack” and “Enter the Dragon”

    Do “The Emissary of the Dead” First.

    Turn in “The Emissary of the Dead” To Doomguide Volahk and get “Wearers of Purple” and turn it in to Harper Windle

    Now it’s time to start working on the quests on the northern part of Neverdeath Graveyard.

    Complete “Mercenary Nature” and “Enter The Dragons” and turn them in. Get “Whack a Gnoll” and “Filial Villainy”

    You should be around level 27 now.

    Go and complete “Dragon Attack”, then return to Tristopher Chettlebell and turn it in. Get “History Lessons”.

    Talk to Harper Windle next to him and get “Artifact Snatch”

    Complete all your quests and turn them in. You should be around level 28 now.

    Get “Wheels within Wheels” and “Opening the Way”

    Complete these quests and get “The Clockwork Tomb”

    The quest is pretty long but just follow the path and you should be fine.

    The Answer to the Question of Time are : Twelve.

    Go back and turn it in to Tristopher.

    Talk to Harper Windle again and get “Graveyard at Rest”.

    Return to Protector’s Enclave.

    Turn the quest in to Knox and get “Deviltry in Helm’s Hold”.

    Level 30 – 35 Helm’s Hold

    Time to go to Helm’s Hold.

    Talk to Captain’s Dunfield and turn in “Deviltry in Helm’s Hold”. Get “Death to the Devils!” and “Thin Their Numbers”.

    Complete the quests and turn them in. Get “Arms of the Dead” and “Take out Their Leaders” from Dunfield.

    Get “Bless the Fallen” From Brother Theodosian.

    Turn in “Bless the Fallen” to Theodosian

    Go north to Brother Satarin and turn in the other quests. Get “Healing the Scar” and “Suffer the Poisoners”

    Get “Devil’s Council” from Corlan Graves.

    Complete and turn in the quests.

    Get “Escape From Scar Alley” and “The Treacherous Scum” from Brother Satarin.

    Complete these and get “The Underscar”

    After completing “The Underscar” Go east to Dassar Truebow and turn it in.

    Get “Heal the Breach” and “Shields of Vigilance”

    Complete these and get “Hunting the Summoners” from Dassar and “Burn the Supplies” from Hedgewizard Nottin.

    Complete the quests and get “The Crypt of Vigilance”.

    Complete the quest. If you are having trouble with Halas the Pure, you are going to have to level a bit with foundry quests or something. You should be fine though, just keep using potions and resurrecting your companion.

    Return to Dassar and turn it in and get “Hidden Council”

    Go to the Old Dirty Dwarf Tavern and turn in “Hidden Council” to Councilwoman Callum.

    Get “Hell Reaver” and “Devilish Injustice”.

    Kill the Devils and collect the posters outside. Give the posters to Othar Otharson. Then go and turn in the quests.

    Get “The Being from Beyond”.

    Complete the quest. There will be quite some running back and forth.

    Once you are done go back to Callum and turn it in and get “The Sanatorium”

    Complete “The Sanatorium” and talk to Councilwoman Callum at the end.

    Get “Leaving the Devil Behind”.

    It’s now time to head on back to Sergeant Knox again.

    Turn in “Leaving the Devil Behind” and get “Company of Wolves” and “The Haunting of Ebon Downs”

    Level 35 – 38 Ebon Downs

    The Ebon Downs is a rather quick zone compared to the last few ones and will take you to level 38 or so pretty fast.

    Talk to Melwil Stoutheart when you enter the Ebon Downs. Get “The Ghost of Grimhollow”.

    Do the quest and turn it in to Galwyn Grist when he appears.

    Get “Fires of Home”, “The Pale Shepherds” and “Blessing the Bones”.

    Complete these and go back to Galwyn and get “The Haunted Doomguides”

    Now go east to the Doomguides.

    Turn in “The Haunted Doomguides” and “Blessing the Bones” to Doomguide Soulhearth.

