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Makes no sense that epic dungeons don't do 2 things

arcticmedicarcticmedic Member Posts: 40
edited December 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
First thing, epic dungeons don't satisfy old dungeon quests. You level up in this game so fast that by time you get some dungeon quests, you are already too high to Q for them, or you simply have bypassed the zones completely to go to the level appropriate zones. I have a bit of OCD, and I never drop quests from my quest log. You do the epic version of the quest in your log so you can finally get rid of it, and it doesn't qualify because you didn't do it in "normal". Makes no sense.

Epic dungeons don't qualify for the daily dungeon when you hit 60. You have to be 60 to do them, and you have to have a certain gear score to enter them, so why the heck doesn't it qualify for a daily 60 dungeon? So, until you start opening your campaign trees, week in and week out you only have 1 dungeon that qualifies. 1 of the most annoying dungeons at that. When your a DPS class, you can sit in the Q for an hour or more waiting for that 1 dungeon. Someone explain to me the logic of why ANY epic dungeon should not qualify, so at the very least, you can Q for a few dungeons and take the one that pops first, greatly dimensioning the amount of time you might have to sit around (especially for those of us with lives that can't sit around) waiting to accomplish your daily.

And god forbid if you decide to stop at a merchant when your waiting in the endless Q. Get done selling/buying, and the Q you have been waiting in for an hour is suddenly gone at that very moment.
Post edited by arcticmedic on


  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Just some advice for you. Don't use the queue. Make the party in guild, channel, or last resort lfg.
  • arcticmedicarcticmedic Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2014
    I'm not in a guild, and most people on LFG are looking for ridiculous GS that isn't even close to required to complete the content. Still doesn't solve the problem of the total lack of dungeons that you can run when you hit 60, which is 1. At least until you've done enough mindless daily activity that you can open up more qualifying dungeons. And the GS people are looking for, is generally higher than the gear that actually drops in the dungeons to begin with. It is very counter productive to new 60's that are trying to achieve T1 and T2 until their GS is high enough for people to not <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> on them for entering into later content.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Most people that have been playing for a long time have gotten used to ignoring the daily dungeon quest. It's news to me that it accepts anything other than normal dread vault for completion. I haven't picked it up in so long.

    Join a guild, it helps, join a channel, legit can be a big help, lfg is a last resort, and queueing imo well I'd rather log out.
  • arcticmedicarcticmedic Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2014
    I appreciate you feedback, but look at one of your key points "Most people that have been playing for a long time have gotten used ti ignoring the daily dungeon quest". I'm speaking about the people who have NOT been playing for a long time, and are in a constant AD battle to be able to complete items in the campaigns, upgrade gems, upgrade their new artifacts, etc. The issue isn't moot because a large portion of the community has been around for a long time. There are those of us that are new to the game. I shouldn't have to be forced to join a guild to do things to progress. That is why a Q exists to begin with. But, if you only have time to run 1 dungeon now and then (like me, because I don't have a lot of time to play), then you have to make a choice of gaining AD to upgrade stuff you already have, or not get AD in the hopes that MAYBE your piece might drop. The smarter choice is to go for the AD and just buy it off the AH if you don't have a lot of time, which brings us back to the original problem of absolutely no options.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I appreciate you feedback, but look at one of your key points "Most people that have been playing for a long time have gotten used ti ignoring the daily dungeon quest". I'm speaking about the people who have NOT been playing for a long time, and are in a constant AD battle to be able to complete items in the campaigns, upgrade gems, upgrade their new artifacts, etc. The issue isn't moot because a large portion of the community has been around for a long time. There are those of us that are new to the game. I shouldn't have to be forced to join a guild to do things to progress. That is why a Q exists to begin with. But, if you only have time to run 1 dungeon now and then (like me, because I don't have a lot of time to play), then you have to make a choice of gaining AD to upgrade stuff you already have, or not get AD in the hopes that MAYBE your piece might drop. The smarter choice is to go for the AD and just buy it off the AH if you don't have a lot of time, which brings us back to the original problem of absolutely no options.

    We started the game just as poor. Yes you have to catch up farther and some things are gone now, and others have changed. However you also have all the lord protector dailies that we didn't have and the GG dailies that we didn't have. Since you aren't in a guild you aren't doing GG so it's not like you aren't skipping some dailies anyways. As far as you shouldn't need to join a guild. Well it's an mmo. Guilds are part of mmo's imo and not joining one to me means that you are looking for a single player title more than an mmo, because Guilds are a fundamental part of mmo gameplay.
  • wildwolf8wildwolf8 Member Posts: 161 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Elol, VT, MC, and CN all count towards the daily dungeon quest. All of those are easy to find groups for on LFG.

