Does anyone know where I can find the audio files for neverwinter? I can't seem to find where the download location of neverwinter is, even after a whole computer search....Windows 8.1 (for reference) What I'm trying to get to is the audio file that plays when you enter Rothé Valley (aka, Ranger Camp), it sounds really nice and I would like to listen to it.
..\Users\Public\Games\Cryptic Studios\Neverwinter\Live\piggs is where mine is. But it is in proprietary cabinet format, I think. I don't think you can play it.
well IDK if it's legal to do or not but you could always go to zone, fraps it, then pull vid cap into a video editing tool, delete the video and keep just the sound track, export to .wav then convert to .mp3 etc. Be sure to tweak sound settings to boost music, turn down all other sounds etc. Then set back once done. I am sure many ways to capture and export the audio if that's what you're looking for. Just an idea.
I'll try recording too, by shadowplay and just keep the audio. But I really want to know more of this HOGG file extension....
You are 'barking up the wrong tree.'
These are container files that cryptic uses for just about everything, and they are not particular to NW. The game engine parses them. The file content then tells the engine what to do with the contents. You are basically asking on the game's forum how to reverse engineer their game file containers.
You aren't going to get an answer you can use, here. If you did, it would be quickly removed. The other option is all there is at the moment. I think I saw a thread some time ago about a CD available with at least SOME of the music from NW on it.. or maybe it was a test for interest.
I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure at least some of the music used in this game was also used in STO and/or CO.
Lol dude, I'm just simply asking because I love the sound that plays in Rothé Valley, and I just want to listen to it. I don't think I'm "barking up the wrong tree." and It's the first time I'm seeing a HOGG file extension so I just want to know more about it.... Holy Geebus
Lol dude, I'm just simply asking because I love the sound that plays in Rothé Valley, and I just want to listen to it. I don't think I'm "barking up the wrong tree." and It's the first time I'm seeing a HOGG file extension so I just want to know more about it.... Holy Geebus
Your reaction is silly. I am just trying to help you. 'Barking up the wrong tree' just means that you are asking, but no answer will come. It is by no means an insult. (It means that the hunting dog thinks the raccoon is in tree A, but the raccoon is in tree B, or maybe in no tree at all.)
So anyway, I answered the best I could. I am sorry if you did not find it helpful.
It is fine, RPSauce. It was just odd thinking that you got annoyed with my response. I just assumed you were not well-familiar with the expression and took me the wrong way. And I don't think anyone minds if you snoop around those files.
It is only that it is unlikely that anyone who knows an answer will share it on here. (And honestly, I do not know the answer. I just know how the files work in general.)
You are 'barking up the wrong tree.'
These are container files that cryptic uses for just about everything, and they are not particular to NW. The game engine parses them. The file content then tells the engine what to do with the contents. You are basically asking on the game's forum how to reverse engineer their game file containers.
You aren't going to get an answer you can use, here. If you did, it would be quickly removed. The other option is all there is at the moment. I think I saw a thread some time ago about a CD available with at least SOME of the music from NW on it.. or maybe it was a test for interest.
I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure at least some of the music used in this game was also used in STO and/or CO.
Your reaction is silly. I am just trying to help you. 'Barking up the wrong tree' just means that you are asking, but no answer will come. It is by no means an insult. (It means that the hunting dog thinks the raccoon is in tree A, but the raccoon is in tree B, or maybe in no tree at all.)
So anyway, I answered the best I could. I am sorry if you did not find it helpful.
Considering the HOGG files are proprietary, anyone that told you any info or attempted to reverse engineer one, would likely get permabanned.
I will sit afk in the ranger camp!xD
But anyways, I'm sorry that I took it the wrong way, won't happen again!
It is fine, RPSauce. It was just odd thinking that you got annoyed with my response. I just assumed you were not well-familiar with the expression and took me the wrong way. And I don't think anyone minds if you snoop around those files.
It is only that it is unlikely that anyone who knows an answer will share it on here. (And honestly, I do not know the answer. I just know how the files work in general.)
Take care and have fun.
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