Hello, I'm a fairly new TR and was looking for advice about filling my
Heroic Feats. I'm a
Human so I have +3 extra Hero Feats.
I mostly play PvP Domination or Gauntlgrym and I'd like to be more offense/DPS with decent survivability. I've decided to choose the Feats highlighted in
Red in this picture:
But I just have a few question regarding some of them:
1.) Does the
10% from
[Swift Footwork] +
10% from
[Elven Resolve] Sharandar boon (Stamina or Guard Meter regenerate 10% faster in Combat) stack to =
20%? Will I get at least
3 dodge rolls out of this if I take both? Is only one +10% increase generally enough? Because if it is, I'd like to move the points of this feat into other Heroic Feats (probably to
[Endless Assault]).
2.) Around how long does stealth last in total seconds with the
20% from
[Improved Cunning Sneak] +
30% more Stealth from
Epic PvP Profound Equipment (assuming no
At-Wills being used, not under attack, etc.)?
3.) Will
[Twilight Adept] make a siginificant difference or is it better to get the end capstone
[Shadow of Demise] on the Executioner paragon? Because I'd also like to move those feat points somewhere else if I could (most likely to
[Lucky Skirmisher]).
4.) Do
At-Wills drain Stealth all in the same rate (
15%) regardless when feated with Feats / equipments that make Stealth last longer? But if I had more Stealth (say I max
[Improved Cunning Sneak] for 20% longer Stealth)does that mean that I can execute/land more hits with At-Wills before Stealth fully depletes?
I've written the descriptions of the Heroic Feats I'm interested in below for reading convenience and referral.
Thank you for your advice
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1st Sub-Tier
[Weapon Mastery] - Increase your Critical Chance by 1/2/3%
[Toughness] - Increase you maximum Hit Poitns by 3/6/9%
2nd Sub-Tier
[Swift Footwork] - Your Stamina regenerates 2/4/6/8/10% faster
3rd Sub-Tier
[Endless Assault] - Your Encounter powers deal 2/4/6% more damage
[Twilight Adept] - Restores 2/4/6/8/10% of your Stealth Meter when you Dodge Roll
[Lucky Skirmisher] - Increases your Deflection chance by 1/2/3%
4th Sub-Tier
[Scoundrel Training] - Your At-Will powers deal 3/6/9% more damage to foes not targeting you.
[Disciple of Strength] - Increase the amount of bonus damage Strength gives you by 2/4/6%
[Improved Cunning Sneak] - Your Stealth lasts 4/8/12/16/20% longer
[Shadow of Demise] - You generate Stealth 20% faster and no longer have your regeneraton interrupted when taking damage
From my understanding, yes this does stack (I haven't finished Sharandar with my TR, so I don't have the boon myself and can't talk from my own experience). It also stacks with item bonuses to Stamina gain as well, as I've read reports of people stacking up to 6 dodges (although that required almost a total dedication to it). Although you should already have 3 dodge rolls without any buffs (it's the base amount).
With 20 STR and 5 points in Swift Footwork, my TR has 4 dodges. It's probably enough, although I am respeccing to get more.
I'm afraid I can only speculate here, as when I had Improved Cunning Sneak I only had the Battlefield Skulker's Set. I respecced shortly before getting the Profound Set, so I've never had both simultaneously. That being said, I know that the math on the bonuses isn't additive, as the +20% +25% was giving a longer stealth than 7.25 (5 x 1.45) seconds.
I recall it putting me in stealth for approx 9.5 secs, which doesn't make sense even when using the bonuses muliplicatively (5 x 1.2 = 6 x 1.25 = 7.5).
So bottom line is likely around the 10 second mark, although I have no idea why.
I honestly see no reason not to get both, although I hear that the stealth gain in SoD might not be working properly, even as of the patch over the last day. Especially when you're looking at increasing your dodges, the "free" stealth gain seems like a given.
That being said, you can get by without TA perfectly fine. With the extra immunity thanks to extra dodges, you tend to have a lot of time to regain stealth. I'm not using it myself currently, although I am respeccing shortly to include it.
Your suspicions are correct, as at-wills drain x units of stealth, rather than x% of your total. So it will drain it more slowly when your total is increased.
One way to look at it as that using an at-will doesn't drain 15% of your stealth, but rather drains 0.75 seconds of stealth.