    I agree that any level 60 dungeon should count, but at least you have those options.

    edit: i saw that you said 'until you start opening the campaign trees.' Still, VT is very easy to unlock. Elol doesn't take too long as long as you have been doing the quests since they become available before level 30. Neverwinter's middle name is patience.
  • arcticmedicarcticmedic Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2014
    I think you all are looking too deep into my question. wildwolf8, at least you got part of my point. Some people with active lives don't have every day to do dailies in all the zones every day to open up all the content. Some of us (including myself) still spend some real life money now and then to get a few perks (bags, fast mount, bank slots, etc). It takes a long time for some of us to open up these extra dungeons. Then add on top of that, if you start playing a second character. I have 2 level 60's. One that has opened up all, and another that has hardly climbed the trees in Dread Ring and Sharindar. I enjoy dungeon crawls, but I do not like being forced into doing the same dungeon over and over again if I want to make a few ADs. Its a simple question. If a level 60 daily dungeon requires you to do a level 60 dungeon, why is it so hard to realize that ALL level 60 content shouldn't be available for a player? And yes, its an MMO. But, I've played plenty of MMO's where I did not join a guild, and I played 2 where I have. Guilds have a bad habit of breeding drama, and I have more important things to worry about in my life than that. I have no problem, and actually enjoy Q'ing up in random dungeons with a bunch of people I don't know, to see if we can clear the content together. If we don't clear it, such is life...good try. But, I think almost anyone can agree with me, being forced to do 1 dungeon over and over again until some people have time to open up more dungeons, especially when there is so much content out there already, is simply bad game design. I should be able to go for my T2 piece AND get the AD that I want for my attempt. Is that really to much to ask for us casual players?
  • wildwolf8wildwolf8 Member Posts: 161 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    A good fix to this would be to make the daily dungeon quest a random t2 dungeon. That way, it would promote playing these dungeons more. It would be especially great if they added more refining items to the chest at the end.
  • arcticmedicarcticmedic Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2014
    I like that idea a lot wildwolf8. Great suggestion! I personally think it would be fun for us not so experienced players. Most exp players just want the high GS runs so they can hopefully win their greed rolls to sell stuff (that's their daily AD).
  • jeffmwillsonjeffmwillson Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Not sure if this was mentioned yet.. But.. If you gather a party.. and go to the instance the dungeons are in.. you can enter 'normal' level dungeons by pressing 'f' on the entrance of said dungeon and entering without the queue system. This can help you complete these quests on normal.. or get specific loot drops that are only in normal (for transmutes possibly).. If your group is very over geared you can even enter without a full party and complete it.. Most of the normal dungeons can even be done solo by a geared and experienced player.
  • arcticmedicarcticmedic Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2014
    I understand that Jeff, but why at 60 would I want to do that? If goal of quest is to kill said bad guy, then it shouldn't make a difference to kill said bad guy on normal or epic. Most people would have simply dropped the quest, but if its still in my log, let me complete it by not only killing the bad guy, but also the super bad version of himself. Just seems logical to me.
  • jiubiizeekkjiubiizeekk Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Well, sadly this game has completely abandoned casual players since mod 5. to get the GS you want or need 18k+ you have to spend every hour of your life grinding for the refinement to get the stuff.
    Yes people ask for higher GS for dungeon because people have their own life's and can not simply baby sit every person through a Fairly simple t2 dungeon. I know its sad to say but Cryptic needs to Give us a reason to move lower geared players up. Even the ad you can get from T2 now has drastically Decreased to a point where you can no longer run get a super lucky drop 10% drop divided by 5 = 2% chance of a drop that will sell for 300-800k ad that 1 item that used to sell for 800k ad, now sells for 40k.
    Now you might spend i dont know 1-6 hours running a dungeon to get that drop. Where you could run some Pirate king get a bunch of drops that'd sell for 100k+ within that time frame.
    I guess what im trying to say is, this game, its not for casual players unless you have a couple $1000 to spend on unlocking everything.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Well, sadly this game has completely abandoned casual players since mod 5. to get the GS you want or need 18k+ you have to spend every hour of your life grinding for the refinement to get the stuff.
    Yes people ask for higher GS for dungeon because people have their own life's and can not simply baby sit every person through a Fairly simple t2 dungeon. I know its sad to say but Cryptic needs to Give us a reason to move lower geared players up. Even the ad you can get from T2 now has drastically Decreased to a point where you can no longer run get a super lucky drop 10% drop divided by 5 = 2% chance of a drop that will sell for 300-800k ad that 1 item that used to sell for 800k ad, now sells for 40k.
    Now you might spend i dont know 1-6 hours running a dungeon to get that drop. Where you could run some Pirate king get a bunch of drops that'd sell for 100k+ within that time frame.
    I guess what im trying to say is, this game, its not for casual players unless you have a couple $1000 to spend on unlocking everything.

