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Neverwinter on Ubuntu?

gavinlynchgavinlynch Member Posts: 9 Arc User
edited February 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
Hey all,
Has anyone got Neverwinter running on Ubuntu, can it be done?
Post edited by gavinlynch on


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    askopdkapokaskopdkapok Member Posts: 648 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    gavinlynch wrote: »
    Hey all,
    Has anyone got Neverwinter running on Ubuntu, can it be done?


    Run vmworkstation. I run windows 7 but use vmware for my linux VM's for work. Crank up the RAM in your PC and your set. The graphic drivers for linux have always been an afterthought and never really perform well. I can run one VM I use for development/compiling, another running an oracle database, and then game in my native OS perfect without and hassle.

    I do the same thing on my Macbook (OS X instead of windows).
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    rpgghoulrpgghoul Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am also looking for NWN runnig on linux (ubuntu ). I am trying through wine, but get an error for DXSetup.exe and .NET error. Trying to figure it out.

    winetricks says i have dotnet40 already installed. 4.5 is not yet working with wine... so i am not sure what other setting I have to do.

    For the person who asks why -- for the geek in us :)
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    startuxstartux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 49
    edited May 2013

    Run vmworkstation. I run windows 7 but use vmware for my linux VM's for work. Crank up the RAM in your PC and your set. The graphic drivers for linux have always been an afterthought and never really perform well. I can run one VM I use for development/compiling, another running an oracle database, and then game in my native OS perfect without and hassle.

    I do the same thing on my Macbook (OS X instead of windows).

    That doesn't answer his question, and FYI Nvidia drivers on Linux are on par with Windows, very easy to install and perform very well.

    Not tried to get this running yet, and to be honest probably won't as I have gotten used to using native clients now, and next year will be a bumper year with a number of great titles coming thanks to Unity (including Project Eternity), but hopefully someone has :).

    Might be worth looking to see if anyone has STO running?
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    talung34talung34 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In fact, when using OpenGL (a standard across multiple platforms), Linux drivers perform better than Windows ones... so subpar is FUD.

    The real issue with games running on Linux is the use of a non industry standard Library called DirectX and the joke of DotNet. Do a google search for Steam porting to linux to see the gains they got running the same games on linux.
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    zocat1zocat1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Friend of mine is running it on Ubuntu 13.04 with Wine.

    He had to install IE (i think it was 8)so the launcher showed the play button. He also had to upgrade the wine version, since the one shipped with Ubuntu is too old (I think 1.4, and he now uses 1.5.x, whatever the current one is)
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    vmanavmana Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You can play it with wine, but there is few steps to follow :
    install ie8 : winetricks ie8

    But it won't work with 64 bits wine, so you have to have a 32 bits wine:
    mv ~/.wine ~/.wine.old
    export WINEARCH=wine32
    winetricks ie8

    Now, you might have to download some fonts :
    winetricks corefonts

    then copy your previous install of the game located in ~/.wine.old into the new .wine

    Try it, and the game should runs fine.
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    suroh66suroh66 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    vmana wrote: »
    You can play it with wine, but there is few steps to follow :
    install ie8 : winetricks ie8

    But it won't work with 64 bits wine, so you have to have a 32 bits wine:
    mv ~/.wine ~/.wine.old
    export WINEARCH=wine32
    winetricks ie8

    Now, you might have to download some fonts :
    winetricks corefonts

    then copy your previous install of the game located in ~/.wine.old into the new .wine

    Try it, and the game should runs fine.

    WINE= Wine Is Not An Emulator, most of you know this ( if not all of you lol ) I've got it running 12.10 and have had no problems. I have an amd card though and they have the best proprietary drivers when it comes to linux typically ( or at least in my experience :) ) I'm running wine 1.5. I have all the basics when it comes to the dlls.. and .net ( they never work correctly and never will but are necessary sadly ) d3d49 etc.. I'll try to look over my setup and get more specifics I'll post em here later on today. Oh and as for the corefonts you do not need to have ie8 installed to get it to work. Also if you install your restricted extras the mscorefonts are included which is all you need and you really don't need half of them to begin with ( some flavors such as mint give them to you by default )
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    crypticcliffcrypticcliff Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've had some luck with WINE 1.4.

