Anyone here ever gone #yolo and did all campaigns &/ multi dungeon runs with pure 31 Archery Pathfinder HR?
How did you fare in Damage (Pain Giver) in dungeons? What encounters did you use? How did you like it?
Post edited by bobhunter1 on
blazious11Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 331Arc User
edited January 2015
I have no idea what you are asking.
You may think archery specced PATHFINDER HR.
For pve, Stormwarden is better because of Split the Sky encounter and Twin Blade storm passive. With good gear, damage is fine in most dungeons, and excellent in more single target oriented dungeons like Lostmauth and Shores of Tauern.
My story is truly a grand tale! Of course, any story about me is going to be grand simply by virtue of the main character.
I have no idea what you are asking.
You may think archery specced PATHFINDER HR.
For pve, Stormwarden is better because of Split the Sky encounter and Twin Blade storm passive. With good gear, damage is fine in most dungeons, and excellent in more single target oriented dungeons like Lostmauth and Shores of Tauern.
skills for pvp:
at-wills: Split-shot and hunters teamwork (aoe dmg, target dmg, debuff, +high AP gain from carefull attack)
1, must have skill) Fox's cunning (dodge the first attack- good against warlok, GWF, GW, TR, other RDD hunters, the mele fox-shift provides +speed and short time imun that can save u, it also slows down the hited targets)
2) Maradeur ( really good escape, mele helps finishing low hp using maradeur+foxshift)
3) Hindering shot (good dmg per shot, the mele strike can help u finish the target after foxshift, +1sec roots-no one escapes) / Thorn ward (one of the best debuffs and it helps keeping under control the check point, deals a lot of dmg)/ Constricting Arrow (just high dmg and multi-target roots)/ Binding Arrow(good dmg, the mele oak skin heals well)/ Commanding Shot (good debuff, together with hunters temwork ~ -20%dps for the enemy and a little -armor, stag heart provides a usefull buff)
1, must gave skill) Disruptive shot (high dmg, and ~2.5 sec the target can't use any skills, without this skill u will be unable to kill a cleric or wizard)
2) Forest ghost (escape, bonus speed, good for initiateing but has a very unpleasant bug: any control skill will dispel it)/ Seismic shot (very high dmg with good area of effect)/ Slashers marc (more actual for mele but also good for RDD if you need to finish someone or not to leave him a chance to escape, provides regen for Shifts when the marked target is attacked, also-high dmg on solo targets in pve)
Class fatures:
1) Pathfinders actions (activated by Disruptive shot which is used as the CD passes, provides deflection, helps surviving)
2) Aspect of the lone wolf (more, more, more deflection, you become really hard to kill)
Predatory Action- more dmg for disruptive shot (used frequently) and any other daily skills
Weapon Mastery and Toughness- no coment (more hp and more crit)
Endless Assault- pleasant +dmg for encounters.
Lucky Skirmisher- i think u have allready understood me
Disciple of Strength- no coment. Of cource Extra Action is good to but DoS is better and carefull attack provides enought AP.
Stillness of the Forest is not used because in pvp battles it will be not as usefull as it is in pve.
i know that the guide is not actual, and i hope that this info will help at least 1 person
the upper given tips are just "my honest opinion", u can modify the bild as u need/want
used skills: Rain of arrows, Thorn Ward, Fox's Cunning/Hindering shot or Binding arrow (or any other encounter u like)
at-wills: Split shot and Hunters teamwork(+Carefull attack- use it on any big fat *** mobs)
class features: aspect of the pack and lone wolf or aspect of the flacon.
Daily: Slashers mark and Seismic shot"
it is possible to change the maradeur in PVP battles for another encounter, so u can use fox+(hindering+binding) or, instead the least two: Commanding Shot, Hawk Shot, Constricting Arrow, Thorn Ward. choose the encounters depending on what do you want to do or what is your core.
- archery pathfinder for PVE?
- NO, trapper pathfinder for PVE:
pick fox, constricting arrow and rain of arrows, and damage will be insane (yes, those roots will do very nice damage). Also constricting provides really nice control on trapper.
Archery is good only if you are able to stay far-far-far away from mobs, and if you are spawning something like split shot from afar, they will come to you and you'll lose damage.
Archery pathfinder for PVP?
- well... very "specific" styleplay, bad cooldowns, squishiness, etc. Only reasons to pick archery pathfinder for pvp are:
1) you got extremely bored, while being extremely good
2) you have a nice premade team with DC and GF/GWF, who cover you
3) you really like thorn ward (it will hit like mad on the middle and you'll be able to constantly spawn it there).
4) you wanna kill sombody with aimed shot :-)
- archery pathfinder for PVE?