    If you need 18kgs + for any content, you are running with the wrong people. There is no content in the game that requires that. The only people that require that quite frankly have horrible skill and need to rely on incredibly overgearing the content. (Not referring to pvp, pvp is a complete mess, that quite honestly is beyond fixing imo)
  • ebonyshadowebonyshadow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I guess what im trying to say is, this game, its not for casual players unless you have a couple $1000 to spend on unlocking everything.

    Says you, but then from that I would say you are NOT a casual player,no surprise then you don't think like one nor see the game the way 'some' casual players do (I'm not the kind of casual player that moans about the fact I can't put the time of money into it that others do, whining about it not being 'fair' or other such lame BS,so I can't/won't speak for them!)

    I would say you are correct if the casual player wants to do well at PVP, getting the BIS level stuff is important for that else... well resign yourself to the fact that most those you are going to face are going to stomp you flat in about two seconds flat.

    PVE however, it has plenty to offer. A group of friends or an active guild that accepts casual players where you can get a chance of putting a team (Probably of other casuals) together to run dungeons and progress at a slower rate. Yep you can't play as often, accept to will progress much slower.

    For PVE you can get by with gear far below BIS. I'd aim to be around 13k-14k GS before trying Tiamat, at that level you should be at least pulling your weight and not making it harder (look at what is being said when there is too many just over 10k!). It'll take you longer to prepare, but slow progress will still get you there (I have only 1 toon that is just short of 10k, the other 7 range between 10.5k and 13k. Sometimes I don't get time to play for a month or so at a time and it is just this last couple of month I've been about to team up with a couple of friends that joined, they just got to 60 with My help, now I should be able to do more, grouped up!)

    I would like to see the daily match its description.... ANY lvl 60 should count for it, that's what it asks for!
  • lucifron44lucifron44 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    You do the epic version of the quest in your log so you can finally get rid of it, and it doesn't qualify because you didn't do it in "normal".

    I think that even as a lvl 60 you can enter normal dungeons from the first realms like Cloak Tower. Not sure it will count as a completed quest though.
    Russian leaderboard first page. The proof.
  • arcticmedicarcticmedic Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2014
    Yes, at level 60 you can walk into a lowbie dungeon manually and complete the quests. Yes, you can join guilds so you don't have to rely on the Q system for running dungeons. I wasn't trying to find a work around to the system, just stating an obvious fact that the system itself doesn't make sense. Doing any 60 dungeon (which is all epic dungeons) should qualify for the level 60 daily dungeon, and doing a quest should result in completion of the quest whether you do it on normal or epic. There are still at least 50% of the dungeons that I've never been in because I leveled past them too fast. I'd be more interested in checking them out if I could actually complete my tasks going in them. It would be nice to have more than 1, 2, 3, 4 dungeons to do (depending how many campaign trees you have grinded through if you have the time in your life) to achieve daily tasks. We're making a simple observation complicated here. :P
  • thewolfisloosethewolfisloose Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Well, sadly this game has completely abandoned casual players since mod 5. to get the GS you want or need 18k+...

    I guess what im trying to say is, this game, its not for casual players unless you have a couple $1000 to spend on unlocking everything.

    I'm casual in the vein of limited time. I've run most PvE content and I'm always in eSoT because it's sometimes interesting. No rank 8s. No artifacts over level 65. Normal enchants. Don't need anything more because content is easy to learn, old and predictable. Any more improvement is just gravy. Very thick, slow to pour gravy. If one is struggling at 17k and thus needs 18k+ something is being done inefficiently. It's not bad for casuals from a difficulty standpoint. It is bad for casuals who want BiS or 18k+ GS but...then are they really casual?
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    First, most important asset for new player is /nw_legit_community someone there will want to run dungeons for you. While there are some downsides to being new at this point there are some upsides as well. T2 gear is really really cheap now. Until Mod5 you would have to run dozens of T2 dungeons or spend lots of Ad to earn your T2s. Now they are pretty affordable. A full set costs less than a chest peice used to. Even your shirt and pants are cheaper due to the influx of dragon eggs.
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