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Bug help...

ravancheravanche Member Posts: 13 Arc User
edited January 2015 in Bug Reports (PC)
Recently I encountered a bug in which all my active companions were moved to an overflow bag for no readily apparent reasons. I had plenty of room on Idle Companion storage and in my regular inventory. On trying to re-equip the companions I get a name dialogue. I try to name them as I they were before, I hear a *ding!* but nothing else happens. I try to name them something new, and I get a prompt to pay with AD which I don't have, so nothing happens.

So it's bug report time. I report it, asking for a roll-back to when they worked. I am told that I need to rename them to re-equipped. I explain that has been done. Then the kicker comes: they say I need to pay the Ad cost to rename them. Since I don't have the AD, I am being asked to spend real money to fix a game bug they could fix with a roll-back.

Due to the Support link not working due to a redirect loop, emails seemingly ignored, and no phone support available, this is my only venue left.

Please. All I want is a simple rollback on one character to fix a bug.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • henry404henry404 Member Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    If I have understood correctly, that sounds weird.
    Have you sent them some screenshots showing the problem? They may think you are just trying to get a free rename for your companions.

    If all else fails try paying the AD to rename one. I suspect it will not work but if it does then just taking the AD hit might be the pragmatic solution, even though it is not deserved.
  • ravancheravanche Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    That's the thing. I'm not asking for a free rename. The easiest solution, and one that would completely invalidate any claim they may think I have to wanting a rename, would be the rollback.
    As for the AD, I refuse to pay real money to fix a bug that a rollback would fix.

    And yeah, I expect it to get locked, but no other method of contact seems to work. The support section of the site keep redirect looping and erroring out on three different browsers. No-one replies to my emails. They have no form of phone contact. So this is all that's left.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    How long have you waited for a response to this matter? Emails or tickets take the same amount of time for a response: 1-3 days

    FYI: AD =/= real money, and it's 6k for a rename, IIRC.

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  • ravancheravanche Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Been at this since Sunday. They replied promptly, informed me to rename my companions, and to pay AD to do so, and nothing since.

    And yes, AD equals real money when you don't have the AD required.

    In all honesty this wouldn't be that big of a deal if it wasn't for the fact one of the companions is a Reward Claim companion I can't get again since I've already claimed it.

    EDIT: I do appreciate you trying to help instead of just closing the thread. Thank you.
  • henry404henry404 Member Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I've never done this so double check with someone before trying it but I think you can discard a reward claim companion and then it appears back at the reward guy and can be claimed again (although obviously at level 1 and without gear and enchants).

    Are any of the other companions "expendable"? I'd be tempted to discard one and see what happens. Actually, if they are in your bag can you give them to another toon (are they bound?)

    Other than that all I can suggest is that you persevere with support. It's not quick but it;s still your best chance of a solution. They sound to have misunderstood your problem.
  • ravancheravanche Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm... gonna wait til I get confirmation on that first one before trying it. Thanks though.

    Yes, they're all bound, and still have the names I gave them. In fact, when clicking on them to equip them, and the naming dialogue comes up, they are called what I named them, not what they were originally. I think that's part of the problem: the game thinks that is the NPC's actual in-game designation, and you can't name a companion "Sellsword" or "Man-at-Arms".

    Yeah, still trying. I'll keep banging away. So far I'm really enjoying the game, and I've gotten exemplary customer service with issues on other Cryptic games (Lifetime in both CO and STO) for issues. That's what's making this seem so weird.
  • ravancheravanche Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    magenubbie wrote: »
    You should be able to test that without any risks on the preview server. You just have to remember to take any gear off the old one before discarding it.

    Can't. They are like freshly-acquired companions in that I can't access their runestones or gear until I equip them. Still, using the test server to... well, test the Reward Companion discard/reclaim theory is brilliant. Thank you. Gonna try that.
  • ravancheravanche Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    No good. No available to reclaim. Thanks though.
  • ravancheravanche Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Four days since Support has replied to an email, so I am assuming they're ignoring me at this point. Submitting fresh ticket in an attempt to get this resolved.
  • ravancheravanche Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Astral Diamonds have been aquired and spent ion an attempt to resolve this issue. No effect, and no further reply from support in five days. Reporting GM for Astral Diamond scamming.
  • zblorgazblorga Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I will explain again in full detail what happened. I was on AH and normal vorpal appeared for 500k bid i think it was and 550 buyout. I clicked twice with mouse on item and hitted Enter button. It bidded instead of buyout. And in the same second someone bought the item that i just bidded. And item was gone and i didnt receive mail that i got outbid,and my AD was gone. In a case that you cannot check logs and return my AD ,i am requesting for a rollback,please. Thank you
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