Shadow of Demise is now properly working, with the latest patch, and can stack up some crazy damage. The 20% stealth recharge is VERY noticeable and the removal of regeneration interruption allows you to get your stealth back during fights much easier.
you might wanna test it out and while you at it
post your resoults here
if its not that is most logical way to go with that extra 3 pts
Hi f2pma,
I took the [Disciple of Strength] feat and tested it out a total of seven trials with the [Sly Flourish] At-Will , then took the average of those trials, and here's what I got:
Before taking the Feat: Sly Flourish = 1433 dmg
After taking the Feat: Sly Flourish = 1533 dmg
There was no apparent visible change to my STR (17, 7% damage bonus) or Power (currently at 3299, 20% damage bonus) rating before and after taking the [Disciple of Strength] feat BUT after doing the following calculation I obtained:
Damage bonus given: (1533 dmg - 1433 dmg) / 1533 dmg = 0.06523
Which is in correlation with this feat's tooltip:
[Disciple of Strength] - Increase the amount of bonus damage Strength gives you by 2/4/6%
So it indeed increased my bonus damage by 6% using the [Sly Flourish] At-Will... unless I did my calculations wrong and/or that wasn't how it was supposed to be calculated... :S
I haven't tested it out for other types of attack though...
Also I'm looking to put maximum points on the Paragon Feats highlighted in Red on the screenshot.
I only have two remaining questions about some of the feats on the EXECUTIONER tree:
1.) What is the proc rate (in seconds) and are there any (possible) internal cooldowns on [Grim Pleasure], [Vicious Pursuit], and [Shadowborn]?
2.) Does [Shadowborn] procs to all At-Wills, Encounters, and Dailies attacks? Or does the feat only proc to some/one of them?
I've written the descriptions of the Paragon Feats I'm interested in below for reading convenience and easy referral if needed.
Thanks again for all your helpful advice
[Arterial Cut] - Increases your Critical Severity by 3/6/9/12/15% while in Stealth
[Grim Pleasure] - Dealing a Critical Strike increases your Power rating by 1/2/3/4/5% for 4 seconds. Cannot stack
[Vicious Pursuit] - When you deal damage, your target takes 1/2/3/4/5% more damage from you for 6 seconds. Cannot stack
[Last Moments] - You deal 5/10/15/20/25% more damage to foes who are below 40% health. Increased to 70% while in Stealth
[Exposed Weakness] - While in Stealth, you ignore an additional 5/10/15/20/25% of your target's armor
[Shadowborn] - Entering Stealth increases the Power rating of your next attack by 20/40/60/80/100%
All three of those abilities have a 100% proc rate, with Grim Pleasure and Vicious Demise having cooldown equal only to the length of time they're active. In addition, Vicious Demise can be simultaneously active on multiple targets (uncertain if there's a limit to how many, but at least 5).
Shadowborn has no cooldown whatsoever (so it is possible to stealth, use an attack with Shadowborn, then Shadow Strike, reenter stealth immediately and attack again with Shadowborn).
It procs to everything, which can be unfortunate depending on your tactics. It does combo really nicely with the power buff from Whirlwind of Blades though:
WoB > stealth > then Lashing Blade for not-too-shabby damage.
Throw in an extra stealth, Shadow Strike and Shadows of Demise and the damage is even more ridiculous.
Stealth > Shadowborn WoB (SoD procs) > Buffed Shadow Strike > Stealth > Buffed Shadowborn Lashing Blade. If they've somehow survived all this, 2 - 3 seconds later SoD triggers. If it's a boss, throw in PoTB after the LB.
Anyway enough theory crafting now.
Grim Pleasure is an absolutely useless feat. Even when stacking power to 10,000, you'll only get 500 power out of it. That's 3% damage.
Take pretty much any other feat besides Twisted Grin.
Ah good thing I didn't put any Paragon Points in yet...
Since it turned out to be that way, I'm thinking of replacing [Grim Pleasure] with [Roll With The Punches]... but does the 2.5% Deflection increase really make any difference though?
Cause if not, I'll put the 5 extra points to [Shady Preparations] instead.
twilight adapt is crutial in any pvp build
3% more deflect is very small number in a long run but
restoring up to 40 to 50 % stealth is huge
keep in mind every time u dodge in stealth u get the bonus
this feat makes huge difference
so stacking stamina ,sharandar boon and swift foot is way to go
ty for the test
twilight adapt is crutial in any pvp build and u need 5 pts no less in it
3% more deflect is very small number in a long run but
restoring up to 40 to 50 % stealth is huge
keep in mind every time u dodge in stealth u get the bonus
this feat makes huge difference
so stacking stamina is way to go
■ Default = 6 seconds
■ ICS = 20% increase = 6 x1.2 = 7.2s
■ Profound gear = 30% increase = 6 x1.3 = 7.8s
■ ICS+Profound gear = 50% increase = 6 x1.5 = 9s
■ at-will use = 15% stealth drain based on BASE stealth duration
= 6 x0.15 = each at-will from stealth drains 0.9s of stealth
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Ah, I made the mistake of pulling the base time from the much lauded neverwinter wiki, which states that stealth lasts 5 seconds. With +1 second to the base amount, math makes sense again.