    Get “Sealing the Crypts” from Soulhearth. And “Spider Hunting” from Sergeant Benton.

    Complete “Sealing the Crypts” and then return to Soulhearth.

    Get “Lore of the Dead”, “The Dread Horde” and “The Barrow Lords”.

    Complete the quests. Synchronize doing “The Barrow Lords” and “Lore of the Dead” as you will be going to the same places for both.

    Turn in the quests and get “The Soul Savers” and “The Drowned King”.

    Complete these quests and turn them in. Get “The Throne of Ildris” if you feel like grouping, otherwise just skip it.

    Get “Back up from Ebon Downs” and return to Protector’s Enclave. Turn it in to Knox.

    Get “Company of Wolves” if you didn’t before.
    Level 38 – 40 Vellosk

    It’s now time to head to Vellosk.

    Turn in “Company of Wolves” to Thalos Oathbreaker. Get “Ancient Heritage” and “The Dark Hunter”

    Get “Hungry Like The Wolves” from Forsworn Wolf Trainer.

    When you are doing the quests as you go west you will run into Jingo Rummage. Get “Good Eats”

    Complete all the quests. Get “Sacred Meeting”.

    Go north and turn it in to Kyrn Whitesky. Get “Relic of the Past” and “Ruins of the Fallen”.

    Talk to Diana Fairwinds and get “Stealing Thunder”.

    Complete all the quests. Turn them in and get “Lightning Strikes” and “Voice of Thunder”.

    Complete and turn in and get “Seeking the Spirit”.

    Go north and turn it in to Dying Howl. Get “Whisperer in Darkness”

    Complete it and get “Masters in Twilight” and “The Shadow Falls” from Dying Howl.

    Turn in the quests and get “The Hight Road”

    Go northeast to Hadrik Longtooth and turn it in. Get “Moonlight & Shadow” and “Leaders of the Pack”

    Complete the quests and turn them in. Get “Back to the City”. (Get “Into the Wolf Den” if you want to group up.)

    Head back to Sergeant Knox and turn in “Back tot the City”. Get “Company Yargo”.

    Level 40 – 42 Various

    Around level 40 you will notice that your companion will start to get squishy if you got the standard ones. It’s a good idea to try to get a better companion and / or buy gear upgrades. I also like to level a few levels doing PvP , Foundry Quests or group content to level a few levels right now. Both grouping and PvP leveling is very fast and you should be level 42 in no time.
  • fortie1fortie1 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Level 42 – 45 Pirate’s Skyhold

    Talk to Ranger Leokas in Pirate’s Skyhold and turn in “Company Yargo”. Get “Hostile Takeover”

    Talk to Irrae and get “Catching Light” and “Every Last Drop”

    When questing and killing mobs loot a Herb Poultice that will drop from the mobs. Click it to get the quest “Nature’s Bounty”

    Complete the quests. Don’t worry about “Catching Light” right away, just make sure to participate by clicking one of the wisps when the contest starts.

    Turn in the quests and get “Network Repair” and “The Scaled Menace”

    Go south and complete the quests. Turn them in to Scout Tragold. Accept “A Skyship’s Remains” and “Reclamation”

    Complete and turn in the quests and get “Ahead to Skull Fortress”

    Go east to Ranger Thoros and turn it in and get “Eviction” and get “Search and Seizure” from Lili Huntinghawk.

    When doing the quest be sure to pick up a Bag of Materials that drop of the mobs. Click it to get “Something to Build On”.

    Complete the quests and go to Shaben Shortcloak and turn them in.

    Get “Breaking the Blackscales” and “Beneath Skull Fortress”

    Complete the quests and turn them in.

    Get “The Dead City” and go north to Norver the Cook to complete it. Get “Blackdagger Buccaneers” and “Saving the Living”.

    Complete the quests and get “The Inside Job”

    Do the quest and go to Shil Yargo to complete it. Accept “Opposition Research” and “Shattered Ships of the Sky”.

    Get “A Reason for Distress” from Aluries Arborshate.