- NO, trapper pathfinder for PVE:
pick fox, constricting arrow and rain of arrows, and damage will be insane (yes, those roots will do very nice damage). Also constricting provides really nice control on trapper.
Archery pathfinder for PVP?
- well... very "specific" styleplay, bad cooldowns, squishiness, etc. Only reasons to pick archery pathfinder for pvp are:
1) you got extremely bored, while being extremely good
2) you have a nice premade team with DC and GF/GWF, who cover you
3) you really like thorn ward (it will hit like mad on the middle and you'll be able to constantly spawn it there).
4) you wanna kill sombody with aimed shot :-)
rain of arrow as a pve encounter for trapper? IMO: fox+constricting+hindering or binding+constricting+hindering.
rain of arrow can be useles because it is to slow, or mobs will jump/run/walk/be thrown out of the range of arrows.
for pvp both, PF and SW encounters are useless, but the PF's at-will is a good one. also, PF's actions is one of the best HR's class features for PvP.
Annd archery PF is aa "at-wills" style, using encounters depending on the situation and not spaming them as a trappe will.
rain of arrow as a pve encounter for trapper? IMO: fox+constricting+hindering or binding+constricting+hindering.
rain of arrow can be useles because it is to slow, or mobs will jump/run/walk/be thrown out of the range of arrows.
rain of arrows dps is the best if you use it well. If you don't trust, just run ACT and watch. I never said that using rain of arrows is easy, but it provides better dps than whatever (even on melee tree dps from rain of arrows is the best).
rain of arrows dps is the best if you use it well. If you don't trust, just run ACT and watch. I never said that using rain of arrows is easy, but it provides better dps than whatever (even on melee tree dps from rain of arrows is the best).
dps on target that will not move. but the more skill providing roots we have, the more dps we gain, as a trapper i thrown away the rain of arrows out of my pve panel as soon as possible. this skill is to slow, it is good for archery, not for trapper.
the hindering strike provides ancient root which can deal even more dmg if used well, just as rain will, but hindering is simplier, also u can enroot more mobs at once=more dps and control.
if you like rain, use it, but i recomend the hindering shot/strike.
dude, i have no passion to argue with you about it... really :-)
i saw too many bad HRs in game who said that rain of arrows was HAMSTER while being not able to use it right. On archery, on melee, on trapper, wherevever rain provides the best dps, again, lunch ACT and check it.
Ancient roots don't do damage (check description). Damage is dealt by thorned roots.:-)
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dude, i have no passion to argue with you about it... really :-)
i saw too many bad HRs in game who said that rain of arrows was HAMSTER while being not able to use it right. On archery, on melee, on trapper, wherevever rain provides the best dps, again, lunch ACT and check it.
Ancient roots don't do damage (check description). Damage is dealt by thorned roots.:-)
i'll not argue too.
ancient roots- sry, my misstake.
And i also saw al lot of HR wit rain and higher GS that provided lower dmg. it doesn't mean rain is bad or good, it means u like it and i not (ACT is ofc, good info about dps, but i just don't like rain, it doesn't fit my playstyle).
hah, i see your point. But if you want to maximize the potential of your toon, you will always be trying to find a way to maximize damage, survivability, etc. I just tried remo and mother load on preview today with hindering instead of rain (just to test for myself without ACT). Worse about hindering vs rain is that survivability is worse too. While rain hits remo or bunch of mobs, you can just kite around, use fox shift, etc. If you have good lifesteal, rain will bring your HP back very fast. Not to say that AP gain from rain is great. With hindering it was rather challenging sometimes.
hah, i see your point. But if you want to maximize the potential of your toon, you will always be trying to find a way to maximize damage, survivability, etc. I just tried remo and mother load on preview today with hindering instead of rain (just to test for myself without ACT). Worse about hindering vs rain is that survivability is worse too. While rain hits remo or bunch of mobs, you can just kite around, use fox shift, etc. If you have good lifesteal, rain will bring your HP back very fast. Not to say that AP gain from rain is great. With hindering it was rather challenging sometimes.
now i lvlup an archer, so rain becomes musthave .
while plaing trapper i used to enroot all the mobs around a then spam skills providing enought dps to tank out the mobs from CW or other HR with higher GS, also, mobs where uable to move, so it was really easy for other players to use aoe.
IMO, it is off-topic, we should return to the PF archer disscussion
- archery pathfinder for PVE?
- NO, trapper pathfinder for PVE:
pick fox, constricting arrow and rain of arrows, and damage will be insane (yes, those roots will do very nice damage). Also constricting provides really nice control on trapper.
Archery is good only if you are able to stay far-far-far away from mobs, and if you are spawning something like split shot from afar, they will come to you and you'll lose damage.
Archery pathfinder for PVP?
