Poll Options:
1) Yes, Shocking Execution should at least respect Tenacity.
2) No, Shocking Execution should not respect Tenacity, but should otherwise have its damage reduced.
3) No, Shocking Execution damage is fine as is.
Reason for Poll:
The imposed ~20% damage reduction to Shocking Execution (SE) failed to address the issue where this daily is inflicting obscene amounts of damage in PvP. Moreover, this nerf extended into PvE which was not necessary.
The simple fix?
Change SE to respect Tenacity.
This would not encroach on PvE at all and would reduce the 40-50k critical hits that SE is capable of and often inflicts on PvP players to strong, but not one-shot inducing 22.5-28.1k hits. Is this still too strong? Maybe, but it's much better than what's happening right now.
The math?
A simple formula for how much damage you take on critical hits in PvP is,
where DMG is the attack's base un-mitigated damage, DR is the difference between your Damage Resistance and your attacker's Armor Penetration percentage, TDR is your Tenacity Damage Resistance, and TCDR is your Tenacity Critical Damage Resistance.
With the new update to Tenacity and eventual Drow sets, a typical end game player will be sitting around 25% (1k Tenacity) and given that SE ignores DR, the equation becomes,
which equates to mitigating ~44% of a critical hit's damage. By simply allowing SE to respect Tenacity, the daily will still remain a very powerful tool for focusing a single, heavy armored target, but will no longer be an "I win button."
Adding my own 2 cents though: Shocking Execution should be an Execution ability like it used to be and the 3 nerfs handed to Lurkers could be lifted making it the PvE DPS daily instead. Esp since the new stealth makes Lurkers near pointless outside exploiting a stealth bar bug with encounters in PvP.
Most class are OP right now except for SW.
If you are TR and can't defeat other class in equal GS the prob is not TR this class is OP right now
the real prob is your PVP skilp is suck
tenacity was not only reduce damage TR but all class
this is cannot be mention as nerf for TR
TR still OP than other class
(IMO -without regard to its history in other games- tenacity is a lazy attempt to balance pvp without impacting pve. It is VERY lazy. ALL effects should have a vs mob and a vs player attribute, and they should be entirely different. Which would make tenacity irrelevant and remove most of the friction between pvp players and pve players. Devs would have to put in some overtime and do some hardcore recoding. But if they had just done that when it needed doing, they would have saved themselves countless hours of redoing things, and a lot of bad press. As someone said.. it is the laziest man of all... who does it right the first time.)
lulz, i just saw f2pma is one of the voters.
gg nub, youre playing an op class.
Thats not what I said I said it does less damage in PvE not PvP, lashing blade is fine at the moment
Ice Knife does about the same damage in PVE as Shocking Execution, so Shocking Execution, as damage, is in no way OP, it's just the fact that it's not affected by DR.
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Mz. deals 28918 (38411) Physical Damage to you with Lashing Blade.
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Valar_Morghulis deals 24871 (42007) Physical Damage to you with Lashing Blade.
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Valar_Morghulis deals 28896 (48805) Physical Damage to you with Lashing Blade.
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Valar_Morghulis deals 30449 (51496) Physical Damage to you with Lashing Blade.
i agree.Lashing blade is fine.51k damage for an encounter is just too little
TRs are strikers and are fine.They just need a buff to their damage.
my proposition is Lashing blade to ge a buff to 25% and ignore all resistances.just like SE.
cause poor TRs are too squishy outside stealth.
Also TRs have only 6 dodges.That's just too little imo.12 dodges will be fine.
And why CWs have control and dps?Trs are only strikers.Should be Tricksters too.
My honest proposition
New feat:
Tricky Troll:You have mastered trolls long enough and now you have access to their powers;You are a true troll on the batllefield.With each att-will attack from stealth you gain a stack of Tricky Troll.Max 5 stacks.
Tricky Troll stack:You steal 300gs random stats by your opponent.Max 5 stacks.Trick troll stack can crit.Max amount of gs you can steal per stack:2000 gs.
Stealthed:You gain 5 stacks at once and add the stolen gs stats to yours.
New Power:
Trolish Cunning:You might be clueless as a Trickster but you are a troll nonetheless;You strike your opponent with trolish fury with a series of fast satisfying attacks.Each attack bleeds your opponent by 5x your power.
This effect stacks up to 4 times.Cannot exceed in damage the 185% of your max hp.
Stealthed:Additionally now you daze for 14 secs.
New Daily:
Revenge of the Troll:you have suffered long enough .Time to revenge all other classs that looked dawn on you:You jump in the air with lighting speed and then land upside dawn holding both your daggers in a manga fashion:You deal 225% of your hp in damage.This damage cannot be resisted or deflected.
Stealthed:Now you strike with additional 1500% critical severity.
One thing I would like to emphasize is that this poll/thread concerns Shocking Execution, not Lashing Blade or any other mechanics of the TR class.
If you would like to discuss other aspects of the TR class, you are welcome to create a new thread or perhaps one has already been made such as,
Stealth Change vs Damage Reduction,
Recent TR Changes (Stealth Reveal, Latest Patch, etc.),
but please focus your posts on your experience with Shocking Execution in M5 and constructive feedback on how it can be balanced should you feel it necessary.
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included in 1st option i guess. op just listed the bare minimum for a change
Of course! I just got hit by 49k SE at the start of the match.