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With Mod 5 you totally destroyed the game! PLS read

generalcolegeneralcole Member Posts: 61 Arc User
edited January 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
As is noted with one module you guys destroyed the PVP,PVE,Refinement and the Economy

PvP : is totally unbalanced especially with that TR's ,the differences between the classes it's never been so unbalanced.

Pve : All those dungeons are now useless,you can get whatever you want with dragons and Tiamat.Nobody now waste his time to doing them,the whole game now turn around Tiamat.

Economy: The economy of the game is totally ruined cause of Tiamat,all the prices dropped like crazy,T1 and T2 now are almost free and nobody have motivations to farm anything.

You guys decide to reduce the drop rate of refinement objects and bound them to the account,may be for avoid the botters,but you guys increased them,because you didn't leave another choice.I can't farm any object from Dungeons or buy them at the AH,i need a lot o millions point and i can't wait to refine something just with few object that i find around by using 1% stone..be serious it will take me years.


Make a serious balancing between the classes

PvP and PVE : Improve the pvp contents,maybe by adding at least 5 different zones and a adding a sort of ''Dead or Live pvp style'' where you have just destroy the other team without domination or anything else,you should divide it with 3 rounds.

Economy and Refinement : Add some new high level dungeons and maybe make 3 differents type of dungeons for the existing ones,like Normal,Epic and Legendary.(Possibly with good rewards)
Remove the T1's and T2's gear from Tiamat and dragons,decrease the drop rate of high level gear.
Increase the drop rate of the refinement objects and bound only the one's that you get in the foundry and maybe give one or more of them as a Dungeon reward,Purple,Blue or Green,depends on Dg.
Post edited by generalcole on


  • generalcolegeneralcole Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I hope they will fix something before add other stuff...
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sum of the historical problems

    1 - change of charater designe

    2 - heroic encounters instead of new adjustable solo/party content.

    3 - drastic blind reworks instead to fix cws (pve perspective)

    4 - the creative down in charater creation (just compare the masterpiece 'ranger' and the recycled "sw")

    refining and this things are economic things. nothing is free
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    1 - a drastic change in a personality of the game when millions of new accounts are created

    2 - pve become a job

    3 - the start of the brutal inbalance that reflect in all the game.

    4 - i dont have numbers, but have seens a big diference between the popularity of rangers and sws.

    if is not a problem, what is?
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    I hope the devs are reading the feedback given to them of mods 4&5
  • generalcolegeneralcole Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited January 2015
  • laderlader Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I agreed with the idea to cut off the T1 drop from the Drags (and T2 from the Tiamat).

    I really dont know why they have change and make everything "so easy" to obtain. I mean, for me, now it's really easy to have a char with 14~15k gs. You just need to make daily and Tiamat after Tiamat to gain Linu's and buy your Draconic equipment.

    I really want to see nice changes in the mod6
  • d4rthd00fusd4rthd00fus Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Mod 6 will have all new weapon and armor sets from either new or revamped dungeons (up to L70 gear I assume) so all the T1 and T2 <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> dropping now is already useless unless gearing a new toon. Gearing alts or new chars has never been easier as Cryptic thinks its OK to take your pasty little 10K GS bag of worthless into Tiamat and ride on the efforts of better geared players to get stuff for yourself. Because of this more folks should be ready for the new/updated content in Mod6.
  • linoge63linoge63 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    My reply isnt intended to invalidate your point, but I have a HR that is near 20GS and a TR near 17 and i am very much enjoying NW as is.

    Yeah there are some tweeks i would personally like to see such as ending the need to reidentify items i have identified at some point many times before or at least allow us to pay monthly to remove the need to identify; hmm, maybe offer epic solo dungeons so that some of us can enjoy the amazing graphical detail in these dungeons (and everywhere else for that matter) without being subject to some escapee lobotomy patient performing a kick vote.

    But overall these are trivial compared to the joy we all currently have here at NW :)
  • rockdete165rockdete165 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Really have to pack a lot from Module 5 before adding the new !!
  • odnnauqodnnauq Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Actually, I think the refine drop rate for non-foundry contents may still be the same - i.e. there is not a long cool down but would be great if the Dev would confirm. Tho yes, I am scared what I need to get the new level 70 artifacts to top level. I don't want to know. I may need to (a) spend a king's ransom, (b) give up socializing with real human beings and family and/or (c) grow old with the game.....
  • dragosani84dragosani84 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 84
    edited January 2015
    Dungeons were already ruined by the players themselves. Nobody likes to help a group do a dungeon for over an hour only to be booted right before opening the chest. And classes should NEVER be balanced for pvp so that every class is equal to another class. Games should have unique classes that are the best at what they do, not be uber awesome 1 vs. 1. PVP is about teamwork not about each class being equal. If they'd quit trying to make them so then people would no longer be able to rock 5 gwf or cw's like they used to and faceroll everyone. No, you'd need a well diversified group to win. I wish they'd completely separate pvp from pve somehow if they're going to keep listening to everyone who thinks his 12k gs TR should be able to kill someone elses 20k gs cw :/

    Now what does the new armor mean exactly for our old armor? It's going to be pretty crappy if my black ice gear is no longer worth a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, especially after all that grinding. I don't mind if the newer gear is better in some ways but I hope it doesnt' make all of our gear obsolete.
  • mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I hope the devs are reading the feedback given to them of mods 4&5

    I hope they don't.
  • wenche78wenche78 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    As is noted with one module you guys destroyed the PVP,PVE,Refinement and the Economy

    PvP : is totally unbalanced especially with that TR's ,the differences between the classes it's never been so unbalanced.