    If you're not using WINE 1.5.13 or later, you need to add this to your command line:
    -enablerawinputsupport 0

    You might want to add that line anyway because WINE's raw input support may be flaky. You can find this in the options on the launcher.

    To get the launcher/patcher working I used winetricks to install ie6, but it's pretty ugly that way and gives you a bunch of script errors.
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    suroh66suroh66 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I've had some luck with WINE 1.4.

    If you're not using WINE 1.5.13 or later, you need to add this to your command line:
    -enablerawinputsupport 0

    You might want to add that line anyway because WINE's raw input support may be flaky. You can find this in the options on the launcher.

    To get the launcher/patcher working I used winetricks to install ie6, but it's pretty ugly that way and gives you a bunch of script errors.

    Don't take this the wrong way because I'm genuinely interested in why you're using ie6? the defaults that come with (k)ubuntu are just as good as the microsoft fonts very few pages have issues using them ( those I know of are things like face book games etc.. ) if you want to get them like I said sudo apt-get install mscorefonts or sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras. The launcher requires you to be logged in at my.perfectworld.com/nw first so log in using default browser not sure what ubuntu uses ( i have reqonk ) but use Opera my client worked fine out of the box but as the person above me stated maybe it's due to the fact that use the most recent version of wine.
    Only reason I comment again is just so we can figure out the issue to help the linux community or rather i should say the wine community at large, don't forget you can always check winehq i'm sure some thing has posted :)
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    wraithgorewraithgore Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also SUN/Oracle makes - ORACLE VM VirtualBox - It's a free software LITERALLY (No adware from Oracle thank god.) So you don't have to buy VMWare or hack to work Wine, as long as you have a legit copy of Windows XP or Vista or 7 even 8, it will install from an iso or CD/DVD-ROM into Ubuntu. I have at least had this work for me while playing another MMORPG on my laptop, mind you the VM Virtual Box is free, and easy to use. I have it also running on my Windows platforms for testing purposes with Ubuntu/Fedora/Linux. I say if it's free, mind you tech support limited, it still is better than trying to bash head against wall at times with WINE.

    Hope this is not thought of as advertising by the Admins of this site but a way to help others with software that may be free for them where they don't have the funds in this time and day to shell out for 150 dollar license of VMWare, at least that's last I checked months back.

    Thanks and Keep on Rolling the D20's.
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    crypticcliffcrypticcliff Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    suroh66 wrote: »
    Don't take this the wrong way because I'm genuinely interested in why you're using ie6? the defaults that come with (k)ubuntu are just as good as the microsoft fonts very few pages have issues using them ( those I know of are things like face book games etc.. ) if you want to get them like I said sudo apt-get install mscorefonts or sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras. The launcher requires you to be logged in at my.perfectworld.com/nw first so log in using default browser not sure what ubuntu uses ( i have reqonk ) but use Opera my client worked fine out of the box but as the person above me stated maybe it's due to the fact that use the most recent version of wine.
    Only reason I comment again is just so we can figure out the issue to help the linux community or rather i should say the wine community at large, don't forget you can always check winehq i'm sure some thing has posted :)

    Because it's the same way I got the patcher/launcher for Star Trek Online and Champions Online to run. Just going through the motions typical for getting a Cryptic game running under WINE. The launcher is a sore spot in terms of WINE compatibility.

    The game itself also has the same list of things broken under WINE as STO and CO. Namely, shadows and some depth related effects. The weirder thing is that many of these features actually "work", but you can't enable them because WINE has convinced the game that it's impossible. If I have time (*MY* time because we don't officially support WINE!), I'll see if I can add some WINE-specific workarounds for those and a few other problems.
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    fernetekhdfernetekhd Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I can't even get into the game because the login button the on launcher (the rest of the launcher works fine) doesn't respond. Anyone have any ideas?

    I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and I have dotnet30 installed.
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    lucidp2klucidp2k Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    talung34 wrote: »
    In fact, when using OpenGL (a standard across multiple platforms), Linux drivers perform better than Windows ones... so subpar is FUD.