    Complete all the quests and turn them in.

    Get “Scoundrel’s Retreat”

    When you kill the boss for “Scoundrel’s Retreat”. Loot Kayliss’ Artifact and click it to get “The Key to the Sky”

    Return to Shil Yargo and turn in the quests. Get “Giving Unlikely Thanks” and “Back on Solid Ground”.

    Complete “Giving Unlikely Thanks”, get “The Pirate King” if you want to group up. Otherwise return to Sergeant Knox in Protector’s Enclave.

    Turn in “Back on Solid Ground” to Knox and get “Peril on Icespire Peak”.

    Level 45 – 49 Icespire Peak

    Talk to Bolbin Ironbrow in Icespire Peak and turn in the quest. Get “Winterkill Orders”.

    Talk to Vaile Birchsmith and get “Prisoners of War” and “Retake What’s Mine”

    Go Southeast to the quest area. In the middle there is a treestub with a book on it, click it to get “The Mother Lode”.

    The ruby for “The Mother Lode” can be hard to find. But just go to the middle of the eastern wall of the area you are in. You will see a bunch of blue ice stalagmites, the ruby is in between them.

    Turn in the quests and get “Last Line of Defense” and “The Goblin Warrens”

    Do the quests. When you enter The Goblin Warrens, go straight ahead and click the crates in front of a locked gate, get “Playing Both Sides”.

    Turn in the quests to Bolbin. Get “Into the Fold”

    Talk to Markos Rosznar and return to Bolbin. Get “The Forward Front”

    Go north to Garora Oakhew and turn it in. Get “Strange Alchemy”

    Kill Troll and turn in the quest. Get “Under Thin Ice” and “Thinning the Pack”

    Complete “Under Thin Ice” and kill the 3 wolves for “Thinning the Pack”.

    Go north and turn in “Under Thin Ice” to Belauk Forgearm. Get “A Breath of Fresh Air”

    Complete the quests and get “The Icehammer”

    Complete “The Icehammer”. Turn in and get “An Axe Too Far”

    Go North to Florin Icehammer and turn it in. Get “Meltdown” and “Hrimnir’s Hands”

    Get “Words of Stone” from Orreft Mountwatch.

    Do all the quests (The giants look hard but they are easy), and turn them in.

    Get “The Final Climb” and “Clear the Path”

    Go through the tunnel and complete the quests.

    Turn in to Erren Rockstrider. Get “A Dangerous Distraction”

    Do the quest and return and get “The Icy Guardian”

    Finish the quest (You can pull the boss back to the room a way back with a lot of traps and they will make short work of him).

    Turn it in and get “To Remember the Fallen”

    Complete the quest. If you can’t plant the flag, move around the pile and try from another angle.

    Go back and turn it in and get “Reckoning”

    Go back to Florin Icehammer and turn it in.

    Get “Icespire’s Frozen Heart” if you feel like getting a group.

    Otherwise just get “The Mithral Must Flow” and go back to Protector’s Enclave.

    Go back to Sergeant Knox and turn it in. Get “Descent into the Chasm” and “A Shadow in Rothè Valley”

    Level 50 – 53 The Chasm

    Now it’s time to head over to the Chasm.

    Talk to Captain Markath and turn in “Decent into the Chasm”. Get “Call to Arms”

    Get “Staring Contest” from Private Sethrun.

    Complete the quests and get “Plaguefires Burning”

    Complete it and go north and turn it in to Lieutenant Trell. Get “Point of Pride”

    Get “Fallen Heroes” from Chaplain Emrys and “Brute Force” From Sergeant Blackforge.

    Complete the quests and turn them in. Get “Quenching the Flames”

    Complete the quest and turn it in. Get “Arcane Scryings”

    Get “Love In The Time of Spellplague” from Private Olliver

    Do the quest then move on to The Scrying Tower.

    Get “Search and Rescue” from Ril Ironlance.