    Pve : All those dungeons are now useless,you can get whatever you want with dragons and Tiamat.Nobody now waste his time to doing them,the whole game now turn around Tiamat.

    Economy: The economy of the game is totally ruined cause of Tiamat,all the prices dropped like crazy,T1 and T2 now are almost free and nobody have motivations to farm anything.

    You guys decide to reduce the drop rate of refinement objects and bound them to the account,may be for avoid the botters,but you guys increased them,because you didn't leave another choice.I can't farm any object from Dungeons or buy them at the AH,i need a lot o millions point and i can't wait to refine something just with few object that i find around by using 1% stone..be serious it will take me years.


    Make a serious balancing between the classes

    PvP and PVE : Improve the pvp contents,maybe by adding at least 5 different zones and a adding a sort of ''Dead or Live pvp style'' where you have just destroy the other team without domination or anything else,you should divide it with 3 rounds.

    Economy and Refinement : Add some new high level dungeons and maybe make 3 differents type of dungeons for the existing ones,like Normal,Epic and Legendary.(Possibly with good rewards)
    Remove the T1's and T2's gear from Tiamat and dragons,decrease the drop rate of high level gear.
    Increase the drop rate of the refinement objects and bound only the one's that you get in the foundry and maybe give one or more of them as a Dungeon reward,Purple,Blue or Green,depends on Dg.

    I could not agree more to all of this.
    - Lets take TRs - in GG the whole floor is red everywhere, I can basically not move or cast a spell cause its so much smokebombs.
    - I have taken note that basically all classes have "will stun for reduced time on players" when it comes to spells/feats that stun, slow etc. Also with items/companions-everything else, it all have reduced effect on players.
    But then then the TR comes. I have 24k gs cw, with a lot of survivability in pvp, I have balanced survivability and dmg.
    But - alas- that does not matter. Altho I have learned to anticipate the TRs moves and can often dodge - its basically impossible to get away anyway if you for example cant see the TR OR you are in GG where it doesnt matter where you dodge, it will be red anyway.
    - I have no count on how many times I get "stunned" for 5 (!!!!) seconds, meaning I am so slowed that I move like a overweight, old turtle, I cannot dodge, cannot cast any spells - and all I can do for those 5 seconds is watch the TR just have his way with me.
    It does not matter how much survivability I got - when you got 5 seconds to your disposal with a target that acts like a dummy- thats basically enough time to kill anyone, maybe exept a GF.
    A 10k gs TR can kill me easy ... I mean... eh, what?
    And then the cooldown on this invincible abilities... they are popped constantly.
    Not to mention the encounter where they take basically no dmg and are immune to everything, and it last forever.
    And then we got the dmg they do.
    My friend is a GWF, we do a lot of pvp together. He has shown me endless screenshots where the log clearly shows all up to 65k dmg - penetrating through absolutely everything he has - including armor enchant and everything else. The dmg in the brackets are always the same as the number outside. So my pvp specced and amazingly geared GWF get oneshotted by TRs constantly. How?? Where is the logic?
    We have posted some of this screenshots on forum, but whats the point. This will not be nerfed or fixed for a long time -
    making PvP unbearable at this point.
    If you then add the DC`s on top of this---god.... DCs with a million heals and so much dmg resistance it makes me laugh.
    Time and time again I see my whole party of 5 standing there nuking all they got at one single DC whos alone, and we cannot kill it. It is just to rediciolus...
    If I meet a TR/DC (and to top it, a GF) combo i usually just to out and give it a try and spend the rest of the battle being bored at the graveyard when I see that noone can be killed.

    The economy - I agree. It is dead. No longer any point doing the old dungeons, with 25k AD you can just buy your way to happyness with the best gear you can get.
    The refinement is just to much. It is to much refinement needed, there is no end. Only chance you have at getting all your 7 artifacts up to best is to buy ENDLESS amount of zen - and I mean endless. Or - you gotta Bot.
    I prefer non of them. I would prefer to work on it the normal way with just a slight chance at acctually getting BiS before I am old and gray.
    Its to much. What is it - 4,5 mill refinement for one artifact?
    I agree it should take time, it is BiS anyway, but.. it gotta be a balance here between reason and work.
    The way we are being forced to spend a whole month of pay to get good gear is just to much.
  • dragonladytjedragonladytje Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    lader wrote: »
    I agreed with the idea to cut off the T1 drop from the Drags (and T2 from the Tiamat).

    I really dont know why they have change and make everything "so easy" to obtain. I mean, for me, now it's really easy to have a char with 14~15k gs. You just need to make daily and Tiamat after Tiamat to gain Linu's and buy your Draconic equipment.

    I really want to see nice changes in the mod6

    0,o i never got anything from the Tiamat event i've never been in a group who could kill her , only the black head lol
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