originaly posted in Neverwinter Scheduled Maintenance 1/8 at 7 AM PST
Honestly? You should keep Twilight Tor (Winter Festival place) as a permanent place.
It's the best looking place in the entire game, I think most agree that it would be a nice thing to keep it.
There's nothing to do in this game apart from a bit of PVP, dailies, a couple dungeon runs. People would fish or play the race game when they're bored, roleplayers could go there to roleplay, etc etc.
This subject should has own topic..
I totaly agree, it is one of the best looking places in NWO, also pretty relaxing zone. (Summer Fest sux hardly btw)
Cryptic, you should consider making this place permanent in Faerun map.
You can remove simril rewards or activate/deactivate them during the year, change rewards, etc.. so many options you have..
Even without rewards is fishing (dont tell me go play WoW, ty) or twilight run or battling monsters pretty relaxing. Guilds can make contest there during whole year.
For people with many alt chars it is awesome place - campfire with nearby Mailbox also the map is one of the fastest loading in whole NWO.
In my humble opinion this can improve NWO pretty much.
So tell me people, would you like to see Twilight Tor as a permanent place in Faerun?
I concur with this.
As for the "relaxing" nature of the place - go into the Foundry and create one. The speed-bump and slow-fall zones in the Twilight Run track are available to Foundry Authors and so are the "slippery" zone-boxes so it's pretty easy to recreate the Monsters on ice thing.
Twilight Tor as a destination is special and it needs to stay that way. And the best way to keep it that way is to limit exposure to it. It needs to stay the way it is: once a year for three weeks.
Yup. The lack of score-keeping is fail. However, you could create a really long, one-way, one-race track and just call it "first across the finish line wins".
Hmmm.... that might actually be a fun idea. And maybe add a few hazards events, like hitting the wrong wall spawns nasties or something? Oooohhhh. percolating ideas... THANKS, you!
Baddies (hired by another contestant) make avalanche of snow, knock off horse, block path, throw Molotov's, melt large holes in ice you fall in and you have to fight your way through to get back to track and try to win. That could be a foundry of epic proportions.. kind of like Iditarod... :cool:
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
I started off a couple of alts in Twilight Tor, right after the tutorial & it gave them a little boost that I liked a lot. The contests (other than maybe Monsters on Ice) were not too hard for a low level character, & they were interesting enough for a higher level character to be repeated. Quickly over too, so that you didn't have to spend a huge amount of time away from whatever questline you might be following.
I really wish there was a spot that offered more fishing at least.
I don't think that an "amusement park" type of map would be a bad thing. Maybe the attractions could be changed from time to time, but I think that the "park" would see pretty steady use overall. Earning "prizes" (even if they are the equivalent of RL Kuwpi dolls) is nice. Midways the world over have known that for as long as there have been such things.
Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene
Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice
Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee
Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
I know. But I'm assuming they can't just talk about it randomly, perhaps Cryptic has plans for it(or then again maybe not, but who knows, but them). They could make something like underground cave village of Old Tor or something, in some ways similar, in someways different to the existing one, if players so want it(to keep both sides happy, the ones who want to keep it special and the ones who would like some aspects of it). Or something along these lines anyway.
Agreed on Foundry mission - if well done.
-Also nice idea about social/guild gothering idea discussed above. Something like Captain's Table of STO?(Maybe not in Tor per se, but somewhere nice and cosy anyway).