    Turn in “Arcane Scryings” to Quorthon. Get “Each Day is Precious” and “Warped Magic”

    Talk to Dorothea Linkletter

    Turn in “Love in The Time of Spellplague” to Private Taliren

    Get “A Grave Task” from Private Goodmark

    When doing the quests go to the northern part of the island and talk to Cordi Nimblefingers and get “Avoiding Eye Contact”

    Complete all the quests, Except “Each Day is Precious” (Just get to the part where you get the elixir to Josef Linkletter”.

    Turn in the quests and get “Weapon Salvage” and “Foulspawn Foothold”.

    Get “A Final Favor” From Sergeant Danrick.

    Complete all your quests and turn them in. Get “Monstrous Melee” and “Acolytes of Corruption”

    Get “Madmen and Fools” from Private Taliren

    Complete all the quests and get “Cathedral of Madness”

    Complete “Cathedral of Madness” and get “Chaotic Depths” when you’ve finished.

    Go to The Mystic Grotto. Turn in “Chaotic Depths” to Quorthon. Get “A Well Chronicled Tragedy” and “Crystal Clarity”

    Get “Under Contract” from Hal the Henchman.

    Complete and turn in the quests. Get “Closer to the Source”

    Go north and turn it in to Quorthon. Get “Guardians of the Fane” and “Foul Pilgrimage”

    Complete the quests and get “Source of Corruption”

    Complete the quest (If you are having trouble with the Eye of Blue Fire, it can be kited quite easily through the entire instance)

    Turn it in and get “Chasm Report” and “Ending the Madness” should you want to group.

    Go back to Sergeant Knox in Protector’s Enclave and turn in “Chasm Report”. Get “A Fire in the Mountain”

    Level 53 – 55 Rothé Valley

    Go to Rothé Valley now and turn in “A Shadow in Rothé Valley” to Dassar Truebow. Get “Scouting For Rangers” and “Raiders of Rothé Valley”

    Talk to Imbross Irri’Karr while looking for the Rangers and get “Assassin Search”

    Complete all the quests and turn them in to Imbross. Get “Pulled from the Web” and “Ledgers of Cruelty”

    Complete the Quests and get “The Night Raid”

    Complete “The Night Raid” and get “A Hero In Hiding”

    Find Mayor Gunderson and turn in the quest. Get “Rattling Doors” , “Clearing the Nest” and “A Village in the Webs”

    Do all the quests and turn them in. Get “The Deathweavers” and “Shroud of the Spider-Queen”

    Complete the quest and turn them in. Get “The Edge of the Underdark”

    Do the quest and turn it in to Mayor Gunderson.

    Get “Spiderwebs Swept” and return to Sergeant Knox. Get “The High Priestess of Lolth” if you want to group up.

    Go back to Knox and turn in “Spiderwebs Swept”
  • fortie1fortie1 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Level 55 – 58 Mount Hotenow

    Head over to Mount Hotenow.

    Talk to Vandra Hillborn. Turn in “A Fire in the Mountain”. Get “Missing the Ash” and “Knowledge From the Ashes”

    Complete the quests and go north to Geologist Darney and turn them in. Get “Venting the Underneath”

    Get “Seeds from Cinders” from Heartleaf the Dryad

    Complete and turn in and get “Warm Earth” and “Shadowfire Cavern”

    Do the quests. Go back to Heartleaf the Dryad and turn in “Warm Earth” and get “Planting for the Future”

    Plant the seed and get back to Heartleaf to turn in the quest.

    Go to Historian Thrimbul and turn in “Shadowfire Cavern” . Get “Seeds of Rebirth” and “The Flames of War”

    Complete the quests and go back to Thrimbul and turn them in. Get “History of Hotenow”

    Complete it and turn in. Get “Fireguard Fortress”.

    Complete and go back to Thrimbul and turn in. Get “The Fire Fighters”

    Head southwest to Surveyor Baera and turn it in. Get “Watching it Burn” and “The Fire Lords”

    Complete the quests and turn them in. Return and get “Secrets of Fire”

    Complete it and return to Baera. Get “Temple of the Primordial”

    Complete the quest. Go back to Surveyot Baera and get “Returning the Fire”.