- well... very "specific" styleplay, bad cooldowns, squishiness, etc. Only reasons to pick archery pathfinder for pvp are:
1) you got extremely bored, while being extremely good
2) you have a nice premade team with DC and GF/GWF, who cover you
3) you really like thorn ward (it will hit like mad on the middle and you'll be able to constantly spawn it there).
4) you wanna kill sombody with aimed shot :-)
I played a pathfinder archery spec up until last week. I was a burst AoE/single target DPS machine. However, I found myself being out-competed far too much, so I decided to change to stormwarden archery so I would have greater playability, even if I did enjoy the pathfinder build I had; I've reserved it, saved it and screenshotted it, just incase I ever want to go back to it I wouldn't say it's useless, it was my playstyle for 2 mods and I still find myself missing it on occasion. It's just not as good as it once was.
- archery pathfinder for PVE?
- NO, trapper pathfinder for PVE
Trapper is a specific kind of playstyle, what one person might like will differ to what another likes. I, for one, hated trapper. As good as it is, it is not my playstyle. I've always preferred archery, personally, pathfinder or stormwarden.
my build is a bit different ... i already tryed stormwarden, but in my experience with hr I prefer pathfinder, just my opnion.
Now, what i do :
IN PVP - first mark targget with hunters teamwork and careful attack, then constricting arrow, marauders rush (if they are far fighting far away from me like CWs), fox shift, steel breeze, then marauders scape and fox cunnings, stay a bit longer, using diruptive shops randomly, if im getting in trouble, i use forest ghost and run away and use my mount. Sometimes i hold my marauders rush to finish targets that try to run.. So thats it..
WITH MONSTERS : first mark them with hunters teamwork and careful attack, then fox cunning, binding arrow, rain of arrows, fox shift, oak skin and rain of swords.. seismic shot ending the sequence, so all over again, but always trying to keep the main target getting this sequence : marked, binding arrow and rain of arrows. do a lot of dps in this main target, and in others around. im really happy with this , you almost stay with no cooldown, so if u are fast, have nice life steal and deflection, and a bit of regen, you never gonna die.
class features : aspect of the lone wolf, aspect of the serpent (pve) - aspect of serpent and pathfinders action (pvp)
You may think archery specced PATHFINDER HR.
For pve, Stormwarden is better because of Split the Sky encounter and Twin Blade storm passive. With good gear, damage is fine in most dungeons, and excellent in more single target oriented dungeons like Lostmauth and Shores of Tauern.
i'll try to help:
"i recomend the pathfinder.
skills for pvp:
at-wills: Split-shot and hunters teamwork (aoe dmg, target dmg, debuff, +high AP gain from carefull attack)
1, must have skill) Fox's cunning (dodge the first attack- good against warlok, GWF, GW, TR, other RDD hunters, the mele fox-shift provides +speed and short time imun that can save u, it also slows down the hited targets)
2) Maradeur ( really good escape, mele helps finishing low hp using maradeur+foxshift)
3) Hindering shot (good dmg per shot, the mele strike can help u finish the target after foxshift, +1sec roots-no one escapes) / Thorn ward (one of the best debuffs and it helps keeping under control the check point, deals a lot of dmg)/ Constricting Arrow (just high dmg and multi-target roots)/ Binding Arrow(good dmg, the mele oak skin heals well)/ Commanding Shot (good debuff, together with hunters temwork ~ -20%dps for the enemy and a little -armor, stag heart provides a usefull buff)
1, must gave skill) Disruptive shot (high dmg, and ~2.5 sec the target can't use any skills, without this skill u will be unable to kill a cleric or wizard)
2) Forest ghost (escape, bonus speed, good for initiateing but has a very unpleasant bug: any control skill will dispel it)/ Seismic shot (very high dmg with good area of effect)/ Slashers marc (more actual for mele but also good for RDD if you need to finish someone or not to leave him a chance to escape, provides regen for Shifts when the marked target is attacked, also-high dmg on solo targets in pve)
Class fatures:
1) Pathfinders actions (activated by Disruptive shot which is used as the CD passes, provides deflection, helps surviving)
2) Aspect of the lone wolf (more, more, more deflection, you become really hard to kill)
Predatory Action- more dmg for disruptive shot (used frequently) and any other daily skills
Weapon Mastery and Toughness- no coment (more hp and more crit)
Endless Assault- pleasant +dmg for encounters.
Lucky Skirmisher- i think u have allready understood me
Disciple of Strength- no coment. Of cource Extra Action is good to but DoS is better and carefull attack provides enought AP.