    The real issue with games running on Linux is the use of a non industry standard Library called DirectX and the joke of DotNet. Do a google search for Steam porting to linux to see the gains they got running the same games on linux.

    The amount of MS butt hurt in this response is epic.
    Spend less time complaining about shop prices and more time improving your salary.
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    praesidipraesidi Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have everything works(except the zen store) you need a 32bit install (or 32bit preface on wine) the 1.5 version of wine (i use the beta one) then run from terminal "winetricks dotnet40 ie8" without the quotes of course after that install the game and it should work fine
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    stardateoraclestardateoracle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Run vmworkstation. I run windows 7 but use vmware for my linux VM's for work. Crank up the RAM in your PC and your set. The graphic drivers for linux have always been an afterthought and never really perform well. I can run one VM I use for development/compiling, another running an oracle database, and then game in my native OS perfect without and hassle.

    I do the same thing on my Macbook (OS X instead of windows).

    Your advice is wrong and your statement on Linux graphics drivers is also wrong. Graphic drivers on Linux actually are on the same level as Windows / OSX. Why in the world Valve / Steam even consider moving to Linux if that wasn't the case? In fact, I dare you to read what the Steam developers have to say with regard to OpenGL performance vs. Windows (hint.. Linux was faster!!)

    And if I necro'd this thread, and for some reason you are not happy about that, sorry. I had to squash some ignorance, and kill some kittens too.
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    stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Your advice is wrong and your statement on Linux graphics drivers is also wrong. Graphic drivers on Linux actually are on the same level as Windows / OSX. Why in the world Valve / Steam even consider moving to Linux if that wasn't the case? In fact, I dare you to read what the Steam developers have to say with regard to OpenGL performance vs. Windows (hint.. Linux was faster!!)

    And if I necro'd this thread, and for some reason you are not happy about that, sorry. I had to squash some ignorance, and kill some kittens too.

    I laughed my *** off as well when I read that, but he has a track record of being very wrong (Like Warcraft/starcraft being around longer than Warhmamer/WH 40K :rolleyes: )

    Anyway back on topic I don't use Ubuntu, because I like using a real version of linux (kidding put down the torches) I'm using Arch and Wakka, with the same wine setup Crypticcliff uses, no problems really runs very smoothly despite the initial load time, which has improved a bit after the latest patch.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
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    tairaharatairahara Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hi there,
    I'm having some troubles running NW through wine1.5.+winetricks on ubuntu 12.04 (I've tried to run it with POL but that "ARC" thing didn't like it at all. I can only run ARC through wine, but it 's still giving me problems e__e' )
    Anyways, I've got everything installed and updated with no problems, I also have Ie8 and DirectX installed, but once at the cryptic loading screen everything starts to take forever. Everything it's incredibly slow! It took me minutes only to open the options window at the login screen...
    I don't know what to do, I never had problems playing others MMORPG on windows... AH! I've installed the game on my windows partition because it's more confortable, I need free space on the linux one.
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    kenshin0782kenshin0782 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hi everybody!

    I am a newby with Ubuntu and I am having trouble installing neverwinter.
    i got to the download window but the frame where the download is supposed to count down doesn't work. I have the game from my windows machine and still with the files I don't manage to install it. I have Wine (even Playonlinux) but I might do something wrong...

    Could someone explain the steps I am supposed to follow? That would be extremely helpful for this game and probably for the next ones... (I looked into the STO forum but I didn't get anything really clear to me :( )

    Thank you for your help!
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    kenshin0782kenshin0782 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Nobody to help me? :(
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    ffkingcreoleffkingcreole Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hey there, i got it running on my ubuntu, just installed a new wine version 1.5.31 (no special wine version) in playonlinux, and the ie8, it started working, with no problem. But if i play like half an hour it gets messy, i open up inventory and try moving things, it chrashes, if i dont do that, i walk arround for 1-2 hours more, doing nothing special and then it crashes.. does anyone know a fix for this? haven't tried running it in console jet...