    Get “The Caverns of Karrundax” if you want to group.

    Go back to Sergeant Knox in Protector’s Enclave and turn in “Returning the Fire”.

    Get “Into The Underdark”

    Level 58 – 60 The Whispering Caverns

    It’s now finally time to venture into the Underdark. Head over to the Whispering Caverns for your last leveling stretch.

    Talk to Davlin Hoth and turn in “Into the Underdark”. Get “Dark Hunters”

    Talk to Elben Meridius and get “Mapping the Underdark”

    Talk to Una Soverson and get “Vile Venom”

    Talk to Megan Arrowroot and get “Underdark Harvest”

    Talk to Hubert Windcastle and get “Ignoble Duty”

    Exit the Area and go to the east. Get “Long Overdue” From Wendolyn Shoosh.

    Complete and turn in the quests. Get “Prisoners of the Drow” and “Foul Fungus”

    Talk to Cole Rivers and get “The Spider Queen’s Faithful”

    Complete all the quests. Get “Xorlarrin Outpost”

    Complete the quest. Turn it in and get “Delving Deeper”

    Go north to Jasper Steele and turn it in. Get “The Payoff”

    Get “Labor Relations” from Grunn Axbridge

    Get “A Winch in Their Plans” from Malm Axbridge.

    Complete the quests and turn them in.

    Get “Powerful Alloys”, “The Overseer”, “Quality Work” and “Master Smiths”.

    Go to the area where you do all these quests. Talk to Antor Bren and get “A Hell of a Read”

    Complete all the quests and get “Wrathforge”

    Complete “Wrathforge” and return to Jasper Steele to get “The Upper Vault”

    Go into the Upper Vault and turn in the quest to Soren Ravaris.

    Get “Thrall Keepers” and “Resonance Stones”

    Talk to Hollie Tinkerstone and get “Extra Awful”

    Do the quests and turn them in. Get “Into The Unknown”

    On your way there talk to Mad Brock and get “A Dish Best Served Cold”

    Go to Wruz Olg’lmar and turn it in. Get “Brain Damage”

    Complete and turn in “Brain Damage”. Get “Unwilling Hosts”

    Complete it and get “The Birthing Pools”

    Complete “The Birthing Pools” and “A Dish Best Served Cold” and turn them in.

    As final reminder! You can always do Pvp matches in between if you are to low for the next zone!
  • fortie1fortie1 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Small tips while leveling!

    1) Potions : Potions are really important in Neverwinter. They drop from a lot of mobs and can be bought quite cheap from vendors. For quick leveling you will want a lot of Potions. I usually spend most of my money in the start only on potions. These will keep you alive and have short cooldowns.

    2) Bagspace: If you can get some bags, this will help you out a lot. The more room you have in your inventory the better.

    3) Pray to the gods (after level 11). An Altar (found in Neverwinter or as drops from mobs) will have your character pray. You will get stat boost, potions etc, and you will get XP. Quite a lot of XP acutally, so pray every hour to get the most out of it.

    4) If you run out of content use the Foundry. The Foundry have tons of great quests and some of them are really good for leveling.

    5) Remember to get your mount when you can. Mounts increase runspeed which helps with leveling speed.

    6) Companions are a really important aspect of Neverwinter. Companions come in different types like Healers, DPS and Tanks. Get one that complements your class and playstyle and they will really help you out.

    7) Enchant you gear. Azure Enchantments can be placed in utility slots to increase XP gain.
  • masta420captainmasta420captain Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    fortie1 wrote: »
    Small tips while leveling!

    1) Potions : Potions are really important in Neverwinter. They drop from a lot of mobs and can be bought quite cheap from vendors. For quick leveling you will want a lot of Potions. I usually spend most of my money in the start only on potions. These will keep you alive and have short cooldowns.

