Sounds like you probability want to check out the Executioner path, It seems designed to cater to the one-shot type build.
I have no experience with that kind of spec myself (other than being hit by it) so I hesitate to recommend a build but stuff like Arterial Cut, Last Moments, Exposed Weakness, Shadowborn and Shadow of Demise seems good for your purposes.
First Strike class feature and staking power and armour penetration are your fiends.
Sounds like you probability want to check out the Executioner path, It seems designed to cater to the one-shot type build.
I have no experience with that kind of spec myself (other than being hit by it) so I hesitate to recommend a build but stuff like Arterial Cut, Last Moments, Exposed Weakness, Shadowborn and Shadow of Demise seems good for your purposes.
First Strike class feature and staking power and armour penetration are your fiends.
Dont be lame and advocate a build that require no effort to play and teaches you nothing in exchange. This is why forums are flooded with shishstorm rage and nerf posts. Grow some balls and play more challanging spec just so you could actualy learn something from it.
Dont be lame and advocate a build that require no effort to play and teaches you nothing in exchange. This is why forums are flooded with shishstorm rage and nerf posts. Grow some balls and play more challanging spec just so you could actualy learn something from it.
I don't disagree but I also think the fotm build right now IS one shot glass cannons which imo won't get one very far in terms of wins when it comes down to actually contesting nodes. I think the fotm rating of tr will die down a lot as people realize it is not an easy class to play effectively in domination pvp. I am seeing a lot of glass cannons losing a lot of matches because they simply cannot hold nodes in anything but a 1v1 for any amount of time.
im more like tab, walk , press E (lashing blade) and get a kill (as a 30 lvl) i just want to continue this
Do you care about winning matches? There is more to it than being able to one shot one opponent at a time. If you were talking about surviving a 1v3 on node for more than a minute until your team can take advantage of the odds you've given them, so they can cap the other nodes then come to help clear yours...if your talking about "continuing to win matches", the request would make sense.
if u are master infiltrator and want saboteur spec this is standard.
I have no experience with that kind of spec myself (other than being hit by it) so I hesitate to recommend a build but stuff like Arterial Cut, Last Moments, Exposed Weakness, Shadowborn and Shadow of Demise seems good for your purposes.
First Strike class feature and staking power and armour penetration are your fiends.
Axios Guild Officer,
Dont be lame and advocate a build that require no effort to play and teaches you nothing in exchange. This is why forums are flooded with shishstorm rage and nerf posts. Grow some balls and play more challanging spec just so you could actualy learn something from it.
I don't disagree but I also think the fotm build right now IS one shot glass cannons which imo won't get one very far in terms of wins when it comes down to actually contesting nodes. I think the fotm rating of tr will die down a lot as people realize it is not an easy class to play effectively in domination pvp. I am seeing a lot of glass cannons losing a lot of matches because they simply cannot hold nodes in anything but a 1v1 for any amount of time.
Do you care about winning matches? There is more to it than being able to one shot one opponent at a time. If you were talking about surviving a 1v3 on node for more than a minute until your team can take advantage of the odds you've given them, so they can cap the other nodes then come to help clear yours...if your talking about "continuing to win matches", the request would make sense.