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How to fight your tiamat head .(only head part)

mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
edited December 2014 in PvE Discussion
1. you must have a pt, communication between members is very important.

2.after your pt kill the summoner never forget to pick the gem 1 gem per pt member
3.you chose your members who will use at each breath a gem.the best tactic i ever tried is 2/2/1 that means
1st breath the x 2 members cast a gem. 2nd breath the x 2 members cast a gem. 3rd breath the last member cast a gem.

4.you dont care about other head if you dont low yours first.you never burn your head if other heads are not low and also if the time limit is not enough.

5.if you have head with adds a cw can repel a cleric can sun burst if you wanna burn them try bring them on head and play with aoe powers so you will hit and the adds and the head.

6.if you have the white head you need to dodge the breath because the gem only remove the freeze doesnt protect you from freeze.

7. on colors black red blue green the heads cast a small red circle that need dodge you cant protect from it with gem. after the dodge return to the spot your pt standing.

i hope this guide will help you low fast your heads i can guarantee 100% success for your pt even with low gs in it.
Post edited by mamalion1234 on


  • archsinner81archsinner81 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited December 2014
    correction: Regarding the huge AOE cast, not the small red circle
    black gem is use after aoe is cast.
    Because black aoe is a debuff that reduce def by alot. Tanks go down in 1 shot to

    Red AOE can be tanked if you got a proper dc and enough lifesteal, of cos shield up when seeing red area

    White dragon gem is cast to disspell the aoe cast on ground, and to cure affect players from the white dragon aoe

    Blue dragon head, shield need to up when you see the red area appear.

    Same as the blue head for green,shield need to be up asap when red area appear. Green AOE last a fairly long time, so beware when you see greenish smoke on the ground
  • plaviaplavia Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    one correction
    do not focus on one head, party of 5 is very weak compare to party of 10-15ppl

    astral shield
    astral seal
    plague fire
    hallowed ground
    blessing of the battle
    anointed army
    divine glow
    forgemaster flame
    all draconic armor set
    healing ward
    bastion of health
    bear your sins
    condemning gaze
    holy avenger
    tide of iron
    spell mastery
    basically every heal, buff or debuff you can think. affect all allies in the area or the target
    party of 10 will do more then 4X DPS then 2 separate party of 5.
    not to mention the heals, damage reduction and the wiping of the annoying adds
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Kinda wanted to see a thread on ettiquite/ communicationso here's my 2 cents:
    1. Before entering instacne switch chat to /say to have instance-wide communication put on Caps lock (there is a sea of white text).
    2. Immediately upon entering instance move to the flame of the color you prefer. Someone should invite you. If they do not begin inviting those standing at the same color.
    3. If you do not have 5 then /say (caps) n {however many you are short} {your color} give it a second someone might walk to your color, invite them, if not use /say like you would LFG.
    4. Once the party is full switch to /party (and maybe take off caps) declare what order you wish to use gems. Generally # [1,2 or 3] will work. Whoever does not have a number should act as a floater in case one of the other three dies or otherwise becomes unavailable. If you die and your number is up in /party say [your numer] down to alert the floaters.

    Not sure how this works in zerg. Every time I missed my que and ended up in a zerg it wiped pretty bad and my non-zerg runs generally succeed. So I can't tell you what a successful zerg run needs communication wise. Mostly yelling in /say so far as I can tell.
  • tickdofftickdoff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Red: Watch the dragon as he gets ready to breath. He moves his head back to take a deep breath, then thrusts forward to use the breath weapon. As he moves forward you can time your dodge to ignore all damage, and then as soon as the dodge is complete, dodge again to ignore the brief lingering effects. Takes a few practice attempts, but is very nice skill to have in case you need to help red.

    Black: Another double dodge can save you from the damage, but the de-buff is still nasty. If you can avoid the mobs while the de-buff is on you will be ok.

    Green: Need the gem for this one. The poison cloud simply lasts too long to deal with it any other way. If you do not have a gem, stay close to someone who does, or just look for the gem's protective aura and stay in it.

    Blue: Double dodge can work, but the lightning lingers a bit, so be careful Luckily the lightning does not always cover the entire platform. Still, stay close to a gem holder if possible.

    White: breath does not cover the platform. Find the safe spot each breath. Either stay out of the breath the whole time, or wait for someone to use the gem to make a safe spot once the breath has finsihed leaving the cloud behind. The gem will also break people free of the freeze if you use it while on top of them.
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