    edit: tried running it with console, sound was weird, crashed again, half an hour of playing time, console does not say anything interesting, the game stopped running, but the process is not killed

    edit: tried a logfile, seems like the problem is, neverwinter uses (0xffffffff) threads, wich is a little too much to be handled by a linux machine...
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    ffkingcreoleffkingcreole Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    maybe you are not using the up to date version of wine, have you checked that out jet?
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    karanchonkaranchon Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    tairahara wrote: »
    Hi there,
    I'm having some troubles running NW through wine1.5.+winetricks on ubuntu 12.04 (I've tried to run it with POL but that "ARC" thing didn't like it at all. I can only run ARC through wine, but it 's still giving me problems e__e' )
    Anyways, I've got everything installed and updated with no problems, I also have Ie8 and DirectX installed, but once at the cryptic loading screen everything starts to take forever. Everything it's incredibly slow! It took me minutes only to open the options window at the login screen...
    I don't know what to do, I never had problems playing others MMORPG on windows... AH! I've installed the game on my windows partition because it's more confortable, I need free space on the linux one.

    One reason is because NTFS, which is really slow on Linux. You should move your files to your ext4 partition.
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    syphatsyphat Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    gavinlynch wrote: »
    Hey all,
    Has anyone got Neverwinter running on Ubuntu, can it be done?

    try this for an answer http://www.gamersonlinux.com/forum/threads/neverwinter-free-mmo-guide.170/
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Are you really responding to someone from two years ago?
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    syphatsyphat Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    Are you really responding to someone from two years ago?

    its for any one who may need one also, im just updating.
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    askopdkapokaskopdkapok Member Posts: 648 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    startux wrote: »
    That doesn't answer his question, and FYI Nvidia drivers on Linux are on par with Windows, very easy to install and perform very well.

    Not tried to get this running yet, and to be honest probably won't as I have gotten used to using native clients now, and next year will be a bumper year with a number of great titles coming thanks to Unity (including Project Eternity), but hopefully someone has :).

    Might be worth looking to see if anyone has STO running?

    Ummm linux nvidia drivers are easy to install but in no way what-so-ever are they are par with windows.. Not even close.

    Never do understand these "can this run on linux" threads.

    I've been using linux since kernel 0.97. It's all I run on my workstation at work. It's all I run on my laptop. My workstation at home is a high-end gaming rig with windows 7 native and several linux/solaris VM's.

    I actually prefer it this way. I can snapshot my linux VM's and avoid tracking cookies, etc... I treat my windows native OS as my "insecure gaming environment". I don't browse the web from it, don't access facebook, don't ever use my credit card, etc.... All that is done from a linux VM from chome with javascript disabled.

    I have yet, after 22 years of being a software developer, to met anyone that only had linux operating system. I do know a few hardware developer geeks that only run solaris but they don't play games.

    So if you're not trying to "quit running windows for good" why mess with it? You're always at the whim of your video card drivers in addition to other concerns. The linux community is never going to work on game-related bugs with anywhere near the urgency they would on the Windows platform. Even Mac, which has far far far more industry support for games than linux, still faces challenges like this.

    All gaming companies know this. Most importantly, supporting linux is not going to expand their market and bring in increased revenue because they know people aren't going to pass on this game merely for lack of linux support alone. If you've never worked at a gaming company before, they have very tight margins and staffing people to support linux isn't high on their list.
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    askopdkapokaskopdkapok Member Posts: 648 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    Are you really responding to someone from two years ago?

    Are you really reading an update to a thread from 2 years ago and then posting in it but not providing anything productive to the original thread?

    Now that seems silly.
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Are you really reading an update to a thread from 2 years ago and then posting in it but not providing anything productive to the original thread?

    Now that seems silly.

    If he only wanted to post new info. Then making a new topic would of worked better. Raising the dead here only gets the topics locked and removed to the depths. Then no one else gets to see it.

    So yea, its a bit silly.
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    zshikarazshikara Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I dual boot windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.04. I use windows for gaming and ubuntu for just about anything else. This is on my laptop. On my desktop I have a relatively small HDD so I just use windows 7.
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    lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Yeah, this is a rather old thread to be resurrecting. Time to put Vilithrax back to bed.

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