    2) Bagspace: If you can get some bags, this will help you out a lot. The more room you have in your inventory the better.

    3) Pray to the gods (after level 11). An Altar (found in Neverwinter or as drops from mobs) will have your character pray. You will get stat boost, potions etc, and you will get XP. Quite a lot of XP acutally, so pray every hour to get the most out of it.

    4) If you run out of content use the Foundry. The Foundry have tons of great quests and some of them are really good for leveling.

    5) Remember to get your mount when you can. Mounts increase runspeed which helps with leveling speed.

    6) Companions are a really important aspect of Neverwinter. Companions come in different types like Healers, DPS and Tanks. Get one that complements your class and playstyle and they will really help you out.

    7) Enchant you gear. Azure Enchantments can be placed in utility slots to increase XP gain.

    Seriously, great stuff. I'm new to Neverwinter, been trying to get a good leveling setup on PC before it launches on Xbox. Great post for real. Thank you!
  • krad777krad777 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Very nice guide. Typical how long does it take for a casual player to hit the lvl cap?
    "An Idle mind is the devils workshop"
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2015
    krad777 wrote: »
    Very nice guide. Typical how long does it take for a casual player to hit the lvl cap?

    about 4 days if you just do ann the quest and the occasional pvp matches in-between its just 4 days
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • grabmooregrabmoore Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    krad777 wrote: »
    Very nice guide. Typical how long does it take for a casual player to hit the lvl cap?

    16 hours with mulhorand equip is possible.

    Heroes of Darkness

    Retired since 02/15
    My opinions are my own. Please do not judge my friends nor guild for my statements.
  • chiodos05chiodos05 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Looks great except the foundry items. From what i have seen and read us xbox players are not getting the foundry.

    I have seen them say At best sometime down the road we may get content from the foundry.. Like top rated stuff. So that may or may not completly change up the leveling ordwr with not having it to hold us over in the awkward levels
  • zachwhozachwho Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    How much time played would you need in 4 day period to reach 60?
  • awrex1977awrex1977 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Big newbie here... I've been playing for about a week on PC on 1 character roughly 4 hours a day, 100% solo (with the exception of skirmishes), following various quest lines with no boosters and I hit 42 last night.

    I rolled a SW, and class seems very solo friendly, I have no experience with any other class.

    Leveling seems to be the easy part.

    Enchanting/Upgrading various runes, AD farming and what not seems to be the time sink.

    I also bought some zen and dumped some cash into enchanted keys & the Kelevmorite (sp) acolyte.

    IMO, the keys were a better investment. The runes that are available in the dragon lock boxes make a big difference on lower level toons. The free Cleric via quest or the Dragon cleric (bought w/ scales from lockboxes) is more solo/grind friendly.

    My only worry about XBox is large chunks of the community losing interest after dinging 60 (which seems to be relatively easy) but not wanting to invest the time in upgrading gear.

    Like I said, total newbie, but these are my impressions.
  • fateddivafateddiva Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    awrex1977 wrote: »
    My only worry about XBox is large chunks of the community losing interest after dinging 60 (which seems to be relatively easy) but not wanting to invest the time in upgrading gear.

    Like I said, total newbie, but these are my impressions.

    There is precedence in this: Destiny. Many many many console gamers (myself included) spend a disgusting amount of time on Destiny despite being level capped and having done every single thing in the game more times than I'd care to count. Yet, we go back. Do it again. Do it more. There is far less content offered in Destiny than in Neverwinter. And Destiny is a very grindy game.

    I am only referencing one game. There are multiple games on consoles that people play and play and play. Halo, ES, CoD series, etc.

