Well this is not a guide but just to share some comment. Was wondering if this setup is viable in pvp.
At-will > Aim Shot, Hunter Teamwork
Encounter > Ambush, Fox shift, Hawk shot
Class Feature > Aspect of falcon, Pathfinder action
Daily > Forest Ghost, Disruptive shot
Active Artifact > Devoted Sigil
Typically a Hit and Hide tactics. So mobility is very important in this build. I m using Golden Smile Artifact Bow for that with Profound Archer Set. I m using ambush instead of marauder for excape cause i felt Ambush give more survivability to archer spec than marauder. In addition Ambush synergized very well with Devoted Sigil heals. Devoted Sigil is for AP recharge after using forest ghost so it maybe available after the cooldown. It also give huge ammount of heal if u use it and went in stealth with ambush. Hawk eye to synergized with aim shot so it could do 1 shot 1 kill dmg. Hawk shot for those who is trying to escape or to fool others that u are pulling aimed shot. It also apply debuff so u can do more dmg in range attack. Fox shift to cure DoT effect and to protect aim from being interupted. This couple with barkshield enchant and thayan bastion. Ambust is use to help cover 1/2 of the charging time of aimed shot. Bear trap to defend yourself by interupting enemy jump on u or to trap away TR that trying to sneak behind u. It function like the claymore thing that sniper use to place behind them in in Battlefield game. Stealth immedaitely if u heard some1 pop it. Fox cunning is a filler if u are being caught in melee. Typically just Forest ghost of ambush right after it. It will give u movment boost while in stealth so u can escape or reposition urself. Aim strike and CA to help finish low hp opposition. Caution tho, dun use aim strike before going Ambush stealth. Ambush stealth wont work with DoT element. For weapon enchant use vorpal. And rememmber to remove all DoT Boon before using ambush. Forest ghost give u free stealth cover to pull a perfect aim shot off. Pathfinder action will give u mobility to position during Forest ghost. I leave other tricks to ur discovery as i have not master alot of it. Basically the gameplay is like playing sniper..well u know
I only try this once or twice. So i m not sure its viable yet. So far it give good survival in term of escape and let me choose my battle. Any constructive idea to improvise will be welcome.
* Btw This build is not meant to go toe to toe with other class and it realy crack ur brain alot on positioning and decision on to escape or fight.
1st of, This encounter isnt exactly a dmg purpose encounter. Though description said the damage varied through range ( which is true ), it also applied a debuff similar to thorn ward with exception it its not confine in a aoe radius. Once the debuff is applied, it is stuck with the target despite of his position. I tested my aimed shot on dummy with 27k as my normal crit without any debuff. Then i used aimed shot with thorn ward debuff on the dummy i get 42k per crit from my aimed shot. In separate situation, i use hawkshot 1st to apply the debuff and i get same 42k per crit from my aimed shot. Then i combine both debuff i get 53k. So the idea about Hawkshot is more as applying debuff and secondary sniping option with slightly faster charging than aimed shot and its uninteruptable.
2nd thing is about Hawkeye. Despite description saying that it gave 15% more dmg to next damage deal. It actualy does more than that. Testing on dummy with aimed shot it give 27k (aime shot crit) + 18k ( hawk eye crit) if both crit and 27k +11k if only aimed shot is crit. It add around 60% dmg to aimed shot if both crit. Thats alot in a single blow. So it perfect for sniping enemy down. So far i have tested. Hawkeye only synergy well with bursty dmg powerl like aimed shot or hawkshot itself. Dmg from RoA, splitshot doesnt proc much as it only proc one of the dmg displayed. Meaning i.e splitshot dmg max 5 mob in 1 shot. Hawkeye only add dmg to one of the mob hit. meaning u will see 5k dmg on each mob with one of the mob getting extra probably 3.6k. Same goes to RoA. instead of seeing 6 number popping u will see 7 number popping if u get what i mean.
Part of that reason may have been the change to aspect of the lone wolf also. And I would slot that over pathfinders action if you are going to keep range from falcon. I might even switch out falcon for aspect of the pack since with this guild you shouldnt be 1v1'ing anyone and should be working in tandem with someone..
Bear trap could be cool. I think it needs to be tweaked. Imagine instead of 1 bear trap it lays down 3 of them in a triangle or V pattern that is about the size of Thorn ward. Now opposing player has room to dodge it but still get caught in 1 of 3.. Would be more useful.
Another thing that they could do is give old constricting arrow back its 3 stun charges as part of a feat in the archery line. Then you would have a shot against a CW.
You can pvp with trapper and combat but archery seems to be lacking alot and that might of been the intention. Would like to see more variety. Doesnt need to be tanky but to use the increased damage you need to be able to keep the opposing player off you.
Yea and this spec isn't suitable for node holding either. It is impossible to kill perma TR as well. For other type of TR, u just hope u get the 1st shot with 1 hit KO..else it gonna be tough. I usually avoid TR if i cant catch him off guard. Also i usually pick my sniping point near a wall, pillar or obstacle so i can have better coverage of bear traps to avoid TR backstabbing.
Aftermath for mod 5,
So far i feel its quite good for low to medium end pvp. I got more kill than death probably 8 out of 10 match if i dun get premade team match up. 21/0 KDA is the best score i can get so far but win vs lose is at 44 vs 65. Yeah..holding node is not very effective but its possible if played correctly. Learn quite a few tricks on the way but the challenge is still immense. So far this build is good vs CW, SW, GWF, GF, dps DC and MI TR. Its quite weak again WK TR, combat HR and heal DC. Against trapper is a challenge though..i say its 50-50 depend on who catches who 1st.
I have never gotten gear pass 17k so not sure bout high end pvp but it might be not viable like others say.
It might be fun to play, and challenging to position yourself, but fighting from a distance in pvp domination doesnt work. At least not if your whole build is based on that.
You have to go on the node, and every serious pvp build will eat you alive.
Maybe its sad but the truth, simply put.
If we had other pvp modes, like a castle siege, such a build could work. But not now in our pvp mods.
its ok..no need to feel sorry and nothing to sad about..it probably didnt work out for u but thanks for your feedback..
IF you want to go full archer being sneaky i think you will need all survival tool you can get your hands on.
Set up is that you need t3 feat from melee 50% crit severity which in archer path you can reduce penaltry of -10% crit chanse.
Powers i would suggest cordon/ambush and or hindering/boar/constict depending on play style.
Daily forrest+disruptive and class feats the most defencive set up possible.
At wills aimed+hunters.
Weapon ench either terror or p.vorp armor negation the higher the better.
Playstyle is avoid melee get distance use cordons first charge to place in fron of you with ambush trapp, use forest to either get aimed shot of or to escape to get distance ambush is used to escape (can if unattacked be used to boost next attack like -ambush cordon in mid if many fights there) .
You will die by most in melee and by cw if they lock you down so its all about placement and creating distance with extream burst damage on unaware targets.
Aimed strike can also be switched for splitt shot which with p.vorp can wreck havock in mid hitting mulitiple opponents.
You need to be pathfinder ofc and stay high on AP gain to always have forest ready between downtime.
I dont think this set up will ever be used at high lvl pvp but in pugs it might get attract some players.
Have fun.....