Stillness of the Forest is not used because in pvp battles it will be not as usefull as it is in pve.
i know that the guide is not actual, and i hope that this info will help at least 1 person
the upper given tips are just "my honest opinion", u can modify the bild as u need/want
used skills: Rain of arrows, Thorn Ward, Fox's Cunning/Hindering shot or Binding arrow (or any other encounter u like)
at-wills: Split shot and Hunters teamwork(+Carefull attack- use it on any big fat *** mobs)
class features: aspect of the pack and lone wolf or aspect of the flacon.
Daily: Slashers mark and Seismic shot"
it is possible to change the maradeur in PVP battles for another encounter, so u can use fox+(hindering+binding) or, instead the least two: Commanding Shot, Hawk Shot, Constricting Arrow, Thorn Ward. choose the encounters depending on what do you want to do or what is your core.
- NO, trapper pathfinder for PVE:
pick fox, constricting arrow and rain of arrows, and damage will be insane (yes, those roots will do very nice damage). Also constricting provides really nice control on trapper.
Archery is good only if you are able to stay far-far-far away from mobs, and if you are spawning something like split shot from afar, they will come to you and you'll lose damage.
Archery pathfinder for PVP?
- well... very "specific" styleplay, bad cooldowns, squishiness, etc. Only reasons to pick archery pathfinder for pvp are:
1) you got extremely bored, while being extremely good
2) you have a nice premade team with DC and GF/GWF, who cover you
3) you really like thorn ward (it will hit like mad on the middle and you'll be able to constantly spawn it there).
4) you wanna kill sombody with aimed shot :-)
rain of arrow as a pve encounter for trapper? IMO: fox+constricting+hindering or binding+constricting+hindering.
rain of arrow can be useles because it is to slow, or mobs will jump/run/walk/be thrown out of the range of arrows.
for pvp both, PF and SW encounters are useless, but the PF's at-will is a good one. also, PF's actions is one of the best HR's class features for PvP.
Annd archery PF is aa "at-wills" style, using encounters depending on the situation and not spaming them as a trappe will.
dps on target that will not move. but the more skill providing roots we have, the more dps we gain, as a trapper i thrown away the rain of arrows out of my pve panel as soon as possible. this skill is to slow, it is good for archery, not for trapper.
the hindering strike provides ancient root which can deal even more dmg if used well, just as rain will, but hindering is simplier, also u can enroot more mobs at once=more dps and control.
if you like rain, use it, but i recomend the hindering shot/strike.
i saw too many bad HRs in game who said that rain of arrows was HAMSTER while being not able to use it right. On archery, on melee, on trapper, wherevever rain provides the best dps, again, lunch ACT and check it.
Ancient roots don't do damage (check description). Damage is dealt by thorned roots.:-)
i'll not argue too.
ancient roots- sry, my misstake.
And i also saw al lot of HR wit rain and higher GS that provided lower dmg. it doesn't mean rain is bad or good, it means u like it and i not (ACT is ofc, good info about dps, but i just don't like rain, it doesn't fit my playstyle).
now i lvlup an archer, so rain becomes musthave
while plaing trapper i used to enroot all the mobs around a then spam skills providing enought dps to tank out the mobs from CW or other HR with higher GS, also, mobs where uable to move, so it was really easy for other players to use aoe.
IMO, it is off-topic, we should return to the PF archer disscussion
So archery pathfinder is useless now?
please read post number 4 in this topic. it is one of the PF archers builds and it is my future archer's build .
I played a pathfinder archery spec up until last week. I was a burst AoE/single target DPS machine. However, I found myself being out-competed far too much, so I decided to change to stormwarden archery so I would have greater playability, even if I did enjoy the pathfinder build I had; I've reserved it, saved it and screenshotted it, just incase I ever want to go back to it
Trapper is a specific kind of playstyle, what one person might like will differ to what another likes. I, for one, hated trapper. As good as it is, it is not my playstyle. I've always preferred archery, personally, pathfinder or stormwarden.
Now, what i do :
IN PVP - first mark targget with hunters teamwork and careful attack, then constricting arrow, marauders rush (if they are far fighting far away from me like CWs), fox shift, steel breeze, then marauders scape and fox cunnings, stay a bit longer, using diruptive shops randomly, if im getting in trouble, i use forest ghost and run away and use my mount. Sometimes i hold my marauders rush to finish targets that try to run.. So thats it..
WITH MONSTERS : first mark them with hunters teamwork and careful attack, then fox cunning, binding arrow, rain of arrows, fox shift, oak skin and rain of swords.. seismic shot ending the sequence, so all over again, but always trying to keep the main target getting this sequence : marked, binding arrow and rain of arrows. do a lot of dps in this main target, and in others around. im really happy with this , you almost stay with no cooldown, so if u are fast, have nice life steal and deflection, and a bit of regen, you never gonna die.
class features : aspect of the lone wolf, aspect of the serpent (pve) - aspect of serpent and pathfinders action (pvp)