So, in the past Sharra was more a single-target "sniper" as I'd called her, but after running alongside a DPS-heavy archery build before ToD, I decided to shift gears a bit, resulting in the build I'm about to show you.
To start, let me give you a crash course on my build. I am built to deliver massive damage as suppression fire while also staying alive really effing well. Since I specialize in cover fire, I am NOT a PvP build. Pure and simple, I stick to PvE. As such, my key stats are:
- Power
- Crit & Armour Pen
- Recovery & Lifesteal
Those are the tiers of magnitude. the general goal for progression is:
- Get crit to ~35-40% and pen to ~24
- Start stacking power
- Get lifesteal to ~10%
- Start stacking rec
Recovery is important as most of my dmg comes from encounters.
Gear wise, I use Grand Warden with CN weapons. I would mix sets for 2-piece bonus, but there is yet no other set that covers these same main stats (Exception: I think DR T2 set might, but VT is still locked)
Weapon Enchant - Lesser Plague Fire
Armour Enchant - Lesser Soulforged
Sigil of the Hunter
Bloodcrystal Raven Skull
Lantern of Revelation
My current lineup is:
Seismic ShotDisruptive ShotAspect of the FalconTwin-Blade StormSplit the Sky - hits multiple targets, long cast time
Rain of Arrows - small area burst, high dps
Thorn Ward - hits 1 target at a time in area, lowers armour
Rapid ShotAimed ShotSplit Shot, in theory, should work better than
Aimed Shot, but I'm a sucker for the latter.
As I said, I'm built around suppression, with the exception of my pet favourite
Aimed Shot
Regardless, I've finished top in Paingiver on any run without a CW or similarly specced & better geared HR, with damage scores reaching as high as 17 mil (ToS is great for the ego).
As for my feats, well:,1x6ii2i:1uu5zv:100000:100000&h=0&p=swd
Why not invest in Stormcaller's Arrow? Well, right now,
Split the Sky lasts just shorter the the cooldown, so there's no real issue, which allows me to boost damage further.
My boons further contribute to large amounts of damage.

Pretty straightforward.

Two points:
- DR 1: Strength over Gambit. Power is constant; critical is a chance. Always choose the more basic option, which is power.
- DR 5: Consumption over Madness. Remember what I said about staying alive? Here's where it comes into play. I sacrifice potential damage to survive better and I'm glad I did. It allows me to solo mobs or more difficult areas. I just drop
Rain of Arrows and burst damage becomes burst steal with chance of 3x steal

There's no really good IWD 5 boon for Archery, but Avalanche works, because mobs.

As you can tell, I'm not finished, but I can tell you what I'll pick:
- ToD 3: Armourbreaker
- ToD 4: Greed
- ToD 5: Fury (Thirst is an option, but I'm not sacking damage
that much)
Any questions?
After reviewing with Dangu, I've made the following changes:
Split Shot in for
Aimed Shot (for the aforementioned reasons)
Stormstep Action in for
Aspect of the Falcon (because, when DPS is on the line, cooldowns > range)
Since i am more of a seismic spammer, it hits as hard as aimed bt with aoe, and i dont slot disruptive i use aspect of the pack instead of stormstep, i really recomend this one.
Its a pretty good party dps buff (15% dmg) as long as u mind ur positioning.
ps: battlewise is HAMSTER, shoulda taken agile combatant as stanceswitching for the buff takes less than half a second. 2 quick taps on tab and u get extra dmg.
Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF
Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF
I really like your build, can i add it to
My build has a lot of similarities. I prefer the Royal Guard set tough. With Plaguefire I typically get one proc per rotation. I tend to use Rain/Thorn/Fox. Spamming Fox's Cunning is good in the new content where mobs hit like trucks, and Fox Shift is an emergency button.
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Thanks in advance
I've since switched to trapper, because I wanted to mix around my playstyle, but I still fully endorse this layout for someone wanting an AoE archer.
Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF
By all means. just give credit where it's due. You can also find a more pictorial overview at my guild's site if it will let you.
Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF
I have yet to unlock eLoL or eSoT, so I can't offer any comparison (Just not a big fan of the grindfest). Though, what I have tried of fox cunning makes it ideal for pulling off a second aimed shot in a fight
Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF
basically RG set with plaguefire will cause it to proc alot.
I'm running the same rotation as gabrieldourden. Where i have almost able to spam encounter all day, specially on a non moving target like lastmouth. Even without the DC artifact, i can spam daily for like every 25 sec or so. slasher's mark, regen my stamina. so i can keep moving and dodge. prolly will see me moving like a monkey jumping around.
Fox's cunning is your best friend against latency. Specially when you are too slow to move out of a red zone
The only beef I have with RG gear (cost aside) is the complete lack of crit. I would have to completely overhaul all my enchants were I to switch over, but, for someone starting out, it's not a bad idea at all.
Do you know what the proc % is for RG gear, though? I've recently switched to trapper and the DoTs + GrPF could make it worth it.
Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF
I had the same problem when I used RG in that once I used another set I sat with way too much ArP, which led to me refining away a lvl 76 Lantern of Revelation. With CBI set I needed ArP again so I had to grab another LoR and lvl it up again...oh the joy. Also I changed up my neck, 2 rings and belt, plus the gear on my stone.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
how much recovery are u using? or whats ur rsi? u should be fine at around 50%. with that rsi sts and tw basically will be ready a split second after thety expire.... roa yeah, ull feel the difference there.
I think my Recovery rating is sitting at about the 1300-mark. However, I will be making changes to my gear set-up soon. I'm currently using the Ioun Stone of Radiance upgraded to blue, but since I finally got the Fallen Dragon Icon in VT this week, I will be switching back to Allure. I'll also be acquiring another Ancient Fugitive's neck to replace the belt slot that Radiance has. I was opposed to the defensive runestone slot that the ISoA has as well but didn't realise that an Eldritch Runestone worked for Ioun Stones so there's another change to make. Plus I'm contemplating just forking out the dosh to buy the Wisdom artifact belt for even more Recovery.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Hi Ikapamk,
Thanks for giving your guilds site
I already added your post on,
If you're register on our website please let me know, so we can give the proper author rights to you.
That way you can make any changes you wish to do to your post on there.
Nice spec. I have been running a very similar spec for a while. I am curious, if you are soloing, how do you begin a solo combat? What abilities are using to start a solo combat, and to finish a solo combat?
Rain of arrows really is your damage/lifesteal power. Whenever I'm soloing, I usually just drop it on myself to cover whoever is closing. The only mobs I really had a hard time beating were the IWD ones. You need a good armour pen stat and good amounts of power. Even then, it'll take a while to clear even the smallest HE.
(I've since changed to trapper just for the fun of it, but this build's still very viable. It did more damage than I currently do.)
Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF
Check out the Archer HR thread. Nothing much has changed for us this Mod besides Cordon of Arrows which is the new awesomesauce.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I like to spam electric shot or split shot for good measure.