    So, if you are worried people won't want to invest time in upgrading gear, you are mistaken. People play the games, despite being "done" and owning many other games because, 1. They love the game. 2. They have friends they team up with. 3. Are gluttons for punishment. ;)

    I hope this alleviates your concerns.
    When video games all come down to logic, why are so many illogical? :p
  • malevolent215malevolent215 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    fateddiva wrote: »
    There is precedence in this: Destiny. Many many many console gamers (myself included) spend a disgusting amount of time on Destiny despite being level capped and having done every single thing in the game more times than I'd care to count. Yet, we go back. Do it again. Do it more. There is far less content offered in Destiny than in Neverwinter. And Destiny is a very grindy game.

    I am only referencing one game. There are multiple games on consoles that people play and play and play. Halo, ES, CoD series, etc.

    So, if you are worried people won't want to invest time in upgrading gear, you are mistaken. People play the games, despite being "done" and owning many other games because, 1. They love the game. 2. They have friends they team up with. 3. Are gluttons for punishment. ;)

    I hope this alleviates your concerns.

    This is very true. Destiny basically got ridiculed for it's lack of story and content, and for being very grindy. Yet 6 months later it has a very strong active player base.

    I know a lot of people are worried about how well Xbox players will accept the end game grind of a real MMO, but I'm not worried. As Fateddiva mentioned - just look at Destiny and CoD. Players will grind CoD for hours with one gun just to unlock a skin. Now think of an MMO where the Gear, Mounts, and Companions are shown so much more to other players.

    Most gamers, both PC and Console, want the best stuff to show off. In fact that is just generally a human trait. So I believe once new players understand how Neverwinter's end game progression works, they will be willing to grind for the reward.

    Lastly, don't forget that AD won't be quite as demanding on Xbox to start. We will have a new fresh AH and collection of items that haven't already dropped 1 million times over the past two years.
  • attorn97attorn97 Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Lastly, don't forget that AD won't be quite as demanding on Xbox to start. We will have a new fresh AH and collection of items that haven't already dropped 1 million times over the past two years.

    and I'm hoping few to zero chinese gold sellers wrecking the economy. I'm hopeful that although NW is a "free to play" game, the requirement to have a gold subscription, which isn't free, keeps the economy insulated and player driven instead of gold farmer driven.
  • hydrosmurf75hydrosmurf75 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    fateddiva wrote: »

    So, if you are worried people won't want to invest time in upgrading gear, you are mistaken. People play the games, despite being "done" and owning many other games because, 1. They love the game. 2. They have friends they team up with. 3. Are gluttons for punishment. ;)

    I hope this alleviates your concerns.

    The hard core MMO seekers will be here until June 10th at least.

    I am sorry I love NeverWinter {For what it is} but after lvl 60 and you spend 200 hours doing nothing to progress your character at all except PvPGitReKtSon it gets old lol.
    Do not get me wrong here, Neverwinter is a "Decent" game but it is just TO -Blanking- EASY! You can level cap and not come close to dying.. Not ONE DEATH lol. It is a game that did a lot of things right, but it is a MMO for toddlers for the most part. Lets be honest here when has ANYONE ever played an MMO that it took you 4 days or less to Max out? Let alone the fact that you never died..

    I will be playing it until ESO at least.
  • stee986stee986 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Wow you spend alot time there. Thankyou for a nice guide. Now I just want the game lol.
  • draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Good Day everyone. As a new player to Neverwinter I wanted to know if anyone could rank the difficulty of each class to new players. Personally in most MMORPG's I have played in the past I prefer a Healer type class. Is that a difficult class to get the hang of for a new player in you guys opinion?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions or thoughts.
  • spideyspidey Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Awsome thanks bro
  • metheantiherometheantihero Member Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    Hey Bro i posted this information on another forum, guys seem to be having issues with getting quest. Chances are they have skipped some of the important chains and have gotten stuck. And yes I have you as the ordinal poster.
    If I should die on some far, far away battlefield
    Know I answered the call
    For a grand principle of freedom to yield.
    My fervent prayer is that death
    May not have been in vain
    Fighting for peace and right for the world to attain
  • tiziictiziic Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Great guide, but don't steal from other sites.


    Xbox One doesn't have foundry quests, so you told on yourself there.
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