-You deal 25% more damage to foes who are below 40% health. This Threshold is increased to 70% while in Stealth
This feat doesn't inflict damage when the foe is below 40% health.Moreover not even the secondary effect works
in the image the feat doesn't activate, in fact the foe is over 70% health foe over 70% ---> Stealth ---> LB ---> 30k http://it.tinypic.com/r/2qa1hxz/8
meanwhile in this case I should benefit from increased damage (becouse the foe is below 70% health), but is not so Foe Below 70% ---> Stealth ---> LB ---> 31k http://it.tinypic.com/r/2nrfyao/8
I can't find any answer from devs.
do do do do do do do do do *spinning background with Knox's face in the foreground*
EDIT: After testing, I'm gonna say no.
Stealthed Shadowborn LB vs Dread Servitors at full hp.
26,890 28,582, 32,916
Stealthed Shadowborn LB vs Dread Servitors at 50% (from stealth, after waiting for Vicious Pursuit to wear off).
26,253 28,414 27,335